View Full Version : why do pinays get moody..

19th April 2011, 18:49
when they dont eat for a few hours?

i find it quite anooying actually- no need for it and it can be quite rude if in company

19th April 2011, 18:57
when they dont eat for a few hours?

i find it quite anooying actually- no need for it and it can be quite rude if in company

yeahhh silence is one of their traits... i must admit ive come across this many times... very talkative on line but silent in real life .. aggghhhh :)

steve monty
19th April 2011, 19:09
My wife goes quiet if she hasn't eaten for a while. She doesn't get rude or argumentitive or anything like that. It's like she is going to fall asleep on the phone or thinking too much about food to talk! :icon_lol:

19th April 2011, 19:45
had a :furious3: with the misses b4, very rare only a few times in 10yrs
its me who gives her the silent treatment :icon_lol:
now she said she only did it to wind me up :doh:NoNo:

19th April 2011, 19:54
i'm the same as joe,,,i just keep my mouth shut don't say a thing,,,,it really gets on her nerves,,,she told her mum john does'nt speak to me when i get a bit moody mum ,,,,oh i see just like your dad use to do to me ,,bloody annoying love isn't it :laugher::laugher::laugher::laugher::laugher:

19th April 2011, 21:05
my wife can put herself in a bad mood, after many :furious3: with each other its best to keep quiet and let her beat herself up instead of me and everybody thinks shes a angel :rolleyes:

19th April 2011, 21:38
They eat small but regular amounts all day, you should all know already that all Filipinos love food, that's why there is a restaurant or vendor at every corner everywhere.

They really suffer if you don't feed them at the right time.

What bugs me is how fricking expensive it gets when you have to drive from one city to another, something I used to do often and would do without a break as I want to get it over with, but no we have to stop for the most expensive fricking junk food you can find.

This happens in the Phils as well, if you have not been smart enough to plan out every moment of your day, you will find out that her brain has gone to hell and you are the devil refusing her food at the nearest top class Japanese restaurant and preferably she would like Waygu beef as that is the only thing that suits her pallet today.

Something is wrong when you are scared of the consequences of going out without planning the route and restaurants in advance, but hey we chose this life guys :D

Touched a nerve :( :) :D

19th April 2011, 21:42
Touched a nerve :( :) :D

and i thought i had it bad :icon_lol:

change it to photo taking and you summed up my wife :Help1:

19th April 2011, 22:07
and i thought i had it bad :icon_lol:

change it to photo taking and you summed up my wife :Help1:

Yes but how come I am a fat g*t when she is as skinny as a rake :icon_lol:

The lesson learned is that their sensible 'eat enough for the next 30 minutes' policy actually works, there is lots of evidence to suggest that eating small amounts regularly is much more healthy than a couple of big meals.

Sadly I'd prefer the couple of big meals.

At least mine has to contend with me as the Photo Nutter, I get my revenge :D

Arthur Little
19th April 2011, 22:20
:) Ahh ... the joys of being married to a Filipina! But let's be honest with ourselves, guys :anerikke: ... we wouldn't want it any other way. :NoNo:

20th April 2011, 07:50
found out she eats at 11am, not 1pm like us for lunch. Didnt realise till she ordered half the menu as she was starving hahahahahaah

20th April 2011, 08:48
They eat small but regular amounts all day, you should all know already that all Filipinos love food, that's why there is a restaurant or vendor at every corner everywhere.

They really suffer if you don't feed them at the right time.

Touched a nerve :( :) :D

this is true:xxgrinning--00xx3:..if my tummy is empty it gets to my brain and affect all the nerves and my hormones...:D
my husband knows how to figure this out now...when i say 'hunnie can i have food please'' ..it means NOW!!!!!!!! ..stop the world!!!! :xxaction-smiley-047:xxgrinning--00xx3::icon_lol:

20th April 2011, 09:01
If me and Rayna are both hungry we just stare at each other growling :D

20th April 2011, 09:03
If me and Rayna are both hungry we just stare at each other growling :D

Errr...you're the one who can't decide where to eat most of the time! :doh

20th April 2011, 10:52
Try feeding them :xxgrinning--00xx3::D

20th April 2011, 13:39
I do not tolerance such nonsense. If I wanted someone who acted in such a manner, I would of let my daughter live with me.

Normally a firm raised voice, with the reminder of the S---t hole she's been rescued from is suffice.

This is the advice ive been given. Luckily, my wife is solid gold :)

20th April 2011, 14:19
Had a number of pinay girlfriends who tried the old sulking or tampo game:rolleyes:They didnt last long,lifes too short:icon_lol:

20th April 2011, 14:40
They eat small but regular amounts all day, you should all know already that all Filipinos love food, that's why there is a restaurant or vendor at every corner everywhere.

They really suffer if you don't feed them at the right time.

