View Full Version : that .... cameron .. and his side kicks

3rd April 2011, 21:48
cameron wake up bug taw no one likes you or the bloody lib dems... uve got no idea about politics or as much as been a father ... so hey dont send soldiers to a war u have no idea about... get a grip with life and respect our life too.

3rd April 2011, 21:53

That was a Party Political Broadcast on behalf of The Monster Raving Loony Party

3rd April 2011, 21:56
oops someone's woke up the ded :icon_lol:

3rd April 2011, 22:10
cmon they did the same with the falklands.. no ideaaaaaaaaaa

3rd April 2011, 23:11
Reminds me...must go and have a drink.:xxgrinning--00xx3::icon_lol:

Mate, they're all the same self-serving egotistical sponging parasites.
The ideology and any urge to be of service to their fellow man is soon knocked out of them, and then the addiction to the lifestyle takes over I'm sure. :)

- Only wish I'd taken the Young Conservatives more seriously than as a place for good pissups, parties and refined but loose young ladies....could have hooked up to the gravy train too. :doh

4th April 2011, 09:31
:Erm: I think Cameron is doing a good job sorting out Brown's decade long destruction of the economy, and I support Labour :doh

4th April 2011, 11:20
i think the demonstrations alone are telling us wot another bunch cowboys we have in power.

4th April 2011, 15:45

That was a Party Political Broadcast on behalf of The Monster Raving Loony Party


4th April 2011, 15:55
Well, we all have the answer come 5th May, on the referendem about voting reforms.

Granted it ain't perfect (AV), but it's a start.
... from little acorns grow might oaks.

If you are serious about changing the face of British politics .... then get yourself along to your polling station.

... and if you can't be bothered to vote, then you'll only get what you deserve. So don't go moaning later on.

Arthur ..... are you working as Presiding Officer ?

4th April 2011, 16:06
Well, we all have the answer come 5th May, on the referendem about voting reforms.

Granted it ain't perfect (AV), but it's a start.
... from little acorns grow might oaks.

If you are serious about changing the face of British politics .... then get yourself along to your polling station.

... and if you can't be bothered to vote, then you'll only get what you deserve. So don't go moaning later on.

Arthur ..... you Presiding Officer ?

yeahh i agree with you arthur.. would be nice tho to be told the truth by these politicians..

4th April 2011, 16:19
really dont believe this post ???? are u saying dont help lybians who are fighting to get rid of a tyrrant who helped kill us in our tubes and on buses. are you saying labour did not fu-k us up a dry .... for the last 10 + years ??? do u live in the real world????

4th April 2011, 17:05
i think the demonstrations alone are telling us wot another bunch cowboys we have in power.

Other than the rent a mob anarchists both demonstrations comprising of so called students and public sector "workers" who are sectional interests that see their cosy lives threatened. What about the poor old private sector taxpayer who's had to pay the bloated salaries of the overmanned public sector for years :yikes:

The bunch of cowboys who created the financial mess we are in were slung out last May, Millibore and his slippery cohorts who supported the demos know that if they were in power they would be making large cuts. Previous "Chancellor" Alistair Darling himself described the cuts he was planning as “deeper and tougher” than those of the Thatcher era. Have a look at this from the Daily Handwringer of one year ago http://www.guardian.co.uk/politics/2010/mar/25/alistair-darling-cut-deeper-margaret-thatcher

4th April 2011, 17:44
I completely agree with Dedworth:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Labour have nearly bankrupted this country, the same as they have every time they have been in power. I'm not saying the Tories are perfect, far from it in fact, but they are the best of a bad bunch and I trust them far more to sort out the mess Labour got us into.

If Labour were still in power we'd be heading in the same direction as Greece, Portugal, Ireland and Iceland:omg:

Arthur Little
4th April 2011, 17:51
Arthur ..... are you working as Presiding Officer ?

Yes ... I received my "conscription papers" again last week; the Referendum up here is being held on the same day as - and in conjunction with - the Scottish Parliamentary Elections. :rolleyes: And, true to their reputation, the "Jocks" :Kilt: like to get their money's worth - AND (in my case) their 196 lb pounds of flesh :xxaction-smiley-047 - in return for the 285 GBP Sterling [less tax] fee payable to myself and every other Presiding Officer north of Hadrian's Wall.

Ako Si Jamie
4th April 2011, 21:05
At the end of the day there all as bad as each other. All they care about is lining their own pockets or massaging their over inflated ego's.

4th April 2011, 21:17
Yes ... I received my "conscription papers" again last week; the Referendum up here is being held on the same day as - and in conjunction with - the Scottish Parliamentary Elections. :rolleyes: And, true to their reputation, the "Jocks" :Kilt: like to get their money's worth - AND (in my case) their 196 lb pounds of flesh :xxaction-smiley-047 - in return for the 285 GBP Sterling [less tax] fee payable to myself and every other Presiding Officer north of Hadrian's Wall.

I hope that you don't suffer the same fate as the Presiding officer during the elections in Blackadder 3...who accidentally cut off his head while shaving:omg:

4th April 2011, 22:38
really dont believe this post ???? are u saying dont help lybians who are fighting to get rid of a tyrrant who helped kill us in our tubes and on buses. are you saying labour did not fu-k us up a dry .... for the last 10 + years ??? do u live in the real world????
:olddude: excuse me sir... firstly why should my son fight for a known idiot .. why should we follow as another side kick to the americans... why did we fight in the falklands... how come the labour government detered that conflict many times.. why did the moo thatcher allow that conflict.. why was the ships log lost wen it sank the belgrano... killing many innocent people.. please just tell me why we fought a war wen it could of been prevented so many times like the labour government prevented..all thatcher had to do was send a detterent there... but nooo she was struggling in her votes... and it cost many lifes in her campaign to win back the stuppid voters... only facts as i see them ..i disagree with violence and war and i feel no need ever to support the americans in their greed for oil...

4th April 2011, 22:40
We fought in the Falklands to protect the British people on our own land :doh .... Thatcher didn't 'allow' the conflict .. the Argies started it :doh

We are not following the Americans into Libya .... we organised it ... the Yanks didn't want to get involved :doh

4th April 2011, 22:58

4th April 2011, 23:02
We fought in the Falklands to protect the British people on our own land :doh .... Thatcher didn't 'allow' the conflict .. the Argies started it :doh

We are not following the Americans into Libya .... we organised it ... the Yanks didn't want to get involved :doh
please explain why the labour government upon knowing of an argentinain invasion thru the british intelligence often sent a naval deterence to deter them from any source of conflict.... there was no need for that war in real terms..

