View Full Version : Bulgarian citizen works in UK (Lymington)

23rd March 2011, 13:39
hey guys.. im trix and im from Philippines... im seeking for an advise about visa thing...:Erm: i really dont know where to start... here's my story...
i have a fiancee.. he is working in UK as a chef, he is a Bulgarian citizen...we started as online lovers for 1 year and a half... we've met already just this month from march 5-22,2011.. and he proposed to marry me next year.. probably on january 2011....:)

my major concern is, he is working in Southampton UK, but he is a Bulgarian citizen...
i want to apply a visa in UK its either spousal or fiancee because we both want to work in the same place and start a family in UK.. please guys i need your help badly...
where should i start...?
what are the best options?

im looking forward for the replies..:)

23rd March 2011, 13:52
Zdraveĭte, kak ste ?

Easiest & cheapest solution is to get married in the Philippines, and get your husband to bring you into the UK via the EU dependent route.

23rd March 2011, 14:48
Zdraveĭte, kak ste ?

Easiest & cheapest solution is to get married in the Philippines, and get your husband to bring you into the UK via the EU dependent route.

Agreed :xxgrinning--00xx3:

23rd March 2011, 16:29
Just letting you know, your husband to be is able to apply for British citizenship after being in uk for 5 years.

You on the other hand will not be allowed that privilege.

You can be a Bulgarian citizen, never a British.

Good luck

23rd March 2011, 17:28
Special conditions apply to the "rights" of Bulgarians and Romanians to work in the UK - not sure if this would affect marriage


23rd March 2011, 17:35
The marriage won't be affected, its just the filipina won't be getting a British passport if and when the time arises.

23rd March 2011, 21:08
Just letting you know, your husband to be is able to apply for British citizenship after being in uk for 5 years.

You on the other hand will not be allowed that privilege.

You can be a Bulgarian citizen, never a British.

Good luck

Whether relevant or not to the question UKBA itself states it may be possible:-
If you are over 18 and have been living in the United Kingdom for the last five years (or three years if you are married to or a civil partner of a British citizen) you may be able to apply for naturalisation as a British citizen.

23rd March 2011, 22:00
Whether relevant or not to the question UKBA itself states it may be possible:-
If you are over 18 and have been living in the United Kingdom for the last five years (or three years if you are married to or a civil partner of a British citizen) you may be able to apply for naturalisation as a British citizen.


24th March 2011, 00:44
Whether relevant or not to the question UKBA itself states it may be possible:-
If you are over 18 and have been living in the United Kingdom for the last five years (or three years if you are married to or a civil partner of a British citizen) you may be able to apply for naturalisation as a British citizen.

My experience of this subject is actual, not copying and pasting from another website.:xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3:

Arthur Little
24th March 2011, 01:43
Hi, Trix ... :welcomex: Whilst :iagree: with what others have mentioned about marrying your Bulgarian boyfriend in the Philippines being the easiest and most cost-effective means of gaining entry clearance - as a lawfully-wedded couple - to the UK, via the EU dependent route, there seems to be some conflict of opinion as to whether or not *such circumstances would permit you yourself to eventually apply for British Citizenship.

Personally, I don't know the answer to *this ... so it's best I leave it to the others involved to "argue" it out between them - until someone comes up with the proper solution. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

24th March 2011, 05:21
My experience of this subject is actual, not copying and pasting from another website.:xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3:

gwapito paste me which rules or regs your experience is of, because my stepson, when he's been here another 4yrs will be applying for british citizenship :D, he would have been applying a lot sooner but went back to the phils for 2yrs..

gwapito who ever told you they couldn't are wrong, many people on workpermits (tier 1 or 2) can apply for citizenship after they've been here 5yrs. so their not even married to a european, so if they can, then anyone can :rolleyes:

gwapito this should explain it all to you..


24th March 2011, 15:04
Both of my (Fils) stepchildren have British passports now. :)

24th March 2011, 15:53
Joe, you are comparing yourself with the Bulgarian national :NoNo:

I know a filipina who married a Polish national, both are living and working here.

