View Full Version : Accounts!

29th March 2011, 10:37
Hi all,
My best friend just told me last night that her colleague is opening a US dollar account as she's going to see her sister in the US and she got my best friend one so she will be opening an account in the Phils during her vacation.
She's wondering if wouldn't be a good and strong evidence to have a US dollar account, aside from the dinar account she'll be opening too?
And would it be ok if i'll be opening an account in the Phils. and not here in Kuwait?
What does everyone think of this?
Thanks. :)

29th March 2011, 11:13
You can have as many accounts as you want...... it's what's in them that matters !
:doh :crazy:

What "strong evidence" ????? ...... I've got 3 bank accounts and sod-all in them. ???????????????????????????????????????

..... and (as mentioned SO many times before) a "track-record" needs to be shown of continuous (and regular) payments into the accounts.

And although I've read & re-read your original post numerous times I still don't understand "would it be ok if i'll be opening an account in the Phils. and not here in Kuwait?". You live in Worthing, so why would you consider opening an account in Kuwait ???. Additionally, if you want a Filipino bank account, get yourself along to PNB in London, and open it here.

29th March 2011, 12:51
Nick you live in Worthing ?

29th March 2011, 12:54
He must be in Kuwait.. but hails from Worthing ..:) If he plans on opening an account in Kuwait.

29th March 2011, 13:44
No problem opening dollar account, you will find that if its a US bank you will have to make a yearly declaration for US tax purposes. Same I would think with most other foreign banks, although some have a auto deduction or a withholding tax for any interest earned.

29th March 2011, 17:48
Nick you live in Worthing ?

No I live in Horsham :)

29th March 2011, 17:49
Thanks all for the replies. My best friend is in Kuwait and she's planning to visit here early next year on the family visit visa and so she needs a UK account.

30th March 2011, 09:03
OK, Horsham, not Worthing... I stand corrected.
But it's still West Sussex.... not Kuwait !
So why you want to open a bank account in Kuwait is still beyond me !

Someone on a family visit visa, or any type of visitors visa does NOT need a bank account in the country that they are visiting.
Where did you get this crazy notion from ?

If your "best friend" is concerned about carrying money, I suggest she brings travellers cheques.
Alternatively, she opens an account with a bank in Kuwait (Citibank, HSBC etc) that can provide her a card, which she can use in a British ATM, and will debit her account back in Kuwait.

30th March 2011, 11:31
Thanks Bluebird.
That's a great help. :)