View Full Version : green fingers in the phils...

28th March 2011, 18:01
hello every one... i wonder if any one has any expertise in growing english vegetables out in the phils... i.e. beetroots, leeks, rhubarb, savoy cabage, raddishes... all the things we take for granted here..if any one has had any success with growing anything id appreciate your knowledge.. :Jump:

28th March 2011, 19:07
hello every one... i wonder if any one has any expertise in growing english vegetables out in the phils... i.e. beetroots, leeks, rhubarb, savoy cabage, raddishes... all the things we take for granted here..if any one has had any success with growing anything id appreciate your knowledge.. :Jump:
You can find so many vegetables in Phils it will amaze you. You can find many that we have here as well as others.
On a personal note, I just harvested 8500kg of onions, enough to make your eyes water :bigcry:

28th March 2011, 19:13
On the 3rd floor on my house in Marikina City I have grown, Potatoes, Carrots, Onions,
Pumpkin (nearly took over the whole area :icon_lol:) and tomatoes. All were grown in bags. Not grow bags but the much bigger specialised bags. Everything was OK but I need to water/Shade/tend everyday , which is OK for me as I love to grow.
It can be done even in Manila, as steve says you might be very suprised.:rolleyes:

28th March 2011, 19:31
yeah i kno the veg scene steve, but im relating to the likes of beetroots n stuff... as for onions i dont like the small red ones takes ages to cut lol..my wife is a farmer there but she grows rice.. and im not sure which regions are good for certain things.. ie potatoes in the north are easy to grow but not in the visayas.. incidently im in miaga often

28th March 2011, 19:37
You can find so many vegetables in Phils it will amaze you. You can find many that we have here as well as others.
On a personal note, I just harvested 8500kg of onions, enough to make your eyes water :bigcry:

not sure if im posting my replies correctly here lol... yeah im familiar with the veg scene there as im there often steve.. but i was regarding the likes of beetroots n things.. my wife is a rice farmer in miagao but in different regions its more difficut to grow certain things.. ie leeks n white onions of a good size.. or a savoy cabbage :)

28th March 2011, 19:39
On the 3rd floor on my house in Marikina City I have grown, Potatoes, Carrots, Onions,
Pumpkin (nearly took over the whole area :icon_lol:) and tomatoes. All were grown in bags. Not grow bags but the much bigger specialised bags. Everything was OK but I need to water/Shade/tend everyday , which is OK for me as I love to grow.
It can be done even in Manila, as steve says you might be very suprised.:rolleyes:
have you tried beetroots or leeks or cabbages .. the things that u cant buy easily

28th March 2011, 19:44
I guess most stuff will grow if you have the time to tend them, I would take some seeds back with you next time to see which will tollerate the heat. :)

28th March 2011, 20:01
I guess most stuff will grow if you have the time to tend them, I would take some seeds back with you next time to see which will tollerate the heat. :)

yeahh ive bought lots today ... u never i met get luck with strawberries :Jump:

28th March 2011, 21:20
most of the English stuff doesnt grow well, tried it and gave up.

28th March 2011, 22:00
most of the English stuff doesnt grow well, tried it and gave up.

ouch, i kno toms n peppers chillis n aubergine are ok but ive not tried anything else as yet..

28th March 2011, 23:36
It's the heat and humidity that usually does them in, plus lots of pests that they have little resistance to.

In Baguio they grow all the European stuff ok because of the cool mountain climate.

I had success (outdoors) with plum tomatoes...went crazy and I was harvesting tens of kilos, the local 'batchoy' ...good substitute for spinach, plus a few potatoes. Also sweet corn and garlic, Okra, green beans, sweet potatoes, Eggplant (Aubergines) Ginger, Lemon Grass, those little incredibly hot chillie Peppers, and we were lucky enough to have three massive Avocado trees and a Mango tree. I reckon we had half a ton of Avocados off those trees, which the Mrs. sold in our shop. :)

I also used to sprout trays of millet, but that was for the 500 or so aviary birds I had.

2nd April 2011, 15:20
wow 500 birds bet that was a lovely sound to listen to as u sipped ur tea or drank ur beer lol... incidently ive tried every where in the phils to obtain a book on birds in the phils.. u got any ideas graham just a book on native birds is all im after ..

2nd April 2011, 15:28
Have you tried the National Book Store...big one like in Harrison Plaza, Manila ? Books are cheap in the Phils (but expensive in Hong Kong).

I take that sort of thing with me, and of course there's the internet. :)

I was breeding Finches, Budgies, etc for sale.

Also I bred rabbits, guinea pigs and hamsters.
Then there were the ducks for eggs and meat.


2nd April 2011, 15:45
i guess ill just search on the net for a book... did u have any kookaburras too

2nd April 2011, 15:48
Nope, no 'Laughing Jackasses'. :)

The locals seem to find it hard enough to keep Budgies alive :Erm:...and I didn't like 'returns'. :NoNo:

3rd April 2011, 04:23
Ive grown UK cucumbers from seed and they were fine except a far paler green then normal..
Ive grown cabbage and lettuce but they get stripped down by tiny worms and seem resistant to pesticide.. Next time I`ll try to use fine nets to cover them completely..
Ive grown loads of Brit tomatoes from seed but they tasted too bitter so now I only grow local varieties..
Tried to grow brit and US flowers from seed and some varieties are ok but only for one year..The seed they produce is useless for the following season..Ive sown a couple of kilos of grass seed from the U.S and didnt get even one blade of grass..:Help1:

3rd April 2011, 09:59
Yes, it would seem that when in Rome...etc. :)

If only decent baked beans could be grown there.:icon_lol:

8th April 2011, 21:09
may i ask ..wot was the best lettuces u grew..:) did u try beetroot too