What bugs me is how fricking expensive it gets when you have to drive from one city to another, something I used to do often and would do without a break as I want to get it over with, but no we have to stop for the most expensive fricking junk food you can find.

This happens in the Phils as well, if you have not been smart enough to plan out every moment of your day, you will find out that her brain has gone to hell and you are the devil refusing her food at the nearest top class Japanese restaurant and preferably she would like Waygu beef as that is the only thing that suits her pallet today.

Something is wrong when you are scared of the consequences of going out without planning the route and restaurants in advance, but hey we chose this life guys :D

Touched a nerve :( :) :D

' they eat small and regular' mine must be exception to the rule then.

She eats like a horse. We had a meal out last night. She had 3 portions of rice including chicken on the bone in a tandoori sauce.

She's 5 6 in with the figure of Kate Moss. I would say she's got hollow legs but, there nothing there as well.

Im not complaining :).

She passed her life in the uk test 2 hours ago, another hurdle jumped :)

24th April 2011, 18:22
Congrats on the life in the Uk pass:xxgrinning--00xx3:

The wife is the same and I had recently a whole 14 seater of Cousins from little 4 year olds to 20 somethings all a little on edge as they needed to eat.

In phill to hot to eat to much in one go but also for many they are not always sure when they will eat again. The wife can put up with many things homesickness, the cold even discomfort but being hungry is not one if there is a way out of the condtion.

Im guessing many of us here have never really staved or had to worry where the next meal comes from.

It seems odd and unlogical to us Brits but thats different cultures for ya:)

24th April 2011, 20:36
Why dont they like wearing clothes in the house?

It can really annoy me.......:cwm23:

24th April 2011, 20:42

She passed her life in the uk test 2 hours ago, another hurdle jumped :)


24th April 2011, 20:48
i am afraid its me that goes quiet never emma, something i must change:)

24th April 2011, 21:09
Thanks Somebody and alanf1 for the congratulations :D Ill tell wife. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

24th April 2011, 21:13
Why dont they like wearing clothes in the house?

It can really annoy me.......:cwm23:

In the summer not a problem:Rasp: in the winter when they want the heating on plus 11 it is a problem:D

24th April 2011, 22:32
I do not tolerance such nonsense. If I wanted someone who acted in such a manner, I would of let my daughter live with me.

Normally a firm raised voice, with the reminder of the S---t hole she's been rescued from is suffice.

This is the advice ive been given. Luckily, my wife is solid gold :)

woaaah easy! That's crap advice you were given mate.
You are your wife a solid gold probably cos you never followed crap advice like that and looked after each other.

It's all about adapting to each other.

24th April 2011, 23:23
woaaah easy! That's crap advice you were given mate.
You are your wife a solid gold probably cos you never followed crap advice like that and looked after each other.

It's all about adapting to each other.

I was joking!!.(about the s,, t hole bit).......being lighthearted again...:NoNo:

I didn't expect anybody in there right mind to take any notice of that. :NoNo:

25th April 2011, 00:18
haha sorry, looong day.
Working on easter day hasn't made me a happy bunny. All the guys I work with just come back from a day drinking on South Beach in Miami. gutted!

25th April 2011, 00:33
haha sorry, looong day.
Working on easter day hasn't made me a happy bunny. All the guys I work with just come back from a day drinking on South Beach in Miami. gutted!

Your good lady will be happy that you missed that particular excursion :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Your not alone, im working too :xxgrinning--00xx3:

25th April 2011, 08:42
i can think of worst places to work then the south beach miami:icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol:

26th May 2011, 10:38
' they eat small and regular' mine must be exception to the rule then.

She eats like a horse. We had a meal out last night. She had 3 portions of rice including chicken on the bone in a tandoori sauce.

She's 5 6 in with the figure of Kate Moss. I would say she's got hollow legs but, there nothing there as well.

Im not complaining :).

She passed her life in the uk test 2 hours ago, another hurdle jumped :)

ur a nice jockey... nice trainor .. with 5/6 SP.... winner

26th May 2011, 20:03
Bear in mind that once your slender little Filipinas reach our shores, and in particular adopt our horrific eating habits, the weight will pile on...especially after 30.

My ex was fine up until 35 (4'10", about 7st and fit, even after 3 kids), but she tended to keep to rice and fish at that time, and we were back and forwards to the Phils.

Since our parting of ways she has ballooned into a right little porker...maybe 11st now ? :cwm24:

I don't find her remotely attractive now...maybe just as well, eh. :)

27th May 2011, 22:41
Having read through this now I understand my Mahal's constant "im hungry" complaints when we are together!
Wow I really didnt realise it was quite like that maybe I'll change my diet to small and frequent meals...

Congrats Gwapito on the passing of that dreadful test (I've only read the book on it and couldnt answer some of the stupid questions).


28th May 2011, 07:14
Having read through this now I understand my Mahal's constant "im hungry" complaints when we are together!
Wow I really didnt realise it was quite like that maybe I'll change my diet to small and frequent meals...

