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19th April 2011, 12:47
Hi everyone, i hope to be able to use this site and pick the brains knowledge and experiance of you all in helping me and my girlfriend become man and wife. We have our own plan to see if we get on and she could live here in the UK.
Would appreciate all views and suggestions.

We have been dating for a year and a half now which started from a dating site. I flew out in March to visit and had the time of my life and hers lol well thats what she told me. I met family and friends etc etc. Our next part of the plan is for Riz to fly here around Dec Jan time on a visit visa for 2 months to see if she will like the uk and me enough to spend the rest of our lives together.
The next part is open do we get married in the UK or Ph ?? Which option has the most chance with visa's etc etc ??

Well i hope some are still reading. Thanks for your time.

James & Rizz

19th April 2011, 12:55
hello there :Wave:

theres not much in it where ever you get married, my choice is go and marry in the philipines so the wifes family can be there :xxgrinning--00xx3:

19th April 2011, 12:59
Hi there James, welcome to the forum.

Don't want to rain on your parade, I wish you good luck. Just to suggest you think of a back up idea for that Visit Visa. They've historically always been tricky to get and likely to get even more tricky. Check out the related posts here for background information.

19th April 2011, 13:00
Thanks for that, its looking that way as we have heard its really difficult to obtain a Uk spouse visa. Its all a bit worrying.

19th April 2011, 13:03
Thanks for that, its looking that way as we have heard its really difficult to obtain a Uk spouse visa. Its all a bit worrying.

James, take some time to review the requirements here:-

If you can comply there is not such a big problem. Plenty do it.

Arthur Little
19th April 2011, 13:13
Thanks for that, its looking that way as we have heard its really difficult to obtain a Uk spouse visa. Its all a bit worrying.

On the contrary, James ... it's a lot harder to obtain a Visitor's Visa than either of the two 'Settlement' types. However, :welcomex: to our friendly site ... and stay tuned for further guidance. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

19th April 2011, 13:39
Welcome to the forum James. :)

You seem to be going about things the right way so far.

Probably cheaper (and nicer for your fiancee) to marry in the Phils.

Personally I think it shows more commitment as far as visa application is concerned too.

Also your new wife will be able to work straight away in the UK, should she wish so to do (instead of being bored witless at home).

Just make sure you hang on to that steady job plus your home here in the UK, and start maintaining a bank account in the black. :)

Oh, and also keep a record of your communications with each other, dated photos of your times together in the Phils, with the family etc.

19th April 2011, 13:59
Well thanks to you all so far, you cant beat experiance to give advice. We will try the visitor visa for Dec / Jan and hope we are one of the lucky couples if that fails i guess i will travel to Davao again sometime in the New Year. Does my gf Rizz apply for the visitor visa in ph through a so called specialist or solicitor. i have read so many stories it all gets confusing.
We chat everyday on ym messenger and texts, i have sent her the link on here to read as well. Thanks everyone :)

19th April 2011, 14:15
Thanks to everyone, we will try the visitor visa and keep our fingers crossed as this is the best way for our needs. If not looks like i will be travelling to Davao in the New Year to get married. That will open up a whole new host of questions. Rizz (gf) was worried about not working as she said would be so boring sitting at home which i agree on.
Are you aware if the visa uk people take into consideration isa etc or is it just bank statement of current accounts ??
As to the house, i live in my Dads place alone as he lives closer to work would this count against me. Lucky enough that i dont have to pay rent :).
Thanks again

19th April 2011, 14:26
The govt. simply want to know that after she arrives neither of you will need to have recourse to public funds...ie benefits of any sort.

Just get a letter/rental agreement of some sort from your dad (regardless of whether or not you actually pay rent).

My dad just bought a house and rented it to me and the ex.

We later sold it and split the profit. :)

19th April 2011, 14:28
Good luck in your quest.
My Mahal and i had a visit visa refused last july and have just successully obtained her fiancee visa!
My advice is always be positive and stay relaxed.
Read up as much as you can on the forum on both types of visa because there are many procedures to follow:xxgrinning--00xx3:

19th April 2011, 14:37
You must be so happy Alan ! Would love to be in your position now. How soon before the visit do we need apply, is it 3 months ?

