View Full Version : Inveterate Insomniac

Arthur Little
29th March 2011, 05:33
I'm sure some of you must be wondering what the hell I am doing ... typing away [not so merrily] at such an ungodly hour! No ... I ain't on the night-shift. I went to bed before midnight (for a change! :icon_lol:) ... but try as I might - and I DID - I just couldn't sleep ... and lay in bed tossing and turning.

It's becoming a habit - a BAD habit - and one I dearly wish I could overcome. Whenever I DO manage to doze off :NEW5: for a few hours, I invariably waken up drenched in sweat ... something I've long-believed is normally more symptomatic among the "fairer" sex at a certain age. But I've aready GONE through the so-called male menopause ... it's been a while since my 'mid life crisis' - if, indeed, I ever had one!

So maybe it's to do with the fact that recent [further] blood sugar levels and glucose tolerance tests have finally confirmed that I am diabetic ... although I've yet to see a doctor - as thus far, consultations have all been with one or other of the Practice Nurses ... and usually a different one during each appointment. Also I find myself itching a lot at night - as well as visiting the loo :piss2: frequently - which doesn't exactly help matters.

Doc Alan
29th March 2011, 10:09
One of these topics is a "Health Issue" - diabetes, which is truly a universal disease, affecting around 240 million worldwide, so if the diagnosis is correct, you're not alone. Undoubtedly you need to see the doctor ( no disrespect to Practice Nurses, they play an essential role ).
Insomnia is rightly in this section, because it's also very common, but not necessarily serious. Indeed, worrying about it can make it worse! Sleeping tablets should not be taken without good reason - they can be addictive, cause daytime sleepiness, rebound insomnia on stopping, and may cause problems with driving or machine use.
It can be self-limiting ( jet lag, stress, shift work).
We need less sleep as we age.
Depression, grief and anxiety may cause insomnia.
Many drugs can cause it - caffeine, nicotine withdrawal, alcohol among others.
Pain, tinnitus, asthma, and other treatable conditions may contribute.
Here's the suggestions to help :-
* No daytime naps
* Don't go to bed until you feel sleepy
* Keep a room for sleep - don't eat or work in it
* Less caffeine, alcohol, nicotine, or late eating / exercise ( sexual activity is good, however )
* Music and relaxation should help
Obviously, all of these comments can't apply to every single member!

Arthur Little
29th March 2011, 13:39
* No daytime naps

... now therein lies "the rub" ... I frequently "drop-off" :NEW5: in an armchair after my evening meal and/or when watching a TV programme ... regardless of whether I find it interesting or not ...

* Don't go to bed until you feel sleepy

... yet I seldom feel sleepy when I am online; if anything, I become more wide-awake and alert because it seems to stimulate my brain cells.

* Keep a room for sleep - don't eat or work in it

Oh ... I/we do ... keep the bedroom for ... [cough] ... sleep. :) Sometimes, though - especially now the (dare I say?) milder Spring weather is upon us - I feel too hot ... and, as already mentioned, perspire profusely. Throughout the 17 years I lived on my own - being a 'fresh air fiend' - I habitually had the window open whilst I slept. But nowadays, I tend to keep it shut for Myrna's sake because Filipinos are accustomed to warmer temperatures.

* Less caffeine, alcohol, nicotine, or late eating / exercise

:iagree: ... Being a keen cyclist since the age of nine, I thought nothing of covering upwards of 20 miles on a regular daily basis for many, many years - a keep fit practice I continued until well-after I'd retired ... right into my 60s. But advancing deafness, has kinda put the scuppers on this great form of exercise for me - because Myrna fears (with considerable justification, it has to be said!) that my hearing difficulties render me vulnerable on today's busy roads. Resultedly, my weight has risen by almost 2 st. over the equivalent number of years ... and my collar size has gone from its normal 16 1/2" to an 18" ... although I still wouldn't consider myself as anything like fat for my 6ft. 1" height :nono-1-1: ... just that my most of my 36"-girth trousers feel tight at the waist! :cwm24:

(sexual activity is good, however)

Sexercise ... definitely! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

29th March 2011, 13:44
hi arthur sir
i was the same last night too didnt get off to sleep until around 3ish, noticed that you where on the forum when i was check too see what had been posted. often cant sleep but i often have to work nights. been doing the odd nightshift during the past 3 months. go back to just nightshift again this week.
take care arthur

Arthur Little
29th March 2011, 14:02
:68711_thanx:, so much Alan, for the handy health tips ... and for coming "to the rescue" once again on important medical issues as always. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

29th March 2011, 14:04
Try switching off the computer an hour before your planning to go to bed as it could be the electro magnetic radiation overstimulating your mind. Have you tried a radio next to the bed and set to switch off after 30 mins or so.

Stop worrying about your money and put it in a bank:icon_lol:

Arthur Little
29th March 2011, 14:13
hi arthur sir
i was the same last night too didnt get off to sleep until around 3ish, noticed that you where on the forum when i was check too see what had been posted. often cant sleep but i often have to work nights. been doing the odd nightshift during the past 3 months. go back to just nightshift again this week.
take care arthur

And thankyou also, Mike ... for taking the time to reply to a thread that has sadly, :bigcry: - albeit, hardly unexpectedly, I suppose :anerikke: - attracted little in the way of response in spite of being viewed no fewer than 61 times so far! :doh

Doc Alan
29th March 2011, 14:28
... a thread that has sadly, :bigcry: - albeit, hardly unexpectedly, I suppose :anerikke: - attracted little in the way of response...
I know the feeling Arthur ! Englishman's "Fukushima" thread no longer attracts responses - despite continuing worldwide concern - and my own posts ... maybe they were too long and sent members to sleep, while causing me insomnia :doh

29th March 2011, 14:40
And thankyou also, Mike ... for taking the time to reply to a thread that has sadly, :bigcry: - albeit, hardly unexpectedly, I suppose :anerikke: - attracted little in the way of response in spite of being viewed no fewer than 61 times so far! :doh

sure a lot of us will be sleepless due to the weather getting warmer. but strangely i slept far better when i was in the philippines than i do here. i seem to wake up alot during the night here. but in the philippines had a good nights sleep all the time.

