View Full Version : No to AV

29th April 2011, 17:54

29th April 2011, 19:24
:icon_lol: i was waiting for you to post about AV dedworth :D

i'll be voting no thou :xxgrinning--00xx3:

29th April 2011, 23:30
I voted YES ..... only because I voted NO for the last referrendum .... best to be fair :icon_lol:

30th April 2011, 00:45
AV :crazy::NoNo:

30th April 2011, 09:55
i thought dedworth would vote yes as he supports a team that will finish second or third but would like them to win :D

i may vote yes...i doubt many others will :Erm:

30th April 2011, 10:00
i thought dedworth would vote yes as he supports a team that will finish second or third but would like them to win :D

i may vote yes...i doubt many others will :Erm:
I'm a definite no vote on this one:D

30th April 2011, 10:23
It's the political system that needs an overhaul, not the voting system :xxgrinning--00xx3:

30th April 2011, 11:01
I will be voting yes for change. Every 5 years or so I am begged to come out and vote for a party who will then completely ignore the public and follow the wishes of big business and their cronies and are very quick to put you at the sharp end when the bullets start to whiz around.
AV would give us a more wider representative parliament, and reduce safe seat politics.

30th April 2011, 12:41
It's the political system that needs an overhaul, not the voting system :xxgrinning--00xx3:

What's your definition of our political system?

My definition is that that of Democracy. Majority Rule.
Nothing is perfect.

30th April 2011, 13:01
What's your definition of our political system?

My definition is that that of Democracy. Majority Rule.
Nothing is perfect.

Majority Rule eh :Erm: You're given a choice between 2 blokes, both of whom are freemasons and hand picked years in advance, then brought to power through media manipulation and social engineering. The Majority don't have any say in the rules, they just get to place a vote on who makes the rules for them :angry:

Arthur Little
30th April 2011, 16:31
Hmmm ... well ...

... I've already cast MY 3 POSTAL votes!!!

Three? And by post? Why?

Because ... up here, in the land o' the :Kilt: an' heather ... it's time for the Quadriennial Parliamentary Elections in which - as has been my wont for the past 28 years - I shall once again fulfill the role of Presiding Officer. "Nothing new there", :rolleyes: you might think. Ah ...
... but there IS! On this occasion - due to Reorganisation of Constituency Boundaries - no fewer than SEVEN of us will be crammed into a local Gospel Hall :omg: ... that is patently ill-equipped to double-up as a polling station. There ... within the confines of a venue roughly half the size of our usual surroundings ... more or less "manacled" to a desk for 16 hours - from 6.20am till 10.20pm - (under the terms of our Contracts of Employment we're forbidden to leave the premises throughout the poll!) except to have a :piss2: ... each of us will do our level best to explain [to an unsurprisingly :confused: electorate] yet another :crazy: Governmental idiosyncracy that involves conducting three different procedures on the same day! :doh

30th April 2011, 17:30
What's your definition of our political system?

My definition is that that of Democracy. Majority Rule.
Nothing is perfect.

Majority rule ? so 60% of electrate turn out to vote and about 30% of them vote Con so thats roughly 20% of the population ... where's the majority there ? also its a good enough system for the Con's to use to choose thier leader...the qusetion to ask is why are they against it ? mabey it will give people a real voice and thats not good for politics is it ? Imagine normal people have a real voice thats just terrible....Oh and have a nice long weekend all :Wave:

oh and I diddnt vots for a Conservative Liberal Democrat coalition it was'nt even on the paper but thats what they gave us apparently thats what we wanted......... ok im off my soapbox

30th April 2011, 17:40
Majority rule ? so 60% of electrate turn out to vote and about 30% of them vote Con so thats roughly 20% of the population ... where's the majority there ? also its a good enough system for the Con's to use to choose thier leader...the qusetion to ask is why are they against it ? mabey it will give people a real voice and thats not good for politics is it ? Imagine normal people have a real voice thats just terrible....Oh and have a nice long weekend all :Wave:

oh and I diddnt vots for a Conservative Liberal Democrat coalition it was'nt even on the paper but thats what they gave us apparently thats what we wanted......... ok im off my soapbox

I understand your point, but firstly I feel lucky to live in a democratic environment, secondly I feel lucky that at least we are free to discuss and input into the type of voting system we prefer.

I'm still waiting for someone to provide their own views on a proven alternative.
Still nothings perfect

Maybe we should make voting a legal requirement and criminalise those who disagree? I've got a feeling they do that in some EU countries.??

30th April 2011, 18:12
Majority rule ? so 60% of electrate turn out to vote and about 30% of them vote Con so thats roughly 20% of the population ... where's the majority there ? also its a good enough system for the Con's to use to choose thier leader...the qusetion to ask is why are they against it ? mabey it will give people a real voice and thats not good for politics is it ? Imagine normal people have a real voice thats just terrible....Oh and have a nice long weekend all :Wave:

oh and I diddnt vots for a Conservative Liberal Democrat coalition it was'nt even on the paper but thats what they gave us apparently thats what we wanted......... ok im off my soapbox

It's the electorates fault for not being bothered to vote.

There's no excuses, even the postal method is open to anyone now unlike in the past.

It's everyones duty to vote. The present voting system is just and fair.

I wonder how many of that non voting 40% are whinging and whining about the present coalition? A great many. They only have themselves to blame.

Like the census, they should make it a legal obligation to vote.

Arthur Little
30th April 2011, 18:44
It's everyones duty to vote. I wonder how many of that non voting 40% are whinging and whining about the present coalition? A great many. They only have themselves to blame.

Like the census, they should make it a legal obligation to vote.

:gp:... makes perfect sense!

30th April 2011, 18:46
If there was an option to vote them out then more people would vote but when you are not really given a choice then what is the point of voting, either way you get a clone they all went to the same schools and probably all been buggered by each other and they do the same thing once there in and how come the losing party still get in parliment and get payed for losing ? ok some one said its not a perfect system... well really you dont say

Arthur Little
30th April 2011, 19:29
The present voting system is just and fair.

how come the losing party still get in parliment and get payed for losing ?

:iagree: ... hence TWO very valid reasons for voting a resounding 'NO' to the proposed alternative.

30th April 2011, 20:27
i like to vote for the Green party first but because i think they will not win I have to vote Labour , who do have a chance to win so AV suits me so it gets my vote


30th April 2011, 20:47
gWaPito is spot on:xxgrinning--00xx3:
Its not the system at fault but the people who don't get involved.
As to saying that the current system does not give the people a voice :NoNo:, many independent candidates stand for election with a manifesto based on local views & as a reaction to national party policies & MPs indiscretions.

If all the people who complain but don't vote or the people who vote by colour actually took the time to look at who was standing and what there manifesto was then voted based on who closest matched there views then the main parties would have a shock!

30th April 2011, 20:53
If you want to see what a system like AV might do to this country then take a look at the European parliament & Euro MPs.
The amount of stupid rules/regulations that get passed there because of a "you vote for mine & I'll vote for yours" approach rather than a single or coalition government guided policy.

1st May 2011, 18:43
If you want to see what a system like AV might do to this country then take a look at the European parliament & Euro MPs.
The amount of stupid rules/regulations that get passed there because of a "you vote for mine & I'll vote for yours" approach rather than a single or coalition government guided policy.

The commission is the single "party" guiding policy and you dont even get to vote for them... remeber lefty kinnock.. what happened to him.. well guess he's got a cosy seat somewhere and he doesnt lean to left anymore it's a case of put your mouth where the money is......good choice

some people need to find some proper facts and not just take what is written in the Sun or what they hear on corrie/eastenders as fact

1st May 2011, 23:34
I would rather compare the Swedish proportional voting system that seems to have served the country quite well and the welfare of their people are put first, as opposed to the first past the post system that a lot of African countries use such as Zimbabwe , or put another way I would rather have a Swedish pension then a Zimbabwe pension.:rolleyes:

2nd May 2011, 00:46
I don't read the any national paper or watch british soaps, my views of the European commission are based on my experience as a farmer and the shear stupidity of the many rules & regulations that get thrown at farmers from the EU.

I would like to point out that I'm not in favour of pulling out of the EU & I am in favour of the EU in principal, what I am against is the way it currently works as its very unfair & biased.

As to the commission guiding policy, that's true in a very broad sense but many policies & new rules / regulations get high jacked & amended by minority groups within the EU commission. Many deals are done behind closed doors to get votes & this is when a minority group gets to flex its muscles a gets amendments or the support to change policies in a different direction which often involves pain for the majority of people.

2nd May 2011, 01:06
As an example to my views on the EU Commission, new legislation was brought in regarding ID tags for sheep. During the consultation period groups representing the livestock industry made many suggestions as to making the unworkable proposed policy fit for purpose but this advice fell on deaf ears of the English government who failed to propose any amendments. An attempt was made to reach out to EU mp's & at one stage looked promising but this soon changed after back room deals were made and the support disappeared.

Because of this we know have a Id tag system in place that's so complicated that DEFRA & trading standards who are meant to over see & police it don't even know the correct procedures to comply with the rules as I recently found out after not knowing what to do regarding a problem I found my self in, I contacted both DEFRA & trading standards to find out what the correct way to deal with my problem and neither could give me a answer.

The new Id regulation were meant to improve bio security & reduce fraud but its made it so that its easier to commit fraud than try and comply with the rules.