4th April 2011, 23:15
please explain why the labour government upon knowing of an argentinain invasion thru the british intelligence often sent a naval deterence to deter them from any source of conflict.... there was no need for that war in real terms..

Well tell that to the Argies, they invaded our land :doh ..... regardless of who was in power in the UK, they would have invaded anyway due to the political enviroment in Argentina at the time. The Junta done it to gain public support at a time they were sinking .... but it dramatically backfired on them.

Please make sure you know your facts before coming out with incorrect statements :xxgrinning--00xx3:

4th April 2011, 23:19
really dont believe this post ???? are u saying dont help lybians who are fighting to get rid of a tyrrant who helped kill us in our tubes and on buses. are you saying labour did not fu-k us up a dry .... for the last 10 + years ??? do u live in the real world????
yes i live do live in the real world.. but as you kno in politics.. we are or was only trying to correct wot those people did durring the thatcher reign... and that will take more than ten years. infact it will never be corrected.. so continue to vote torie but i suggest u read the manifesto too.... next time you vote...:) oh well its only politics.. and as regards libya... leave them to it.. ill defend my own shores always.. :)

Arthur Little
4th April 2011, 23:39
:Erm: ... who was it sent our troops into Iraq to appease the whimsical and unfounded notion :idea: attributed to the then US President, *George W. Bush, that Saddam Hussein had access to Weapons of Mass Destruction? And followed this up by doing likewise in Afghanistan ...

... killing many innocent people ...

:rolleyes: ... none other than *his "side-kick" ... Labour Prime Minister, Tony Blair! :doh

4th April 2011, 23:57
:Erm: ... who was it sent our troops into Iraq to appease the whimsical and unfounded notion :idea: of the then US President, *George W. Bush, that Saddam Hussein had access to Weapons of Mass Destruction? And followed this up by doing likewise in Afghanistan ...

:rolleyes: ... none other than *his "side-kick" ... Labour Prime Minister, Tony Blair! :doh

i agree arthur, but even then we was led to believe he did have..

5th April 2011, 00:38

Tony Bliar. :)

Arthur Little
5th April 2011, 00:49

Tony Bliar. :) ...

... :iagree:!

5th April 2011, 08:07

Tony Bliar. :)

Or his full name :


5th April 2011, 08:38
Here Here

5th April 2011, 08:44
I completely agree with Dedworth:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Labour have nearly bankrupted this country, the same as they have every time they have been in power. I'm not saying the Tories are perfect, far from it in fact, but they are the best of a bad bunch and I trust them far more to sort out the mess Labour got us into.

If Labour were still in power we'd be heading in the same direction as Greece, Portugal, Ireland and Iceland:omg:

Lets be clear, liberal economic policy nearly bankrupted the country. In that respect, there was no fundamental change between 1997-2010. Labour brought in a few moderate reforms but the fundamentals weren't dealt with. As Thatcher said, New Labour was her greatest legacy. The Tories opposition to Labour during the 13 years amounted to saying Labour were regulating the banks too much, weren't privisating quickly enough etc. And as for the nonesense about public spending being the cause, the Tories supported the spending plans to the last. So yes, New Labour were crap but it would have been even worse under the Tories. The real opposition actually came from backbench Labour MPs. They actually asked the hard questions over things like Iraq while the ikes of Iain Duncan-Smith were urging Blair on!

5th April 2011, 17:10
yes i live do live in the real world.. but as you kno in politics.. we are or was only trying to correct wot those people did durring the thatcher reign... and that will take more than ten years. infact it will never be corrected.. so continue to vote torie but i suggest u read the manifesto too.... next time you vote...:) oh well its only politics.. and as regards libya... leave them to it.. ill defend my own shores always.. :)

Typical Socialist :laugher: - the Tories were last in Govt in 1997 yet you are still heaping blame on them - I can't think of any positive Labour acheivements during their subsequent 13 years in power and now Millipede is beholden to the Union brothers.

Benjamin Disraeli was Prime Minister in the 1870's no doubt you hold him responsible for the Zulu War - come to think of it we ought to issue an apology over that one, we said sorry for slavery :D

5th April 2011, 17:13
I blame Oliver Cromwell. :icon_lol:

5th April 2011, 17:31
I blame Oliver Cromwell. :icon_lol:

Don't blame him, he was one of the greatest men in British history

5th April 2011, 17:40
branno if we were all violence haters like you waving youre white flag and lets talk peace if not for us british and allies then we would all be speaking german. i love cowards like you to bits. we tried to appease hitler, mousilini, and many dictators since. people kill us here in our own country because we are westerners!!!! shall we all lie down for you and die without a fight? please think before you post this pethetic crap and remember no ooine prepared to protect and for us we would all be GERMAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

5th April 2011, 17:58
Typical Socialist :laugher: - the Tories were last in Govt in 1997 yet you are still heaping blame on them - I can't think of any positive Labour acheivements during their subsequent 13 years in power and now Millipede is beholden to the Union brothers.

Benjamin Disraeli was Prime Minister in the 1870's no doubt you hold him responsible for the Zulu War - come to think of it we ought to issue an apology over that one, we said sorry for slavery :D

wot was that zulu war over...? was it another poll tax... ? the way forward policy..!!

5th April 2011, 18:46
branno if we were all violence haters like you waving youre white flag and lets talk peace if not for us british and allies then we would all be speaking german. i love cowards like you to bits. we tried to appease hitler, mousilini, and many dictators since. people kill us here in our own country because we are westerners!!!! shall we all lie down for you and die without a fight? please think before you post this pethetic crap and remember no ooine prepared to protect and for us we would all be GERMAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

the russians invaded poland just before the germans did..we didnt declare war .. why... but wen the germans invaded we declared war with germany 2 days later.. pheww i get confused why .. was it humanitarian reasons.. i think not ..

5th April 2011, 19:07
come to think of it we ought to issue an apology over that one, we said sorry for slavery
I never accept the concept of inherited guilt,if thats the case the english on here owe ME an apology for the highland clearances:icon_lol:Not one of us is responsible for the actions of our ancestors,thats a fact.

