View Full Version : speaking english

1st April 2011, 21:14
i was in my tax office today.. infront of me was a member from the eec... she couldnt speak a word of english.. so an interpreter was translating for her ( at a rate of 15 pounds per act) charged to the taxpayer... durring this this conversation i over heard that she had just arrived in the uk and she was seeking accomodation and a national insurance number under the eeu guide lines ... she was given all the assistance required and walked away smiling... then my number was called to the same assistant ..she asked my nat number then she sed oops mr ..... your tax is late...a fine will be imposed for been so late.... good day..... i think i wasimposed a lithuanian tax instantly ... :}

2nd April 2011, 10:24
I didnt know you could get accomodation at the tax office but im glad to know they will be collecting taxes from the Lady in question "every little helps":xxgrinning--00xx3:

2nd April 2011, 13:20
what accommodation ? council housing? just arrived in uk :icon_lol: no chance of that :laugher: she would be at the back of a very long queue :rolleyes:

2nd April 2011, 13:50
she was advised to go the the local job centre for advise regarding shared flat expences..

2nd April 2011, 14:35
cannot claim anything until they've been working here a year, thou i think it changes to 3 months in may..

as for getting a council house/flat she would have little chance unless she had kids and had no where to live..

2nd April 2011, 14:41
im really not aware of wot can and cannot be claimed.. but i think that if ur a eeu member and for instance your english i think u can still claim may be ur job seekers benefit in another eeu country say like holland..

2nd April 2011, 17:42
for 6 weeks

2nd April 2011, 18:05
thats a good idea if your working there and your work is terminated for some reason.. cheers kieth