2nd May 2011, 02:51
hi farmerg
do farmers still get a good deal from brussels i heard grain prices are high but other areas not as good something that does interest me
im led to believe the uk is one of the biggest payers into the e/u does it justify what we get from being a member most of the nonsense that comes brussels just seems crazy
im really supprised the goverment is not making noises about the uk using the euro again as it has been of similar value to a pound per euro for a long time now
av voting is probably great for the parties not likely to get peoples first choice and could see some new faces in goverment good idea im not that sure
but i agree the system needs overhaul as its biased by the seats system used to vote in your so called local mp if you live in a safe seat area little point voting your choice if it difers from the safe seat
surely one vote per person for any party nationally would it simplify or complecate things more who knows but least if i chose to vote it would always count and not just make or break the majority in my voting area
im glad im not a politition regards mark

2nd May 2011, 02:56
sounds like red tape stupidity and yet again alot of wasted taxpayers money

2nd May 2011, 03:06
the commission is the single "party" guiding policy and you dont even get to vote for them... Remeber lefty kinnock.. What happened to him.. Well guess he's got a cosy seat somewhere and he doesnt lean to left anymore it's a case of put your mouth where the money is......good choice

some people need to find some proper facts and not just take what is written in the sun or what they hear on corrie/eastenders as fact
doesnt kinnock have a seat in brussels now most discarded mps seem to end up there

2nd May 2011, 03:12
i like to vote for the green party first but because i think they will not win i have to vote labour , who do have a chance to win so av suits me so it gets my vote


who actually pushed this through to vote on was it lib dems who influenced it id love to know ive not really had time to take notice or all of it in it would suit the libs as i think if anyones main vote was lagour for example then it wont be tories as second its more likely to be the libs the same if your prefered 1st choice was tory
so whos likely to gain power i know where my money is lol

3rd May 2011, 09:37
why its pointless for us mere mortals to dispute this when we end up with what thier plan is for us anyhows !

if you have a spare two hours


3rd May 2011, 11:35
Good share :xxgrinning--00xx3: Yet to watch Loose Change but seen Invisible Empire.


Unfortunately for most people ignorance is bliss, and they're quick to write such films off as conspiracy theories... even when all the facts are there to see :ReadIt:

3rd May 2011, 18:58
I try not to comment on politics or religion. :rolleyes:

Both to me seem to offer heaven and deliver hell. :NoNo:

Arthur Little
4th May 2011, 14:06
... within the confines of a venue roughly half the size of our usual surroundings ... more or less "manacled" to a desk for 16 hours - from 6.20am till 10.20pm - (under the terms of our Contracts of Employment we're forbidden to leave the premises throughout the poll!) except to have a :piss2: ... each of us will do our level best to explain [to an unsurprisingly :confused: electorate] yet another :crazy: Governmental idiosyncracy that involves conducting three different procedures on the same day! :doh

So :please: ... spare a thought for the poor election staff cooped up tomorrow :cwm24: while everyone else in the UK is out and about enjoying the :sunshine:

Doc Alan
4th May 2011, 16:24
So :please: ... spare a thought for the poor election staff cooped up tomorrow :cwm24: while everyone else in the UK is out and about enjoying the :sunshine:
Yes to A L :xxgrinning--00xx3:

4th May 2011, 16:41
Yes to A L :xxgrinning--00xx3:

yes to AL or yes to Arthur Little :Erm:

6th May 2011, 20:10
The No vote wins:D
Bloody good week-Fantastic Royal Wedding,Bin Laden Bites the dust,Conservatives hold thier own and no to A/V:xxgrinning--00xx3:

6th May 2011, 20:15
The No's have it - on our local Council the Limp Dems got a right thrashing previously it was Cons 37, LD 15, Others 5 now Cons 51 LD 1 Others 5

It has been a great week Les - but you did forget to mention last weekends Prem results :D

6th May 2011, 20:23
I Prefer to look forward to this weeks:D

6th May 2011, 20:31
I Prefer to look forward to this weeks:D

Always the diplomat Les :D

Doc Alan
6th May 2011, 22:11
yes to AL or yes to Arthur Little :Erm:
A definite Yes to Arthur Little and his election staff for a job well done :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Arthur Little
6th May 2011, 23:18
A definite Yes to Arthur Little and his election staff for a job well done :xxgrinning--00xx3:

:) Ah ... :68711_thanx:, for your vote of confidence, Alan. And thank God, THE most difficult election I've presided at - in almost 3 decades - is all over now. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

7th May 2011, 01:00
The No's have it - on our local Council the Limp Dems got a right thrashing previously it was Cons 37, LD 15, Others 5 now Cons 51 LD 1 Others 5

It has been a great week Les - but you did forget to mention last weekends Prem results :D

Labour 39 +5 44
Conservative 13 -2 11
Liberal Democrat 5 -2 3

labour didn't do too bad in Salford :D