5th April 2011, 19:15
I never accept the concept of inherited guilt,if thats the case the english on here owe ME an apology for the highland clearances:icon_lol:Not one of us is responsible for the actions of our ancestors,thats a fact.

will a wee dram make amends...:xxgrinning--00xx3:

5th April 2011, 19:17
will a wee dram make amends
It might if I wasnt teetotal,but a decent cup of tea will absolve all your ancestral sins in my eyes:icon_lol:

5th April 2011, 20:59
It might if I wasnt teetotal,but a decent cup of tea will absolve all your ancestral sins in my eyes:icon_lol:

make it a pot of tea then.. :xxgrinning--00xx3: and may be some cream cakes too :icon_lol:

6th April 2011, 13:41
Branno ……”the russians invaded poland just before the germans did”

I think you’ll find (if you bother to read or research) that the Germans invaded on 1st Sept 1939, and pursuant to the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, Poland was attacked by the Soviet Union on the 17th September 1939.

I’ll read & review the rest of your rants as/when I’ve the time and/or the inclination.

6th April 2011, 16:04
Germany did indeed invade Poland. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Invasion_of_Poland.
so it was Browns fault :rolleyes:

6th April 2011, 16:18
so it was Browns fault :rolleyes:

What a :Cuckoo: .... it was definitely George Washingtons fault :xxgrinning--00xx3:

6th April 2011, 19:50
Germany did indeed invade Poland. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Invasion_of_Poland.
so it was Browns fault :rolleyes:

but russia still invade poland and committed terrible war crimes.. but nothing was done.. im just wondering why..

6th April 2011, 20:00
We committed quite a few ourselves.

How far back do you want to go ? :)

Survival of the fittest will always prevail once the thin veneer of 'civilisation' is stripped away.

That's life I'm afraid, has been for millions of years, and will continue on in that way long after we've gone.

The best we can do is to be kind and considerate to all we meet....but also be on our guard.

6th April 2011, 21:04
The genocide we comitted during the Crusades still holds dark memories in the Middle East.

6th April 2011, 22:20
The genocide we comitted during the Crusades still holds dark memories in the Middle East.

theres a lot of dark forces there even now... i hope its not "blood for oil" forces ..

6th April 2011, 23:40
Cameron announced yesterday that over £600 million in aid, out of our taxes, will be going to help set up schools and other projects in Pakistan.

Meanwhile also on the news there was a report about the 1,000s of UK citizens who are having to suffer months or years of constant arthritic pain because of the NHS waiting lists.

We are going to pay benefits to Romanians.

We are funding free advice for 'bogus' asylum seekers and other assorted illegals, and also supplying them with free food and accommodation.

Something is very wrong in our society. :NoNo:

7th April 2011, 00:23
Arthritic pain is manageable and isn't life threatening so no rush, it's just a quality of life thing. I need a few joints replacing but I'll put them off till they pack in altogether, and I seize up like a rusty Robocop :)

7th April 2011, 01:36
i think the demonstrations alone are telling us wot another bunch cowboys we have in power.

On the contrary Those so called protest marches demonstrate what a spoilt bunch of privileged brats they really are.

Margaret Thatcher did a marvellous job with The Falklands and with Northern Ireland apart from letting those two cowardly bombers Adams and that curly headed .... literally get away with murder.

The present Conservative government, like it as been said before on this thread, are doing a good job cleaning up the previous administrations mess

7th April 2011, 07:06
How much is Cameron giving Pakistan:Erm: £650 million?He is cutting UK services to the bone with one hand but splashing the cash to pakistan as an apology for our imperialist past:censored:Dont apologise for me mate,what a :censored: parts of pakistan are still in the stone ages(some of baluchistan and parts of the north)so a new school here or there isnt going to make a ha'pporth of difference,invest in UK schools instead:crazy:I was delusional enough to think the Con'servatives would make a difference,now I am giving serious thought to retiring early in spain:olddude:

7th April 2011, 09:01
£650M is only a drop in the ocean compared with the £Billions that Labour wasted in Iraq, and on top of that they poured £Millions into Pakistan, India, etc themselves.

7th April 2011, 10:47
capitalism, communism and oil... three causes of combustion... :)

7th April 2011, 10:53
On the contrary Those so called protest marches demonstrate what a spoilt bunch of privileged brats they really are.

Margaret Thatcher did a marvellous job with The Falklands and with Northern Ireland apart from letting those two cowardly bombers Adams and that curly headed .... literally get away with murder.

The present Conservative government, like it as been said before on this thread, are doing a good job cleaning up the previous administrations mess

all im saying is that if thatcher had of sent a a few boats there upon knowing of the invasion, this could of been avoided..

7th April 2011, 13:36
Throughout 1990, Thatcher's popularity — and that of the Conservative government — waned considerably. Whereas in 1987 Thatcher had presided over an economic boom, by 1989-90 interest rates had to be hiked to 15% to cool inflation which was now in double digits - and by late 1990 the economy was in recession. The introduction of the deeply unpopular Community Charge (labelled 'Poll Tax') had been greeted with widespread non-payment and even a riot in Trafalgar Square in April 1990. Labour held a lead in most of the opinion polls since mid 1989 and at the height of the Poll tax controversy, one opinion poll had shown Labour support in excess of 50% with a lead of more than 20 points over the Tories.

the Tories :censored: in the 90's. Labour inherited the Tories shamble of a gov. 15% interest rates, recession. yes i remember the IRON COW. Thatcher.

7th April 2011, 13:55
The present Conservative government

Coalition. The Tories haven't won an election in nearly 20 years and if they couldn't beat that the last Labour shambles, then you have to seriously doubt they'll ever win another one.

7th April 2011, 13:58
In 1979 when Thatcher took over from Labour, interest rate was around 14%.

7th April 2011, 14:07
In 1979 when Thatcher took over from Labour, interest rate was around 14%.

and when she was ousted interest rates 15 % didn't she do well :rolleyes:

7th April 2011, 14:31
and when she was ousted interest rates 15 % didn't she do well :rolleyes:

As far as I can see from the stats, after a relatively long period of low inflation after the war, it first got out of control under the Heath/Barbour government in the early 70s. It hit 27% at one point! :yikes: No wonder the unions were recommending strike action to their members! And no wonder when Heath asked 'who governs' the electorate said 'well, not you mate... on your bike!'. Then after a period of struggling with it, Labour got it under control again by the late 70s before it galloped off again under Thatcher. To be fair to her, the stats show it then falling but it was increasing by the time she left office in 1990: http://www.statistics.gov.uk/STATBASE/tsdataset.asp?vlnk=229&More=N&All=Y

To me, I really don't see where the Tories rep for economic competence comes from. I would say it is more to do with the fact that they've been lucky enough not to be in power during the major global economic crisis of the last 30-40 years. And when they have been in power during the good times, they truly haven't fixed the leaking roof. Our infrasture is in a bad way. It is embarrassing to compare with places like Germany or Norway. Far too much was squandered on tax cuts for the super rich when those tax revenues could have been used to invest in the future of our country.