Congrats Gwapito on the passing of that dreadful test (I've only read the book on it and couldnt answer some of the stupid questions).


I hadn't really given it much thought either, but it is so true:icon_lol: During a typical 2 or 3 hour google chat with my mahal she will mention she is hungry at least twice and will go and get a snack. It's the same when we are together, she's hungry every couple of hours, so we find somewhere to eat, she has two mouthfuls, says she full and leaves the rest or gives it to me to finish off. Half an hour later she's hungry again:icon_lol: I don't mind, but when we are together, when she eats I eat too but I eat man sized portions and finish mine off, so I end up eating 6 or 7 man sized meals a day. After a couple of weeks in the Phils I always come back half a stone heavier and have to lose it when I get home:icon_lol:

29th May 2011, 23:13
I remember the trip before last, arrived there 9am (klm flight) and after @ 4 hours sleep Belle arrives. Quick shower and insists we go to Robinsons for her favourite Sushi. Get there, place has closed down , so were stood in the middle of Robinsons (me completely knackered adter 18 hours travelling) and I suggest pizza or the food court . Her response "are you mad, i've been dreaming of sushi for a week na, get me Sushi !!!!". So we end up getting a taxi to Mall of Asia and she gets her Sushi.
Then because she is there, she decides were going to the cinema in Mall to see Expendables , and of course its large popcorn time and large soda.
After this , its back to the hotel and she's so hungry we have to go to the restaurant for a light meal of rice, fish, rice and rice !
As it's now 9pm we finally retire to the room for 15 mins of exercise :do_it: followed by what I hope will be a nice long sleep. But at 3am she wakes me to say she's starving , lets go Jollibee , after a short conversation of its 3am they will be shut followed by no they wont we end up in Jollibee at 4am and the place is not only open but crowded. Thankfully, 2 pieces of spicy chicken later with extra free rice we retire for a peaceful sleep .

Just to let you know, my baby weighs 40kg and I weight 100kg .............dont ask me how cos i just dont know hahaha

29th May 2011, 23:18
After a couple of weeks in the Phils I always come back half a stone heavier and have to lose it when I get home:icon_lol:

Yep !!! me too:doh

30th May 2011, 00:23
I remember the trip before last, arrived there 9am (klm flight) and after @ 4 hours sleep Belle arrives. Quick shower and insists we go to Robinsons for her favourite Sushi. Get there, place has closed down , so were stood in the middle of Robinsons (me completely knackered adter 18 hours travelling) and I suggest pizza or the food court . Her response "are you mad, i've been dreaming of sushi for a week na, get me Sushi !!!!". So we end up getting a taxi to Mall of Asia and she gets her Sushi.
Then because she is there, she decides were going to the cinema in Mall to see Expendables , and of course its large popcorn time and large soda.
After this , its back to the hotel and she's so hungry we have to go to the restaurant for a light meal of rice, fish, rice and rice !
As it's now 9pm we finally retire to the room for 15 mins of exercise :do_it: followed by what I hope will be a nice long sleep. But at 3am she wakes me to say she's starving , lets go Jollibee , after a short conversation of its 3am they will be shut followed by no they wont we end up in Jollibee at 4am and the place is not only open but crowded. Thankfully, 2 pieces of spicy chicken later with extra free rice we retire for a peaceful sleep .

Just to let you know, my baby weighs 40kg and I weight 100kg .............dont ask me how cos i just dont know hahaha

You're beginning to sound like a meal ticket. ;)

30th May 2011, 00:28
I always lose a couple of stone during extended stays in the Phils.
The heat I suppose, plus I actually take more exercise there.

The calories from gallons of San Mig seem to have no effect at all...other than on my ability to walk home. :Cuckoo:

30th May 2011, 00:30
I always come back lighter...:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Tomorrow She gets the English exam results. Hope it's positive else I'll be going out there again next month.

30th May 2011, 08:28
I always lose a couple of stone during extended stays in the Phils.
The heat I suppose, plus I actually take more exercise there.

The calories from gallons of San Mig seem to have no effect at all...other than on my ability to walk home. :Cuckoo:

I also seem to lose plenty of kg in Pinas.
I would agree that the heat must be a factor. Plenty extra exercise for me also.
Plus I tend to eat less overall.
Tend to drink more though :rolleyes:

30th May 2011, 08:30
.....Tomorrow She gets the English exam results. Hope it's positive else I'll be going out there again next month.

I hope so too tone :xxgrinning--00xx3:

30th May 2011, 08:35
"are you mad, i've been dreaming of sushi for a week na, get me Sushi !!!!".
I always lose weight in Pinas,dont drink alcohol and swim often,once I get back to UK I pig-out on dairy products like cheese,yoghurt,gallons of fresh milk etc.

30th May 2011, 10:30
biggest tummy ever...heheheh
food...food...food :D