Thanks :xxgrinning--00xx3:

19th April 2011, 14:45
why do you want a visit visa, i know a member who got 3 in row and others had them refused :Erm:

19th April 2011, 14:48
Hi James, welcome to the forum and good luck to your quest of love.

Just keep search or read on here and you get all the info you want. As what I know, visitor visa is not too guaranty better to be your mahal and get marriage here in the Philippines then see things you need to sort out.

Once again good luck :xxgrinning--00xx3:

19th April 2011, 14:52
We would like Rizz to visit here for two months so that we can try living together before deciding on marriage.

In the real world who would get married after only spending a month together. I know i might be sounding harsh but if we were both from uk and said were getting married after going out for a month im sure we would be laughed out of town.

Its just part of an idea.

19th April 2011, 16:29
:Hellooo:welcome to the forum james:Hellooo:

19th April 2011, 16:36

19th April 2011, 17:09
Welcome to the forum! :Hellooo: Anyway, if you're going to apply for a visit visa, you're gf must provide proofs or ties that she would return to the Philippines (i.e. properties like land titles, bank account, work or business, etc.), although these still won't be a guarantee that she would be given a visa.

stevie c
19th April 2011, 17:18
HI James well come to the forum I'm in thurrock only 5 minutes from you in fact.
my opinion is go to the phils & get married that is what i done last september & everything went superbly well & wife is here in the uk living with me now.

the visitor visa is extremely difficult to acquire & i assume will only be more difficult to acquire in the future good luck with your future plans :xxgrinning--00xx3:

19th April 2011, 17:57
Thanks for the welcome everyone, Stevie its great to hear someone so local and a sucsess. Perhaps we could chat one day and would gladly take some pointers and tips from you.
I take it is all going well and you havent looked back. I have just been on the phone to Rizz and told her about the forum.
Raynaputi - She is a self employed wedding planner and events organiser in Davao i take company accounts would help. Although lives with her family.

steve monty
19th April 2011, 17:58
Hi there, a big welcome to the forum! I hope whatever you decide, that everything goes well! I agree with Stevie C and others to get married in the Philippines. :xxgrinning--00xx3: A lot cheaper than a wedding in the UK and also her family would be able to see it. When your mahal is in the UK could have a celebration then. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

19th April 2011, 18:30
Thanks Steve monty,
It looks like it will be a wedding in Philippines as our visa laws are becoming so strict and unfair to the people that want to do things correctly. How long have you been married if you dont mind me asking ?

steve monty
19th April 2011, 18:58
I know what you are saying that the visa looks like it is becoming more difficult, don't get down about it. Just remember your relationship is genuine and there is no reason for refusal if you meet all the requirements :xxgrinning--00xx3:

I got married on the 20th December 2010 in Cagayan De Oro, northern Mindinao. It was a church wedding which involves a lot more paperwork than a cival wedding, but the misses wanted that (white Wedding, walking down the aisle) and it was great day! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

19th April 2011, 19:04
hi James, welcome to the forum, i wish you good luck, you will get all the best advise here :xxgrinning--00xx3:

20th April 2011, 00:12
You both look really happy together. When i visited Davao it was fantastic, Rizz picked me up from the airport and didnt look back from there. Her family all made me so welcome they cooked for me and looked after me, i even made a shepherds pie lol !
Getting back down to earth was looking at what to do next, the amount of red tape without knowing where to go and who to ask. Glad i found this site.
Take care:)

20th April 2011, 07:48

I love Davao it rocks.

Why not go live over there for 3 months to see how things work out :)

20th April 2011, 11:20
Worthingmale - Do you visit Davao often ?
Main problem is work commitments. I cant get more than two weeks off in one go.

20th April 2011, 12:55
Hi, wellcome to the forum & good luck in your quest. I was in a similar position to you about a year ago. We applied for a visit visa & it was granted. Jen came over here last June for 6 months. She loved it here in London & we both really got on well. Like you, I wanted Jen & I to experiance living together before committing to mariage. We have since got married in pp & are awaiting a decision on our spouce visa ( & with 2 recent refusals on this forum I'm starting to get a bit nervous!!) As rayna said, try to show reasons why your gf would return home, ie job, family etc... Also we booked a holiday to hong kong before applying for visit visa which I'm sure helped. There's plenty of advise on here, just read up all you can & goodluck.

steve monty
20th April 2011, 13:01
You both look really happy together. When i visited Davao it was fantastic, Rizz picked me up from the airport and didnt look back from there. Her family all made me so welcome they cooked for me and looked after me, i even made a shepherds pie lol !
Getting back down to earth was looking at what to do next, the amount of red tape without knowing where to go and who to ask. Glad i found this site.
Take care:)

ahhhhh Philippines hospitality. :xxgrinning--00xx3: I've never experienced anything like it. They always make you feel so welcome! When I first met Madel's family I was always trying to help but they kept telling me to sit and drink :xxgrinning--00xx3: After a 4 days i gave up trying :icon_lol: They certainly wouldn't let me to cook, which is probably a good thing! :icon_lol: Did you meet all the extended family like aunts and uncles? First time I was there whole village came round! :omg: :xxgrinning--00xx3:

You certainly found the right site James, so much help and advice from other member's who had first hand experience. Nice avatar of you and Rizz, you look great together! Good luck in your future plans James! :xxgrinning--00xx3: :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Take it easy :)

20th April 2011, 13:21
lol yep i did it was a big family meeting, uncles, aunts, cousins. We were asked all the questions about future etc. Then like you i walked into the street and everyone says hello. I loved it there. Its a great place and the people are so friendly.

We are both looking forward to happy future together here in the UK its just the missing each other in the middle that sucks.

Are you near Abingdon ? My sister lives there such a lovely place.

20th April 2011, 13:27
Rayjen -
Well im glad to hear some good news about a visit visa, we spoke about it last night and are going to proceed with it but without thinking its a 100% certainty. Where did Jen go to help with the visitor visa ?? Good luck with the spouse visa keep me informed.
We are going to put as many reason as possible i say its always better to be prepaired.
Good luck to you both.

20th April 2011, 20:16
Rayjen -
Well im glad to hear some good news about a visit visa, we spoke about it last night and are going to proceed with it but without thinking its a 100% certainty. Where did Jen go to help with the visitor visa ?? Good luck with the spouse visa keep me informed.
We are going to put as many reason as possible i say its always better to be prepaired.
Good luck to you both.

From what you've said it seems a reasonable approach, and the cost is not bad.
Please do some search here, it might help.
Key issues are strong enough home country ties to convince the ECO she will return home.
Sufficient funding for the trip.

20th April 2011, 22:09
Hi James, jen didn't get any advice other than this site. She completted the application without any solicitors or agencys. This site is fantastic, just put visit visa in search & read read read. I think the fact your gf is self employed could help as she can take time off, also maybe show some bookings that she has to come home to attend to. If it's possible I'd recommend trying to take your gf on holiday outside pp maybe hong kong as I'm sure this helped our application plus it's a great place. Good luck!

steve monty
20th April 2011, 22:17
We are both looking forward to happy future together here in the UK its just the missing each other in the middle that sucks.

Are you near Abingdon ? My sister lives there such a lovely place.

Yeah Abingdon is just down the road, 5 minute drive. :)

It is hard being apart, but if you keep in contact regularly like you are doing it is a lot easier. Just have to remember the good times and think soon that will be happening again! :xxgrinning--00xx3: :xxgrinning--00xx3:

21st April 2011, 05:29
Welcome to the forum James. :Wave: Glad to hear that you are both taking a sensible approach with your relationship and planning a trial visit to the UK as the next step. Most on here appear to submit visa applications themselves rather that engaging a third party to do so. Good luck with your application and I hope that you will be together again soon :xxgrinning--00xx3:

21st April 2011, 06:55
welcome to the forum james

21st April 2011, 11:15
Thanks again to you all and all the good luck wishes. We will keep you informed step by step.
James & Rizz

21st April 2011, 20:12
Hello hun, Boo! I joined this site so it's easier to follow the advices of the members who have gone through what we are going through now. The visa mania! Lol. I saw their replies and it's good to learn from their experiences.
Yes, it would be nice to see your place, meet your family and friends first before getting married. I can't wait to be with you. But I think if we won't be lucky enough to get the visitor visa, like Steve Monty, you will have to travel half a across the world again to get married.
I promise I will stick to the wedding budget. Lol.
Thanks everybody for your help! It would be nice to hear more form you.

