View Full Version : Marrying and living in the Phils - Part two

keith britten
22nd March 2011, 21:20
Hi Folks, Looks like my previous tread got a bit out of hand so perhaps we can get back to the main topic, that is to help others like myself who are about to imbark on a totally new experience. When I first started the tread back in January I had a lot of unanswered questions about marrying a Filipina woman and eventually living with her in the Phils.

Thanks to the members here my questions were answered and I am very grateful for all the help I have received, thank you everyone. In 3 weeks time I will going to the Phils to meet my online girl friend of many months for the first time.

Over the past months I have got to know her and her family and I am looking forward to becoming part of her family in the future. I am going there with my eye's fully open and I think I know what to expect and what not to expect. The one thing that I do know is that my girl friend is not after my money because I have'nt any and she is quite aware of that, there are more things in life that bring happiness and hopefully we will find them together.

I will keep you all informed of the outcome on my return at the end of May. Once agin, thank you for all the help I have recieved from this site. ( For those who missed the previous thread, you can catch up by going to "Marrying and living in the Phils". Posts 1 - 30 are the revelent one's, after that it goes down hill.)


22nd March 2011, 21:25
What part of phils are you going to Keith?

22nd March 2011, 21:26
good luck to you keith! and i hope everything goes well..keep us updated. :D

keith britten
22nd March 2011, 21:32
Thanks Steve for the best wishes, I'll be in Bago-Oshiro, Davao City.

keith britten
22nd March 2011, 21:38
Thanks for the best wishes

22nd March 2011, 21:45
Enjoy, Relax, Good luck and Have a Happy wedding Keith!!!:):xxgrinning--00xx3:

22nd March 2011, 21:52
Good luck & best wishes:xxgrinning--00xx3:
Have a wonderful time:Wave:

22nd March 2011, 22:01
all the best Keith, enjoy you lucky man :xxgrinning--00xx3:

steve monty
22nd March 2011, 22:07
Congratulations Keith!! Have a great time out there, I'm sure you will love every minute!! All the best for the future! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

keith britten
22nd March 2011, 22:14
sars_notd_virus, thanks but your ahead of me, the wedding is not untill next year. steve monty, thank you, i'm sure I will. alanmf1, imagine, thanks to you.

22nd March 2011, 22:16
good luck to you keith! and i hope everything goes well..keep us updated. :D

Very kind of you dear :Erm:

22nd March 2011, 22:22
enjoy yourself keith,,,and we wish you all the happiness in the world,,:xxgrinning--00xx3:

keith britten
22nd March 2011, 22:45
Thanks keeperlit.

22nd March 2011, 22:55
Win2Win: Very kind of you dear :Erm:

Not you ya muppet! :D

22nd March 2011, 23:09
all the best for your trip, have a wonderful time. i will be going over to the philippines in may cant wait :D

keith britten
22nd March 2011, 23:19
Thanks mickey73, you have a great time as well.

22nd March 2011, 23:27
Thanks mickey73, you have a great time as well.

thanks keith, i get married there on the 28th of may :D:Jump:

23rd March 2011, 07:59
hi keith, congrats and wish you well.. Hope to meet you and your future here in davao.:)

23rd March 2011, 08:32
Have a safe journey keith. :xxgrinning--00xx3:
A wonderful holiday, memorable experiences and shining moments. :)

23rd March 2011, 08:35
Hi Keith,

Goodluck and hope you will have a fantastic time in the Philippines. If you are coming in May, get ready to beat the heat of the sun...:):):). Its summertime!

23rd March 2011, 09:09
All the best Keith!!

23rd March 2011, 18:48
I will be in Dabaw later in the year keith,I will pop in if your serving in the shop,I got your e-mail addie,enjoy the new chaper in life,be lucky:)

stevie c
23rd March 2011, 19:14
best wishes keith & best of luck with your future plans :xxgrinning--00xx3:

keith britten
23rd March 2011, 19:44
Thanks to everyone for your best wishes, I'm really looking forwrd to this new chapter in my life, all be it late. Mindanao, may bump into you in Davao, big city though! Tawi2, your welcome to pop round for a cuppa. Febmary, bring on the heat.

23rd March 2011, 20:12
wow lots of wishes to you both and your new family too keith , keep in touch with us if you find yourself passing a internet shop, and yes bring on the heat :xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3:

keith britten
19th May 2011, 12:40
Hi, Just returned from 5 absolutely fabulous weeks in the Phils and everything exceeded my expectations. I met my girl friend for the first time and everything we hoped for came true, we are now engaged and hope to marry next year. My plans to move out there are now on fast track. My fiance is the most loving, kind and caring person I have ever met and we bonded together instantly when she met me at the airport. We had 5 wonderful weeks together and there were tears all round when I left yesterday. Her family made me feel very welcome and I am now part of it. The next few months are going to be hard to bare being appart but our love for each other will see us through. Thank you to everyone on this site for your help and support but please stay because I'm sure that I will need more in the coming months.

19th May 2011, 13:57
Glad you had a great time, I have also come back from 5 weeks away, getting married and finding out I am going to be a dad. It's hard to come home always. But look foward to your next trip, lots of planning and anticipation.
Nice to know everything worked out for you Keith. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

19th May 2011, 14:15
glad you enjoyed your stay in the Ph with your fiance keith!!
best wishes!!

19th May 2011, 15:41
Glad you enjoyed your trip Keith,how did you find Davao?Hope that cuppa tea is still on offer because I will be popping in ;) Good luck with your future plans :)

19th May 2011, 16:05
Well done. It takes a lot of character and adaptability to do what you're doing. I spent 10 days in the province with my g/f recently and, whilst it was okay, I couldn't live there.

keith britten
20th May 2011, 06:01
Hi Manila_Paul, when you get to my age it's easy to adapt but my main motivation is love. I'm so lucky to have found my fiance, she is woman in a million and I will do anything to make her happy. I seem to be the opposite to you, I could'nt live in Manila or even Davao City but out in Bago-Oshiro it's so stress free all be it a bit primative to western standards but that I can cope with.

20th May 2011, 06:20
hi keith, sounds like a great time had, but you knew you would, at any age its down to how you want it to be and if your partner wants that too then life is great, myself and emma are planning and saving hard for our return to the phils, where we shall live who knows, but as long as we are happy and in love who cares , :xxgrinning--00xx3: