View Full Version : Are these "Introduce Yourself" threads a waste of space ?

25th March 2011, 22:06
I've just seen one started 3 Feb - poster made her last of 5 posts on the same thread the next day 4 Feb yet bizarrely the thread is still going.

Maybe I'm missing something :laugher:

25th March 2011, 22:13
I also wonder how many people post once to introduce themselves and never post again. No rules stopping them from doing that though, it's a public forum and anyone can contribute unless a mod bans them for spamming or trolling.

Perhaps they are so busy reading the regular members threads and posts that they don't have time to post again:rolleyes:

25th March 2011, 22:30
As they say up North "there's nowt so queer as folk"

25th March 2011, 22:53
As they say up North "there's nowt so queer as folk"

and some are daft as a brush:laugher:

Arthur Little
26th March 2011, 00:10
Personally, I find Introductory Threads useful ... in that they can often help the Mods separate "the wheat from the chaff", and - as Ian says - identify a potential troll or :FlippieSpammer:

26th March 2011, 00:15
It also helps newbies feel welcome, which is the main point of it.

Arthur Little
26th March 2011, 00:21
It also helps newbies feel welcome, which is the main point of it.

Indeed they do ... imagine ME - of all people - :rolleyes: omitting to mention that all-important factor!

26th March 2011, 00:24
a good way to break the ice:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Arthur Little
26th March 2011, 00:28
So ... the short answer is: No ... :nono-1-1: ... they AREN'T a waste of space!

26th March 2011, 01:17
...and you can sus out any new wimmin ! :D

26th March 2011, 01:22
...and you can sus out any new wimmin ! :D

spot on:xxgrinning--00xx3:

26th March 2011, 01:31
The majority is for non waste of space at the moment

26th March 2011, 04:44
There are other waste of space threads though:rolleyes:

26th March 2011, 09:23
There are other waste of space threads though:rolleyes:

:doh :NoNo:

26th March 2011, 18:29
:doh :NoNo:


27th March 2011, 18:09
its not a waste of space...... i now have a filipina friend here in uk.....:Jump:

27th March 2011, 19:07
There you go. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

28th March 2011, 00:02
Also it's good when someone is talking about something in a thread, and you feel like your missing part of the story, you go back to their introduction to remind yourself.