View Full Version : Facebook links

1st May 2011, 11:51
Just tried to get on some peoples facebook pages using the little F button on their posts and it keeps coming up with "the page requested was not found". Does anyone know whats up? I've decided to try to have a go at using facebook more than my standard quarterly log on.

1st May 2011, 12:55
Most people put the wrong code in the box for some unknown reason. They don't seem to be able to remember their FB usernames :Erm:

1st May 2011, 14:05
Oh ok, so its not a fault on the forum, or my end then?

1st May 2011, 14:29
They've probably just blocked you Stu:icon_lol:

1st May 2011, 14:40
Oh ok, so its not a fault on the forum, or my end then?

Nope. It the person who updates their own profile being a bit :crazy: :icon_lol:

People add the link, but do not check if it is correct!!

1st May 2011, 14:53
If you click the fb link then it looks like this www.facebook.com/email...then just copy the email and search it on fb, and if the links repeat the fb url twice, like www.facebook.com/http:/www.facebook.com/%../then username, just make it to http:/www.facebook.com/username..

Since mostly copy all the url of their fb,.
you just need to put your username:)

1st May 2011, 16:06
They've probably just blocked you Stu:icon_lol:

Blocked already and I'm such a nice bloke!