View Full Version : Super Injunction Gagging Orders - Cryptic Clues

22nd April 2011, 18:03
I've just come across 3 cryptic clues pertaining to the Happily Married Family Man Footballer who's been putting it about.

It's probably common knowledge to many but would it be in order to post these 3 here ?

Ako Si Jamie
22nd April 2011, 19:56
http://image.spreadshirt.net/image-server/image/composition/10183340/view/1/type/png/width/178/height/178/white-caution-john-terry-men-s-tees_design.png :icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol:

22nd April 2011, 20:01
http://image.spreadshirt.net/image-server/image/composition/10183340/view/1/type/png/width/178/height/178/white-caution-john-terry-men-s-tees_design.png :icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol:


Grossly unfair that the England Captain was unable to get his order when they are dished out freely to these other Philanderers :D I see Cameron is coming out against them. Name & Shame I say - the News of The World his having a hard enough time what with phone hacking and so forth

22nd April 2011, 20:12
i dont read newspapers i can get all my news from here :icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol:, all thes so called famous prople spreading it about , i wonder if they are really happy with who every there partner is, they cannot be that strong if they just have to dip who ever comes along, what would they say if there partner is doing it too:NoNo:

Ako Si Jamie
22nd April 2011, 20:23

Grossly unfair that the England Captain was unable to get his order when they are dished out freely to these other Philanderers :D I see Cameron is coming out against them. Name & Shame I say - the News of The World his having a hard enough time what with phone hacking and so forth
If it's not Terry it has to be Rooney

22nd April 2011, 20:50
If it's not Terry it has to be Rooney

You're getting closer - I'll pm you the cryptics if you want !

Ako Si Jamie
22nd April 2011, 20:58
You're getting closer - I'll pm you the cryptics if you want !Go on then Ded :)

23rd April 2011, 14:07
Many Sheep have followed his career i belive:D

27th April 2011, 11:28
It's Ryan Giggs!:omg:

27th April 2011, 11:32
Be careful what you say, even in jest, against these injuctions.

2nd May 2011, 20:38
The married Premiership footballer who allegedly had an affair with Imogen Thomas has owned up to his shattered wife, it has been revealed.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1382430/Imogen-Thomas-affair-Premiership-star-won-super-injunction-confesses-wife.html#ixzz1LE3G9Zn2

10th May 2011, 11:47
Any Twitter users here ? Has the Family Man Northern Footballer been exposed yet ? :D

10th May 2011, 12:06
was it Ryan Giggs ?? heard rumours about it

10th May 2011, 19:32
If anyone did know for sure they couldn't say on here without going to jail.

21st May 2011, 14:11
He's now suing Twitter -

A Premiership footballer is suing Twitter after details of a super-injunction he obtained were published on the micro-blogging site.


As one would expect the lawyers are laughing all the way to the bank.

Maybe Ferdinand and Rooney were the twits responsible :D

21st May 2011, 17:31
i dont read newspapers i can get all my news from here :icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol:, all thes so called famous prople spreading it about , i wonder if they are really happy with who every there partner is, they cannot be that strong if they just have to dip who ever comes along, what would they say if there partner is doing it too:NoNo:
There partners probably are, just haven't been caught yet (There's no business like show business) :Sex: