View Full Version : co-sponsor letter sample

12th April 2011, 13:31
hi everyone

does anyone can give us a good example of the co-sponsor cover letter?

my husband have a close friend in UK who is willing to co-sponsor for my spouse visa application next month and want to know whats the letter compose of and the detail of the letter?

i will appreciate your response..thank u

12th April 2011, 22:52
can i ask, for what reason do you need a co sponsor?

he needs to say who he his and whats his relationship is with your hubby and the reason why he's sponsoring you etc...

but i would try and get the visa without it :Erm:

14th April 2011, 12:45
i am pregnant at the moment and my husband want to be there in our baby's birth..but the problem is my husband just got his new full time job last month and have no enough savings and only renting 2 rooms apartment.we are planning to apply a spouse visa next month so that means only 3 months of wage payslips and bank statements ( only 100 disposable income per week but no overdraft, )..will be going to submit..and aside from that, my husband have a son from his previous gf. ( 1 year old now ) but he is not supporting his son at the moment..this is the reason why we ask his friend to co- sponsor my application for spouse visa..

if it happen that we will put in the cover letter that i am pregnant , will it be against us?

hope to hear from u..thank u

15th April 2011, 16:00
hi everyone

I hope someone from this forum could give me a sample letter of a co- sponsor. It will be a great help for us.

Will appreciate your response..Thank you..