The filipina has been informed by the British embassy in London that she won't, as the law stands today, be able to apply for British citizenship, even though the Polish national will.

Its no odds to me either way, im just sharing what I actually know.

If im proved wrong then great.


Arthur Little
24th March 2011, 16:18
I know a filipina who married a Polish national, both are living and working here.

The filipina has been informed by the British embassy in London that she won't, as the law stands today, be able to apply for British citizenship, even though the Polish national will.


Hmm :rolleyes: ... so does that mean a [non-British] European's Filipino partner - whom he's brought to the UK - cannot ever apply for the same "right" - even though (in the interim) he's become a British Citizen?

24th March 2011, 16:39
Hmm :rolleyes: ... so does that mean a [non-British] European's Filipino partner - whom he's brought to the UK - cannot ever apply for the same "right" - even though (in the interim) he's become a British Citizen?

Apparently so Arthur.

Look, im just a messenger. :)

24th March 2011, 17:35
Come on guys.

It's hard enough for US to bring a Filipina here, let alone...well, whatever. :rolleyes:

24th March 2011, 17:47
Come on guys.

It's hard enough for US to bring a Filipina here, let alone...well, whatever. :rolleyes:

My thoughts are the same Graham

It's like getting it through default, the front door is closed so let's kick in the back door.:cwm23:

Yes, we have to watch our P's and Q's

24th March 2011, 21:09
gwapito maybe he or the embassy got it wrong, there is nothing stopping anyone who has permanent residency becoming a British Citizen :D

one his wife has been in the UK 5yrs she will have permanent residency, and then she can apply for citizenship.

24th March 2011, 22:08
gwapito maybe he or the embassy got it wrong, there is nothing stopping anyone who has permanent residency becoming a British Citizen :D

one his wife has been in the UK 5yrs she will have permanent residency, and then she can apply for citizenship.

The term ' singing from different hymn sheets' spring to mind :NoNo:

Im not disputing the fact the Eastern European can get a British passport after 5 years of doing whatever here.

What I am disputing is, the same does not apply to his non European wife.

Like I have already pointed out, im only the messenger. I personally don't give a toss either way, the truth be known.

As for the British Embassy getting it wrong, could be. I wouldn't bet my house on it though.

All what's needed is a filipina married to a European, living in the UK full time, who got her British passport on the strength of her husbands status here.

With the thousands of good people reading these posts, if it's how you say it works, Joe there must be someone out there to put the story to bed.

25th March 2011, 05:22
gawpito, if i Bulgarian can become a British citizen, so can a non European, because citizenship has nothing to do with EU laws, citizenship is controlled by each individual country in the EU.

gawpito I've been to my misses citizenship ceremony, there was people from all walks of life there to, and many non Europeans, so how are they able to apply :Erm: :D, at worse after 1yr of having PR you can apply for citizenship. the story is put to bed, you just keep turning the pages back :D, time to open a new book :xxgrinning--00xx3:

14th April 2011, 17:43
guyz, even you argued with this post, im so thankful to each one of you,..:) well, since the best option is to have a wedding here in Philippines, ill take it... thats really the first plan but just being postponed because of some visa issues.. some says its easy to apply for fiancee visa after getting all the intimacy proofs..hehe so probably, we gonna go back to the first plan and let the filipino culture savor my wedding..:Jump: i just dont know how long it will take to be with my fiancee in UK after the wedding through the EU dependent route... ohh guys, i really appreciate all your warm responses... more power to all of you..:) xoxo

14th April 2011, 18:46
very quickly and at no cost assuming your spouse is legaly resident with employment and accomodation suitable for you:xxgrinning--00xx3:

14th April 2011, 19:21
very quickly and at no cost assuming your spouse is legaly resident with employment and accomodation suitable for you:xxgrinning--00xx3:

I wouldn't worry about that Keith.
If the British authorities are happy to accept a child killing illegal asylum seeker permanent residency, why not a looker like trix.

Unless her husband to be, looks like Godzilla they are sure to have beautiful children, British children at that.

Go for it Trix. :D