View Full Version : visa fee increase for dependants

john sergison
7th May 2011, 16:50
just got my reply to my rant at the border agency about the 94% fee increase for dependants an increase of £236. we are just about to do the ILR for wife and daughter

how kind they are to us all,,they say it is the intention to make the dependants fee the same as the main applicant in the future,,but they are phasing the increases in slowly so we dont feel the pain at once..ah bless them at the border agency...

7th May 2011, 16:59
Should be free if you've been paying income tax here for say 10 years minimum...in other words, UKBA's bloody wages. :angry:

They'd be better spending their time kicking out most of the dross they've already allowed in. :cwm23:

7th May 2011, 17:03
Should be free if you've been paying income tax here for say 10 years minimum...in other words, UKBA's bloody wages. :angry:

They'd be better spending their time kicking out most of the dross they've already allowed in. :cwm23:

if it was free, you would be moaning even more as everyone will want to come :Erm:

7th May 2011, 18:36
Everyone wants to come anyway.

I am sticking up for those on this forum who have to pay for something that should be minimal cost, but for all the bloody illegals etc causing the extra work and costs to the UKBA, and the country generally.

My spouse visa cost £40.

If you're happy with today's totally out of proportion fees, fine.