View Full Version : If you have unscan item by the cahier would you go back and pay for it?

17th April 2011, 21:06
Just want to know what would you do if this happen to you... Just for fun!:icon_lol:

17th April 2011, 21:13
No I am a heathen i would scarper quick:icon_lol:

17th April 2011, 21:20
No I am a heathen i would scarper quick:icon_lol: hahaha... nice one. but did you know they have CCTV camera.

17th April 2011, 21:22
If I'm still near the store when I noticed it, yes..but if I'm already a mile away or already at home when I noticed it, I may not come back..:icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol:

17th April 2011, 21:25
I remember being give change for a £20 pound note when I gave them £10 - it was a little old lady in the shop I had to give her it back:)
If it was asda etc then I will ahem carry on walking.

17th April 2011, 21:25
If I'm still near the store when I noticed it, yes..but if I'm already a mile away or already at home when I noticed it, I may not come back..:icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol:

Good point.. But I read it somewhere, if you did not report unscan item which was fault by the cashier.. it is consider shoplifting.

17th April 2011, 21:28
I remember being give change for a £20 pound note when I gave them £10 - it was a little old lady in the shop I had to give her it back:)
If it was asda etc then I will ahem carry on walking. Wow! honest! But seriously, is a person is liable for accidentally unscan item, I mean do we need to go back and report it?

17th April 2011, 21:32
Good point.. But I read it somewhere, if you did not report unscan item which was fault by the cashier.. it is consider shoplifting.

Well not here in the Philippines...hahahaha...:icon_lol: But honestly it rarely happens to me...Most of the time, it is the change that I always have to return if the cashier or the seller mistakenly given me more than he/she should...I once paid a bus ride with P20 and he's just supposed to give me a change of P8..but he mistakenly gave me back P38 thinking I gave him P50..I returned the P30 immediately.

17th April 2011, 21:33
Well, as for me I would go back and say. Don't ask me why. Even I don't know.
I'd feel so bad.

17th April 2011, 21:36
If its a big corparation then i'm ok with it,A small business or the threat of an employeee losing their job then of course I would go back.
In my time i have found countless wallets,mobile phones etc in my taxi all returned:xxgrinning--00xx3:

17th April 2011, 21:40
Well, as for me I would go back and say. Don't ask me why. Even I don't know.
I'd feel so bad.
Nice one Terpe.. It actually happen to me just yesterday.. :icon_lol:I have to drive all the way there and and tell them that the cashier made an error and I report it to them. :NoNo: Anyway, I feel good after I did it. As I am honest. :)

17th April 2011, 21:40
...In my time i have found countless wallets,mobile phones etc in my taxi all returned:xxgrinning--00xx3:

wish there were lots of taxi drivers like you Les here in the Philippines! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

17th April 2011, 21:43
wish there were lots of taxi drivers like you Les here in the Philippines! :xxgrinning--00xx3: I agree... I think there is only few taxi drivers are honest these days especially in Philippines.

17th April 2011, 21:44
I'm not driving on the roads in Davao:yikes:
Remember first time we approached a zebra crossing and we went straight on while people were crossing:omg:
There again wish i could do it here :icon_lol:

18th April 2011, 02:11
Good point.. But I read it somewhere, if you did not report unscan item which was fault by the cashier.. it is consider shoplifting.

When the security guard stops you after the alarm goes off, just plead ignorance. In my case its easy :NoNo:

18th April 2011, 07:29
how many off us would realize that we have gotten away with something before we are at home checking the list:NoNo:

18th April 2011, 09:32
Yes, and have done. Was in a restaurant though!!

19th April 2011, 08:00
Good point.. But I read it somewhere, if you did not report unscan item which was fault by the cashier.. it is consider shoplifting.

If I notice it straight away and I am near the shop, i will bring back the item but if i am home already cant be bother to waste petrol to bring it back to her, if the item is not perishable i will bring it with me the next time i shop and hand it back to the customer service.

19th April 2011, 09:47
You mean I'm supposed to pay for my shopp(lift)ing? :Erm:

19th April 2011, 10:42
with theses self service tills, im surprised shoplifting hasnt gone up :Erm:

21st April 2011, 00:19
If I notice it straight away and I am near the shop, i will bring back the item but if i am home already cant be bother to waste petrol to bring it back to her, if the item is not perishable i will bring it with me the next time i shop and hand it back to the customer service. That is the problem... I didn't realized until I got home. I just noticed it when I checked my reciepts and I am already at home. I was still eager to go back and report the item which i did.