7th April 2011, 14:37
Cameron announced yesterday that over £600 million in aid, out of our taxes, will be going to help set up schools and other projects in Pakistan.

Meanwhile also on the news there was a report about the 1,000s of UK citizens who are having to suffer months or years of constant arthritic pain because of the NHS waiting lists.

We are going to pay benefits to Romanians.

We are funding free advice for 'bogus' asylum seekers and other assorted illegals, and also supplying them with free food and accommodation.

Something is very wrong in our society. :NoNo:

I read that .............:cwm23:pathetic - he's obviously sucking up to the handwringing Liberals in the Govt

7th April 2011, 15:05
I read that .............:cwm23:pathetic - he's obviously sucking up to the handwringing Liberals in the Govt

Cammorone needed the said handwringing libs to make up the coalition. Not a chance getting in the next elections. LABOUR next elected government :action-smiley-081:

7th April 2011, 15:58
Reference some of the 1970/80/90's Yah Booing posts above. I think we need a history lesson here - in 1976 the country was on the verge of bankrupcy and the then Labour Govt made application to the IMF for the biggest ever bailout they'd been asked for $4 billion. It was only because of North Sea Oil revenues kicking in over the next couple of years that not all the loan was taken up. There then followed the Winter of Discontent fuelled by Labour/IMF Public Sector pay freezes and cuts.

7th April 2011, 17:17
Coalition. The Tories haven't won an election in nearly 20 years and if they couldn't beat that the last Labour shambles, then you have to seriously doubt they'll ever win another one.

The Tories WON the election, they decided to enter into a coalition :doh

7th April 2011, 18:59
As far as I can see from the stats, after a relatively long period of low inflation after the war, it first got out of control under the Heath/Barbour government in the early 70s. It hit 27% at one point! :yikes: No wonder the unions were recommending strike action to their members! And no wonder when Heath asked 'who governs' the electorate said 'well, not you mate... on your bike!'. Then after a period of struggling with it, Labour got it under control again by the late 70s before it galloped off again under Thatcher. To be fair to her, the stats show it then falling but it was increasing by the time she left office in 1990: http://www.statistics.gov.uk/STATBASE/tsdataset.asp?vlnk=229&More=N&All=Y

To me, I really don't see where the Tories rep for economic competence comes from. I would say it is more to do with the fact that they've been lucky enough not to be in power during the major global economic crisis of the last 30-40 years. And when they have been in power during the good times, they truly haven't fixed the leaking roof. Our infrasture is in a bad way. It is embarrassing to compare with places like Germany or Norway. Far too much was squandered on tax cuts for the super rich when those tax revenues could have been used to invest in the future of our country.

It's not just a matter of inflation though is it ?
How much is and was the country left in debt by preceding govts. ?

Both Callaghan and Bliar left the Tories a right mess to clear up.


Believe me, I remember very well what life was like back then, and how things have changed since.

Poll tax for instance:

As a single person using minimal services I was all for it.
Why should I pay for everyone else ? I already paid higher taxes at that time.

The current system was designed to encourage breeding, dependence and irresponsibility, to facilitate divorce and single parenthood, and no longer to recognise the stability of marriage....hence how society has ended up today. :rolleyes:

7th April 2011, 20:48
Very well put Graham and Dedworth:xxgrinning--00xx3:

7th April 2011, 21:21
It's not just a matter of inflation though is it ?
How much is and was the country left in debt by preceding govts. ?

Both Callaghan and Bliar left the Tories a right mess to clear up.


Believe me, I remember very well what life was like back then, and how things have changed since.

Poll tax for instance:

As a single person using minimal services I was all for it.
Why should I pay for everyone else ? I already paid higher taxes at that time.

The current system was designed to encourage breeding, dependence and irresponsibility, to facilitate divorce and single parenthood, and no longer to recognise the stability of marriage....hence how society has ended up today. :rolleyes:
I wonder how many of us experienced living through the 3 day working week?
I wonder how many of us experienced living through the power cuts? (black outs)

Those were very dark days, believe me.

The unions of that era brought the country to its knees.

We have hard times now granted. It's nothing like it was back in the mid seventies.

7th April 2011, 21:31
Those were very dark days, believe me.

The unions of that era brought the country to its knees.

We have hard times now granted. It's nothing like it was back in the mid seventies.

The ultra militant Union bosses did more to destroy British manufacturing than any thing any Political leaders or CEO's with a big cost cutting axe could have done. BL, Ford and Vauxhall were crippled by strikes and poor workmanship, it's no wonder that Ford and GM moved some of their manufacturing at the time to Germany, The Netherlands and Belgium - not because it was cheaper, but because the job would get done without strike interference and would be done to a higher standard. British motor manufacturing was once the envy of the world, but in the 70's it became a laughing stock and gave the Japanese a clear run to dominate the British market with their well built cars.

7th April 2011, 21:52

The current system was designed to encourage breeding, dependence and irresponsibility, to facilitate divorce and single parenthood, and no longer to recognise the stability of marriage....hence how society has ended up today. :rolleyes:

an excellent perception and totally correct in my opinion. Says it all really.

7th April 2011, 22:14
The ultra militant Union bosses did more to destroy British manufacturing than any thing any Political leaders or CEO's with a big cost cutting axe could have done. BL, Ford and Vauxhall were crippled by strikes and poor workmanship, it's no wonder that Ford and GM moved some of their manufacturing at the time to Germany, The Netherlands and Belgium - not because it was cheaper, but because the job would get done without strike interference and would be done to a higher standard. British motor manufacturing was once the envy of the world, but in the 70's it became a laughing stock and gave the Japanese a clear run to dominate the British market with their well built cars.

The political leaders at the time, labour could done what Thatcher did. Drop the axe on them.

The buck stops with the government of the day.

7th April 2011, 22:40
I wonder how many of us experienced living through the 3 day working week?
I wonder how many of us experienced living through the power cuts? (black outs)

Those were very dark days, believe me.

The unions of that era brought the country to its knees.

We have hard times now granted. It's nothing like it was back in the mid seventies.

It weren't the unions, they just wanted a fair days pay for a honest days work. Ted teeth then thatcher decimated the trade, then destroyed what was left of the working mans life. Yes I remember the 3 day and all the strikes. WHAT A :censored: GOVERNMENT THAT WAS :cwm23:

7th April 2011, 22:52
all i say is ... vote labour and vote for a better England :icon_lol:... i blame archer... :icon_lol:

7th April 2011, 23:05
'Honest days work' ?

Hahahahaahaaha !

My friend I have worked continental shifts on the factory floor and on construction sites doing manual work, worked for the govt, as a sales rep and manager for half a dozen blue chip companies, run my own shop, and also had many years of self-employment.

Believe me, a lot of those lazy devils at BL, etc needed sacking, because they (and a lot of other people in this country) had no idea what an 'honest days work' was.

The unions spread the disease of 35% pay demands because they were jealous of people with brains and application, and in doing so came near to ruining this country.

Meanwhile in Germany and Japan they were buckling down to work and earning what was put into their pay packets by actually producing what the management asked of them, instead of whinging and whining about what the man next door got.

Yes I was there when we had the 3 day week, AND the postal and power strikes, AND the dustmen strike, AND all the other strikes.

I was busy working, and grateful to have a job and a comparatively easy life in a 1st world country.

If it had been left to the union leaders we'd have gone communist.
What good did that do the Eastern Bloc ?

....and WHAT is a working man ? :Erm:

7th April 2011, 23:23
'Honest days work' ?

Hahahahaahaaha !

My friend I have worked continental shifts on the factory floor and on construction sites doing manual work, worked for the govt, as a sales rep and manager for half a dozen blue chip companies, run my own shop, and also had many years of self-employment.

Believe me, a lot of those lazy devils at BL, etc needed sacking, because they (and a lot of other people in this country) had no idea what an 'honest days work' was.

The unions spread the disease of 35% pay demands because they were jealous of people with brains and application, and in doing so came near to ruining this country.

Meanwhile in Germany and Japan they were buckling down to work and earning what was put into their pay packets by actually producing what the management asked of them, instead of whinging and whining about what the man next door got.

Yes I was there when we had the 3 day week, AND the postal and power strikes, AND the dustmen strike, AND all the other strikes.

I was busy working, and grateful to have a job and a comparatively easy life in a 1st world country.

If it had been left to the union leaders we'd have gone communist.
What good did that do the Eastern Bloc ?

....and WHAT is a working man ? :Erm:

Y oujust described 'him' Graham. Im proud to be one of those types:)

7th April 2011, 23:25
all i say is ... vote labour and vote for a better England :icon_lol:... i blame archer... :icon_lol:
archer was too busy having sex on car park floors.
C lassyguy ah

7th April 2011, 23:31
I'm sure you are mate. ...hard-working I mean. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Me, just a grumpy old man now by the looks of it. :D

7th April 2011, 23:32
thatcher and pinochet.. phewww ... lets test chile see how they react... then we can cope with the working class in england.. if it goes wrong we will give the police a wage rise to support us... sod the nurses and and army.. :hubbahubba:

Arthur Little
7th April 2011, 23:32
all i say is ... vote labour and vote for a better England :icon_lol:

Hmm, Rob ... "there's none so blind as those who can't - or won't - see"! :action-smiley-060: Think you'd do well to change that avatar of yours.

7th April 2011, 23:34
I'm sure you are mate. ...hard-working I mean. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Me, just a grumpy old man now by the looks of it. :D

nahhh we all just dont agree with politics .. but i wont argue over religion ha ha

7th April 2011, 23:44

10 hour shifts in 35C and no aircon:


Then over 2 hours travel each way to 'home sweet home'.... dormitory shared with 6 people. :cwm3:

That was one of my easier construction jobs.



7th April 2011, 23:54
Hmm, Rob ... "there's none so blind as those who can't - or won't - see"! :action-smiley-060: Think you'd do well to change that avatar of yours.

i have changed it.. :icon_lol: how many more times can i change it ..:)..

8th April 2011, 00:03
archer was too busy having sex on car park floors.
C lassyguy ah

he had it all...the art collection,country residence, fragrant wife,and a lovely skeleton in his cupboard..oops and insulated rubber... and embittered friends... oh dear me ... sir geofry how cud you... :doh :Sex: :Sex: :Sex:

Arthur Little
8th April 2011, 00:14
i have changed it.. :icon_lol: how many more times can i change it ..:)..

:anerikke: ... it's just that somehow the present one seems to reflect your political leanings.

Arthur Little
8th April 2011, 00:22
he had it all ... oh dear me ... sir geofry how cud you... :doh :Sex: :Sex: :Sex:

Methinks you'll find the errant Sir Jeffrey was more favourably disposed towards :do_it: ... as opposed to :Sex:

8th April 2011, 00:32
:anerikke: ... it's just that somehow the present one seems to reflect your political leanings.

at the moment im leaning against a wall, trying to catch my breath.. and preppare for the horrors this government is going to inflict upon us...:yikes: another hundred yrs of hardship... in such a short term ...:icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol:

8th April 2011, 00:46
I still saw the remains of the bad old days of rigid demarcation in 1984 when I was a new graduate start at what was then Austin Rover at Longbridge. I had used a "ferry car" to go to a meeting in the old East works. When coming out I noticed a pallet with some components was directly in the way of me reversing the car out to return to my office. There was a forklift nearby and as I had just finished summer work at an ice cream factory in Aberdeen and had a current FLT liscence I just got in and moved it. A driver then appeared and told me that there would have to be an inquiry as to why a non unionised white collar worker dove the truck and there may have to be a protest about it resulting in a withdrawal of labour:yikes::yikes::yikes:

I though the was winding up the new graduate and politely told him to go and screw himself and drove off.

i was brought to my boss later that day and told to aplogise to the driver. What the F@CK!!!!

8th April 2011, 00:50
I still saw the remains of the bad old days of rigid demarcation in 1984 when I was a new graduate start at what was then Austin Rover at Longbridge. I had used a "ferry car" to go to a meeting in the old East works. When coming out I noticed a pallet with some components was directly in the way of me reversing the car out to return to my office. There was a forklift nearby and as I had just finished summer work at an ice cream factory in Aberdeen and had a current FLT liscence I just got in and moved it. A driver then appeared and told me that there would have to be an inquiry as to why a non unionised white collar worker dove the truck and there may have to be a protest about it resulting in a withdrawal of labour:yikes::yikes::yikes:

I though the was winding up the new graduate and politely told him to go and screw himself and drove off.

i was brought to my boss later that day and told to aplogise to the driver. What the F@CK!!!!

i some how think that david slimey blaberon cameron wouldnt appreciate you doing his job either..do you :icon_lol:..

8th April 2011, 00:52
I'm sure you are mate. ...hard-working I mean. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Me, just a grumpy old man now by the looks of it. :D

You need a nice young woman :) you won't be feeling old and grumpy then :)

I felt older when I turn't 40 ! That was 10 years ago.

8th April 2011, 00:54
I still saw the remains of the bad old days of rigid demarcation in 1984 when I was a new graduate start at what was then Austin Rover at Longbridge. I had used a "ferry car" to go to a meeting in the old East works. When coming out I noticed a pallet with some components was directly in the way of me reversing the car out to return to my office. There was a forklift nearby and as I had just finished summer work at an ice cream factory in Aberdeen and had a current FLT liscence I just got in and moved it. A driver then appeared and told me that there would have to be an inquiry as to why a non unionised white collar worker dove the truck and there may have to be a protest about it resulting in a withdrawal of labour:yikes::yikes::yikes:

I though the was winding up the new graduate and politely told him to go and screw himself and drove off.

i was brought to my boss later that day and told to aplogise to the driver. What the F@CK!!!!

Is it any surprise that shower ended up in the dustbin ? Who took it on BAe, BMW, Some Spivs milking Govt Grants then the Chinkies nipped in bought the remnants for a song grabbed the tooling for a pittance and pissed off

8th April 2011, 01:00
Actually the current owner of the MG brand SAIC is investing at what is left there at Longbridge and slowly recruiting again,... in fact having spent several years working in China out of Hong Kong and having Chinese language skills I was recently approached about WORKING THERE AGAIN. How freaky is that 24 years after leaving there!!!! :yikes::yikes:

8th April 2011, 01:03
Actually the current owner of the MG brand SAIC is investing at what is left there at Longbridge and slowly recruiting again,... in fact having spent several years working in China out of Hong Kong and having Chinese language skills I was recently approached about WORKING THERE AGAIN. How freaky is that 24 years after leaving there!!!! :yikes::yikes:

I hope it works out for the slowly recruited ones and they don't follow the self destruct attitude of theier predecessors

8th April 2011, 01:10
Actually the current owner of the MG brand SAIC is investing at what is left there at Longbridge and slowly recruiting again,... in fact having spent several years working in China out of Hong Kong and having Chinese language skills I was recently approached about WORKING THERE AGAIN. How freaky is that 24 years after leaving there!!!! :yikes::yikes:

just a sweet word of advice... please dont ever touch my tools... even if its only to open those sticky mg doors..:NoNo:

8th April 2011, 01:10
I hope so to, I got a brick from the demolition of the old Purchasing block they knocked down about 2 years ago, I go running at Lickey Hills country park just above what was the old plant. I never thought I may work there again sometime

8th April 2011, 01:32
just a sweet word of advice... please dont ever touch my tools... even if its only to open those sticky mg doors..:NoNo:

SAIC inherited the tooling, if it does not function very well then perhaps that should be brought up with those who built/used them before.. yourself perhaps!!!:NoNo::NoNo:

8th April 2011, 02:44
The Tories WON the election, they decided to enter into a coalition :doh

:doh Cameron himself said they didn't win! As was also conceded by loads of senior Tories. Being the biggest party clearly does not equal victory under our system. You need a majority to win. I have heard this described as the Tories not 'winning outright' but that doesn't make any sense - as there is nothing short of a majority that is victory under our system. You may as well say the Lib-Dems didn't 'win outright'.

8th April 2011, 03:18
I had a neighbour who bought 2 new allegro's on the trot. She bought them out of loyalty to the country.

T hecar was utter crap. I remember her having to mount a curb then the windscreen popped out! This happened on the first one. Still she stayed loyal and kept her garage busy:icon_lol:

8th April 2011, 03:48
I still saw the remains of the bad old days of rigid demarcation in 1984 when I was a new graduate start at what was then Austin Rover at Longbridge. I had used a "ferry car" to go to a meeting in the old East works. When coming out I noticed a pallet with some components was directly in the way of me reversing the car out to return to my office. There was a forklift nearby and as I had just finished summer work at an ice cream factory in Aberdeen and had a current FLT liscence I just got in and moved it. A driver then appeared and told me that there would have to be an inquiry as to why a non unionised white collar worker dove the truck and there may have to be a protest about it resulting in a withdrawal of labour:yikes::yikes::yikes:

I though the was winding up the new graduate and politely told him to go and screw himself and drove off.

i was brought to my boss later that day and told to aplogise to the driver. What the F@CK!!!!

Haha that made me laugh. That story reminded me of that carry on film about the toilet factory. That was a send up of the unions.

D idn't Red Robo and co go cause havoc in the land of oz?
I msure the families of these goons are still living off the misery they caused us Brits:NoNo:

8th April 2011, 07:36
It's not just a matter of inflation though is it ?
How much is and was the country left in debt by preceding govts. ?

Both Callaghan and Bliar left the Tories a right mess to clear up.


You would have a point if we were the only country to go into debt over this period but it was a global crisis for all those countries which had mistakenly hitched their horses to the finance capital wagon. George Bush and his 'free market' Republican loonies ended up having to nationalise a large percentage of the US banking sector. The Tories would have had to do much the same. Except, it would have been an even bigger debt under them as they were pushing for further deregulation and for more power to the city. New Labour were crap, no doubt about it. But the Tories over 13 years backed them all the way on all the key issues and were urging them to go further.

8th April 2011, 08:28
:hijacked: :icon_lol:

8th April 2011, 08:46
:doh Cameron himself said they didn't win! As was also conceded by loads of senior Tories. Being the biggest party clearly does not equal victory under our system. You need a majority to win. I have heard this described as the Tories not 'winning outright' but that doesn't make any sense - as there is nothing short of a majority that is victory under our system. You may as well say the Lib-Dems didn't 'win outright'.

:doh If you get the most votes you WIN it's that simple http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/shared/election2010/results/, they could have run the government themselves, but DECIDED to form a coalition so they had a majority, they did not have to do that. You need a MAJORITY to be able to control parliament, not to WN. :doh

8th April 2011, 10:34
:doh If you get the most votes you WIN it's that simple http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/shared/election2010/results/, they could have run the government themselves, but DECIDED to form a coalition so they had a majority, they did not have to do that. You need a MAJORITY to be able to control parliament, not to WN. :doh

So let me get this straight: if the Lib-Dems had instead ended up doing a deal with Labour and the Welsh/Scots Nationalists, therefore keeping the Tories in opposition, the Tories would still have won because they won the most seats? Righto. :icon_lol: And what would that 'win' have then counted for exactly? Sweet FA, I would have thought.

No, they couldn't have just gone on and 'run the government themselves' on the basis of winning the most seats. The government get the option to continue as a minority one first. Hence why Brown stayed on as PM for a couple of weeks and was under no obligation to resign until someone else could command a majority. If the Tories had won then Brown would have had to resign straight away as he couldn't command a majority anymore.

Anyway, I'm quite happy to qualify the statement as it amounts to exactly the same thing: the Tories haven't won a outright majority in an election for nearly 20 years.

8th April 2011, 10:41
So let me get this straight.

:doh :doh :doh You made the point that the Tories hadn't WON an election, whereas they won the last one. Party with the most votes WINS, simple as that. Now you've changed the argument to one of forming a government, which is a different subject :doh:doh:doh

8th April 2011, 10:51
:doh If you get the most votes you WIN it's that simple http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/shared/election2010/results/, they could have run the government themselves, but DECIDED to form a coalition so they had a majority, they did not have to do that. You need a MAJORITY to be able to control parliament, not to WN. :doh

Doh. Double post.

8th April 2011, 11:10
:doh :doh :doh You made the point that the Tories hadn't WON an election, whereas they won the last one. Party with the most votes WINS, simple as that. Now you've changed the argument to one of forming a government, which is a different subject :doh:doh:doh

Why assume 'didn't win' is automatically the same as 'didn't win the most seats'? I just said 'didn't win'. Clearly what I meant was 'didn't win a majority'. I would think most people would take 'didn't win' this way, for the reasons already given. You can hardly ignore the fact that if you haven't got a majority, someone else can form a government.

A quick look at the Tory press on the result:

Cameron didn't win because he was scared of sounding too Tory -

Why the Tories didn't win - http://www.spectator.co.uk/coffeehouse/6378888/why-the-tories-didnt-win.thtml

So the Daily Mail and Spectator say the Tories 'didn't win'. That is good enough for me! :icon_lol:

8th April 2011, 11:21
Why assume 'didn't win' is automatically the same as 'didn't win the most seats'? I just said 'didn't win'. Clearly what I meant was 'didn't win a majority'.

You surmise that we surmise what you think but do not write which is incorrect.

Clearly what I meant was 'didn't win a majority - Is still incorrect to what you seem to mean as they did win a majority of the votes, or are we to surmise you mean something different? In which case you'd make an excellent MP saying things when you mean something else :icon_lol:

8th April 2011, 11:43
Clearly what I meant was 'didn't win a majority - Is still incorrect to what you seem to mean as they did win a majority of the votes

They won 36% of the vote! So no, whichever way you wish to take it, they didn't win a majority.

Arthur Little
8th April 2011, 12:14
They won 36% of the vote! So no, whichever way you wish to take it, they didn't win a majority.

That's as maybe :rolleyes: ... but - whichever way you care to LOOK at it - we ought to be thankful that, at long last, we have a Government that has at least SOME :idea: about what they're trying to achieve! :anerikke:

8th April 2011, 13:55
....and WHAT is a working man ? :Erm:

10 hour shifts, that all..... I used to do 12 hours night shifts and work weekends... THATS A WORKING MAN. Just to bring up my family... that's all... sounds like you have had it to easy going off those pics.

8th April 2011, 14:29
10 hour shifts, that all..... I used to do 12 hours night shifts and work weekends... THATS A WORKING MAN. Just to bring up my family... that's all... sounds like you have had it to easy going off those pics.

Unless you've actually worked in those conditions described, best stay quiet :)

A sfor me, im still working 3 15 hr and 2 13 hr day weeks.
T hatis my choice.
T hedifference is, I get home to sleep in the same bed as my wife, unlike Graham's description.

D idhe have it easier compared to how you used to work and I still do? I know I wouldn't of swapped places wd him.

Its no competition Jim, we are all hard workers, working for the greater good of our families :)

8th April 2011, 14:52
I was actually wondering if Jim was recalling the monty python four yorkshiremen "you were lucky sketch" :icon_lol::icon_lol:


8th April 2011, 14:55
grrrrrrrrrrrr cannot get you tube video to attach.. help

8th April 2011, 15:28
Unless you've actually worked in those conditions described, best stay quiet :)

A sfor me, im still working 3 15 hr and 2 13 hr day weeks.
T hatis my choice.
T hedifference is, I get home to sleep in the same bed as my wife, unlike Graham's description.

D idhe have it easier compared to how you used to work and I still do? I know I wouldn't of swapped places wd him.

Its no competition Jim, we are all hard workers, working for the greater good of our families :)

Already had a disagreement with you about the miners getting ..... on.
Worked in worse conditions.. so won't be quiet OKAY :)

Never said it s a competition. Just responding to what Graham said.

had to work away from home many times, including Northern Ireland.... get my drift :)

8th April 2011, 15:57
Already had a disagreement with you about the miners getting ..... on.
Worked in worse conditions.. so won't be quiet OKAY :)

Never said it s a competition. Just responding to what Graham said.

had to work away from home many times, including Northern Ireland.... get my drift :)

' get my drift' nudge nudge wink wink, say no more :laugher:.

I fyou were in the mob then say it :icon_lol:.
A sfor the miners debacle, I forgot all about that:laugher:

T hesun is shining Jim, its beautiful outside. Lighten up ah:)

8th April 2011, 16:13
Plenty of ex armed forces on here, wish i was back... oh no the cut backs :laugher:

8th April 2011, 17:51
Those were my hours too...7 days a week.

Most of my time in construction was spent as a tunneller on continental shifts, away from the family for months on end and doing hard graft.

Personally I think you're full of it. :rolleyes:

My father was 30 years in the Royal Navy so I know all about that too.
He then taught for 15 years at the Army Apprentices college. That's the man who also taught ME the meaning of hard work. A man who served 6 years in a REAL war.

Sometimes my dad was away for up to a year at the other side of the world and my mother and us 4 kids managed. No internet or mobile phones either.

8th April 2011, 18:59
Those were my hours too...7 days a week.

Most of my time in construction was spent as a tunneller on continental shifts, away from the family for months on end and doing hard graft.

Personally I think you're full of it. :rolleyes:

My father was 30 years in the Royal Navy so I know all about that too.
He then taught for 15 years at the Army Apprentices college. That's the man who also taught ME the meaning of hard work. A man who served 6 years in a REAL war.

Sometimes my dad was away for up to a year at the other side of the world and my mother and us 4 kids managed. No internet or mobile phones either.

spare me while I go and blow my nose, :laugher:

8th April 2011, 19:21
So, that's your considered response is it ?

You started the personal insults, on a forum that is normally friendly and where we just have a bit of banter.
I hope that makes you feel a big man.

I've met lots of 'legends in their own lunchtime' like you before...so not impressed my friend. :rolleyes:

You're on ignore.

8th April 2011, 19:25
Thought that would shut you up.

You started the personal insults.

I've met lots of 'legends in their own lunchtime' like you before...so not impressed my friend. :rolleyes:

Hope we get to meet up someday. your like a big kid now :censored: off

8th April 2011, 19:40
Hope we get to meet up someday. your like a big kid now fu- ck off

wohhhhhhhhh hang on boys this is just banter... no need for insults here.. we can all just swop ideas n sweet words and exchange our point of views....but lets not offend each other in any way plz.. politics are not healthy unless ur a thiefing robbing one of the 500 or more mps.. .. the chinese kno how to deal with them types.... death.. soo basically i think we would have no government if it were in practise here :icon_lol:

8th April 2011, 19:41
So, that's your considered response is it ?

You started the personal insults, on a forum that is normally friendly and where we just have a bit of banter.
I hope that makes you feel a big man.

I've met lots of 'legends in their own lunchtime' like you before...so not impressed my friend. :rolleyes:

You're on ignore.

words well spoken graham.... here here...

8th April 2011, 19:48
branno I don't give a flying f about politics, just some folk get my back up. ungratful t...s

my dad was a miner and ex army same as my uncle. who died in Burma.

So they wanna take the p,,,s lets meet up

8th April 2011, 20:02
branno I don't give a flying f about politics, just some folk get my back up. ungratful t...s

my dad was a miner and ex army same as my uncle. who died in Burma.

So they wanna take the p,,,s lets meet up

yeah i kno im ex navy too... 12 yrs actually ... my father was a a cracking cricket player n footballer too... he went down the mines at 14 yrs of age too.. hes now just turned 79 had his lung removed due to cancer two yrs ago ..now the onset of dementia has crept in ... but he still wants to enjoy life best he can .. and i adore listening to him too.. hes rank labour and yeah its washed of on me too.. but we some times have heated discussions on politics and its fun... but all im saying is .is that its not worth arguing over.. as we are only pawns in this game ... but i think politicians must work harder for their livings... .. lets see a better england.. and be proud of it too..

8th April 2011, 20:08
My dad started down the pit.

My family is from Pontefract.

My mother's dad served 35 years in the Cheshire Regiment (Major).

My dad was a lifelong Tory, and his dad Secretary of the local Conservative club.

Don't people make assumptions.

Some of us just have minds of our own and don't follow the rest of the sheep.

I do hope nobody is making threats against me on this forum.

That would be a VERY serious matter. :)

8th April 2011, 20:10
Hope we get to meet up someday. your like a big kid now fu- ck off


8th April 2011, 20:16
Sorry to hear about your Father. its terrible lung cancer. I remember dad use to spit coal dust out on the open fire. now he 's passed away. life goes on don't need this crap, it is a friendly forum. but. you always get, we lost a good member recently, guess who was on his ignore list he left the forum. hey never mind.

8th April 2011, 20:19
My dad started down the pit.

My family is from Pontefract.

My mother's dad served 35 years in the Cheshire Regiment (Major).

My dad was a lifelong Tory, and his dad Secretary of the local Conservative club.

Don't people make assumptions.

Some of us just have minds of our own and don't follow the rest of the sheep.

I do hope nobody is making threats against me on this forum.

That would be a VERY serious matter. :)

i think we all become angry at some time graham we we see that our country doesnt really give a damn.. and all it wants to do is bleed us dry... i dread waking up some times and hearing the news... its about time it cared for us all ...

8th April 2011, 20:22
Noted. ill buy the beers and it will be all hunky dory... :)

8th April 2011, 20:30
My dad started down the pit.

My family is from Pontefract.

My mother's dad served 35 years in the Cheshire Regiment (Major).

My dad was a lifelong Tory, and his dad Secretary of the local Conservative club.

Don't people make assumptions.

Some of us just have minds of our own and don't follow the rest of the sheep.

I do hope nobody is making threats against me on this forum.

That would be a VERY serious matter. :)

was there any brass band players in the family graham.. some thing i love sunday mornings n brass bands :)

8th April 2011, 20:36
Sorry to hear about your Father. its terrible lung cancer. I remember dad use to spit coal dust out on the open fire. now he 's passed away. life goes on don't need this crap, it is a friendly forum. but. you always get, we lost a good member recently, guess who was on his ignore list he left the forum. hey never mind.

age creeps up on us all .... he could of signed for yorkshire at cricket... preston north end wanted him at foot ball too... his reply was.... i love the army... ..

8th April 2011, 21:17
:anerikke: ... it's just that somehow the present one seems to reflect your political leanings.
fred it may reflect my leanings... but i actually never lose touch with the real world.. unlike some of us...:icon_lol:

8th April 2011, 21:56
Sorry to hear about your Father. its terrible lung cancer. I remember dad use to spit coal dust out on the open fire. now he 's passed away. life goes on don't need this crap, it is a friendly forum. but. you always get, we lost a good member recently, guess who was on his ignore list he left the forum. hey never mind.

A slight contradiction there Jimbo :NoNo:. This is a friendly forum and this thread was humming quite nicely, be it slightly off topic.

You put the poison in Jim, nobody else :NoNo:

Out of twelve uncles, one didn't come back from the 2nd war.
My dad was in Korea and my grandfather's were bearers in the 1st war. They were there on the 1st day of the somme. Both came home 4 years later.

8th April 2011, 22:05
can we talk about pinochet and thatcher instead... :icon_lol:

8th April 2011, 22:13
Jimeve, I don`t get it, I have always found your posts sensible and of value, where did this competition come from. as a member said, we all work hard to provide for our loved ones. Whats the issue here?

8th April 2011, 23:08
Dear Me :NoNo: :cwm23:, i suggest some of you go and have a nice cup tea :xxgrinning--00xx3:

8th April 2011, 23:20
They won 36% of the vote! So no, whichever way you wish to take it, they didn't win a majority.

:doh I can tell why you're not a professional gambler with the way you manage figures :rolleyes:

8th April 2011, 23:23
Back down to some members resorting to childish playground behavior ... enough warnings were issued 2 weeks ago about this kind of thing, next one to step over the line is gone, simple as that.