View Full Version : Fiance Visa > Is It Valid As Soon As It's In The Passport or Need To Wait A While?

New Shoes
7th April 2011, 10:26
Four weeks and one day since first submitting her Fiancee visa application, my gf received notification via text message informing her that her processed visa application is ready for collection.

At the moment we don't know if it's been successful, but assuming that it has.....

Is the visa valid from the day it's in her passport, or is there a period of time to wait until it becomes valid / live?

Many thanks..

7th April 2011, 11:15
When you apply, you normally state a date of when you want the visa to be valid from (as people need time to get the CFO and tidy up their affairs) , and that does tend to be the date which the Embassy puts on the visa.

New Shoes
7th April 2011, 12:44
Hi, thanks for that info.
I'll take a look at the date we put on the app. form

Thanks again.