James & Rizz

22nd April 2011, 11:52
Hi Rizz, I'm Lorna from Davo City too. You look very familiar. I think I have attended some of you weddings in Davao.
I have been living in Bristol with my husband Renz. We are very happy with our marriage and will be our 4th anniversary this June. But just like you, we had those crazy visa days too, paper works, doubts, teary days and nights, etc. It's not easy to be far from someone that you love.
We dated online for 1 years. Then he went to Davao to meet me and stayed for 3 weeks. We had a great time together. Loys of tears when we went home. We fell more in love after our meeting. We applied for a visit visa but was denied. Visa in not cheap. Renz is an average earner. So he saved up again. He went back to Davao and we decided to get married. And my spouse visa was granted after 3 months, So I went to Bristol and started a life with him.
Good luck Rizz and James! You look pretty together :)

22nd April 2011, 12:21
Hi there Lorna,
That's a nice story :xxgrinning--00xx3:

22nd April 2011, 12:54
Hello Lorna, nice to hear from you. I hope I will be there on June so I can make a lovely wedding anniversary you and Renz :)
James and I were dating for 1 year and half then finally met here in Davao last month. We had a lovely time with family and friends. And yes I agree on those lots of tears on the day that you have to drop them back at the airport.
Our plan is for me to visit Uk and stay there for 2 months to see the place and the life, and meet his family and friends. We don't want to rush into marriage. If my stay in Uk goes well, we can go back to Davao and get married. I hope we are lucky to get the visitor visa.
It would be nice to see you and Renz. Any photos? Thanks for sharing your story. Couples like you is an inspiration to us :):)

22nd April 2011, 15:39
Hi there Riz, welcome to the forum.

22nd April 2011, 18:56
Hi again Rizz, will post photos soon. I just joined this site to check cheap flights coz we are planning to spend Christmas in the Philippines. Then I saw your story in this forum which is almost like mine.
Renz and I had the same plans. I visit Uk, stay for a while, see how things go. We didn't want to rush marriage coz we didn't want regrets in the future. But there are laws that don't allow us to do what we have planned. I know how the distance hurts too,
When I failed with my visit visa, we got so depressed. We almost gave up and stopped talking for a week. I told Renz to find somebody else who lives in Uk.:icon_lol: But I got an email from Renz saying that he's going back to Davao.:)
You have been in that relationship for a long time. And maybe you talk more than those couples who actually live together. Both of you know if you are for marriage or not. The heart can tell Rizz. Will you like Uk? It's not an issue Rizz. You will like any place where you can live a life with the one you love.:)
We had many doubts too. But I have no regrets that I married Renz. We are not as happy as we are now if we let doubts stop us.:)

22nd April 2011, 19:15
Hi there Terpe, thanks. Just encouraging those lovers James & Rizz:) Almost the same situation like me and my husband Renz had. :)

22nd April 2011, 19:30
Hi again Rizz, will post photos soon. I just joined this site to check cheap flights coz we are planning to spend Christmas in the Philippines. Then I saw your story in this forum which is almost like mine.
Renz and I had the same plans. I will visit uk and see how things go. But some rules don't make it easy to do what we have planned.
We had many doubts too. But I have no regrets that I married Renz. We are not as happy as we are now if we let doubts stop us.
You have been in that relationship for a long time and by now your hearts can tell if you are for marriage or not.
Keep the love ans stay true to each other :)

23rd April 2011, 19:31
Hi Lorna, nice avatar of you and Renz. You look happy together. I can see Renz's big smile.:)
So, how's life in Uk? Do you work there? When was the last time went home to Ph? Christmas at home sounds nice. :)
Our plan stays the same. I will visit Uk if lucky enough with the visa. Do you have any ideas why your visitor visa was denied? Sorry I asked too many questions. :doh
1 year and a half with James has all been fun and lovely. No problems so far. I could marry him quick. Oh well, he's not an easy boy :icon_lol:

23rd April 2011, 19:35
:Hellooo: thanks Terpe :)

23rd April 2011, 22:43
Hi Lorna,
Its a story that is very similar to ours, and yes your right i love Rizz more than ever since meeting. If the visit visa fails i will too be saving again for the next trip and then the marriage visa. Maybe asking you for tips soon.
Take Care


25th April 2011, 05:56
Hello Rizz & James,
Nice to hear from you both. Yes it’s the same story and I hope you end up happy with each other. Lol you’re funny Rizz, about james not an easy boy. I think he won’t join this site ans seek advice if he won’t marry you.
I like it here in Uk. We always talk with people at home. I haven’t been there for 3 years because of work. I work in a child psychology clinic. If we find cheap flights we will go home on Christmas. Will you like Uk? It’s not an issue Rizz. You will like any place where you can be with the love of your life. I know so many asian women here who have the same stories like ours, and they didn’t have any problem in Uk. An you seem to be a lot smarter than them.
I think my visit visa was denied coz I didn’t convince them that I am going back after it expires. I gave all the requirements. And maybe insufficient funds. But spouse visa worked quick for us.
I don’t know anything about marriage visa James. Are you getting married here in Uk?

25th April 2011, 12:32
James, you may be getting confused with all the different visa, or perhaps just with terminology. A marriage visa is basically a special visit visa. It's sole purpose is to allow entry to UK for marriage and honeymoon. The holder needs to return to their home country before the expiry of the marriage visa (6 months).
This visa is NOT switchable. Means no way to convert to any kind of settlement visa in UK.
Hope this helps.
If I misunderstood anything sorry.

26th April 2011, 17:53
Hi Lorna,
Our plan was for Rizz to visit here then for her to return. Then for us to save up and get married here or in Ph whichever is the easier for visa reasons.

28th April 2011, 21:20
Hello James & Rizz, if you are planning to apply for a spouse visa be sure you have kept your communication evidence since the year you have met each other. Letters, phone bills, chats, emails, photos etc. Be sure you won't lose them. You might start back at one if you lose your evidences. We don't want that to happen. Start the paper and printing works few months before your application. So you relax and don't rush.

29th April 2011, 08:17
Hello James & Rizz, if you are applying for spouse visa be sure you keep your contact evidence since the year you have met each other, such as chats, letters, phone bills, photos, emails, etc. Chats is the most important cos that’s how they see how see how frequent do you speak with each other. Be sure not to lose them, you might have to start back at one if you do.
Help each other. It's a matter of team work. :):):)

29th April 2011, 10:10
Thanks for the info Terpe :xxgrinning--00xx3:

29th April 2011, 10:19
Hi Lorna, big thanks for your advice. A started to arrange the receipts and letters yesterday. Lots of printing to do. I will need a new ink soon. :icon_lol:
Glad you like Uk. I will find it difficult to like it too. Yes far from home, but just to be with James would be all so lovely. :):xxgrinning--00xx3:
Stay safe :)

29th April 2011, 10:21
Lol. Ooops, I mean I will Not find it difficult to like it too. :icon_lol:

2nd May 2011, 13:54
No Rizz, you will like it here. Good you're starting the work early so you stay relax and don't rush. We are hoping to hear a happy love story soon. You and James together in UK :):):)

4th May 2011, 01:15
That would be perfect Lorna, we would make a trip to Bristol on a tour of the UK for Rizz. Let her sample the delights of English cuisine. lol :)

4th May 2011, 01:15
That would be perfect Lorna, we would make a trip to Bristol on a tour of the UK for Rizz. Let her sample the delights of English cuisine. lol :)