29th March 2011, 14:53
One of these topics is a "Health Issue" - diabetes, which is truly a universal disease, affecting around 240 million worldwide, so if the diagnosis is correct, you're not alone. Undoubtedly you need to see the doctor ( no disrespect to Practice Nurses, they play an essential role ).
Insomnia is rightly in this section, because it's also very common, but not necessarily serious. Indeed, worrying about it can make it worse! Sleeping tablets should not be taken without good reason - they can be addictive, cause daytime sleepiness, rebound insomnia on stopping, and may cause problems with driving or machine use.
It can be self-limiting ( jet lag, stress, shift work).
We need less sleep as we age.
Depression, grief and anxiety may cause insomnia.
Many drugs can cause it - caffeine, nicotine withdrawal, alcohol among others.
Pain, tinnitus, asthma, and other treatable conditions may contribute.
Here's the suggestions to help :-
* No daytime naps
* Don't go to bed until you feel sleepy
* Keep a room for sleep - don't eat or work in it
* Less caffeine, alcohol, nicotine, or late eating / exercise ( sexual activity is good, however )
* Music and relaxation should help
Obviously, all of these comments can't apply to every single member!

I can vouch for the pain and Tinnitus. I struggle every night just to get to sleep. Last night I went to bed at midnight then woke up at 3 am, had to miss work today. BTW going to have a operation on my ear drum to close the rupture next month, though it wont stop the hissing and clicking.

Arthur Little
29th March 2011, 16:03
maybe they were too long and sent members to sleep, while causing me insomnia :doh

That's probably true in MY case, Alan ... but YOURS are always interesting and informative. As I've consistently maintained, we on the forum are exceptionally fortunate in having someone of your calibre as a trusted friend and mentor. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Arthur Little
29th March 2011, 16:15
Try switching off the computer an hour before your planning to go to bed as it could be the electro magnetic radiation overstimulating your mind. Have you tried a radio next to the bed and set to switch off after 30 mins or so.

Hmm :rolleyes: ... never thought of that, Pete. :NoNo: Could well be the root cause. And thanks for your tip about the radio ... with some soothing classical music as an added bonus, perhaps. ;)

Arthur Little
29th March 2011, 16:29
Stop worrying about your money and put it in a bank :icon_lol:

Money? ... what money? :REGamblMoney01HL1:

:laugher: ... the dross I have left after subsidising H.M. Government in visa fees, could easily fit into my sporan. :Kilt:

Arthur Little
29th March 2011, 16:38
sure a lot of us will be sleepless due to the weather getting warmer.

:iagree: ...

but strangely i slept far better when i was in the philippines than i do here. i seem to wake up alot during the night here. but in the philippines had a good nights sleep all the time.

... :gp: ... ME too, oddly enough!

Arthur Little
29th March 2011, 16:47
I can vouch for the pain and Tinnitus. I struggle every night just to get to sleep. Last night I went to bed at midnight then woke up at 3 am, had to miss work today. BTW going to have a operation on my ear drum to close the rupture next month, though it wont stop the hissing and clicking.

I'm fortunate in rarely suffering pain [touch wood!]. But having intermittently been bothered with tinnitus, I can empathise, Jim. Best of luck with the forthcoming ear surgery. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

29th March 2011, 19:15
I'm fortunate in rarely suffering pain [touch wood!]. But having intermittently been bothered with tinnitus, I can empathise, Jim. Best of luck with the forthcoming ear surgery. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Thanks Arthur. there is a small risk the surgeon can drill through the facial nerve, very small risk though.

29th March 2011, 19:25
Just print out Dedworth's posts and read them again and again.... you'll soon be asleep :D

30th March 2011, 00:48
Arthur et al, you have my sympathies as I too suffer from insomnia but my problem is staying asleep. I drop off to sleep very quickly but always seem to wake around 4am. :doh The stressful situation I find myself in with my brother has certainly contributed to this, along with losing a parent last year too and being the wrong age hasn't helped either but I do feel that habit has now crept in as well.

Although I try not to, I find that reading sometimes helps me to fall asleep again so I invariably log on to the forum in the wee small hours for a bit of light relief before snuggling down under the duvet again.

30th March 2011, 08:39
Hi Arthur, I do know what it is like to have sleep problems, but since I have had my puppy and now going for "walkies" every 2 or 3 hours, I sleep much better.

You could always go walkies with the wife, then the classical music in bed would after a little more exersize:do_it:
Ensure a better sleep.


1st April 2011, 02:26
I have this so called Insomnia Arthur:omg:
I can sleep at about 9-10pm or 12mn but at 2 3am I will wake up and never did come back to sleep again..I don't know if it is the result of a massive coffee during on my thesis time way back 2009..where at a day we consume 5 -8 glass of coffee:yikes:

Probably :do_it: won't apply then:Cuckoo: