View Full Version : How I ended up here..

11th May 2011, 01:28
Hi all, I will try keep this a brief intro but may well fail..

Many years ago I frequented chatsites via moble phone (WAP) I came across "pinoys" on some sites, some sites even provided them with a room. It soon became evident that these pinoys were rather different to most people I had come across on chatsites, there was a consistent theme of very friendly, very chatty, funny and welcoming, only canucks (Canadians) come close online. Many years later I returned to chatsites out of curiosity but this time on PC. It was a while before I came across any pinoys and as soon as I did it all came flooding back. After chatting a bit more in depth I was intrigued at how different the women were, well, I couldn't get my head round it, still can't. Some were keen to find a foreign bf/husband and of course alarm bells ring. The answers I was given as to why they wanted foreign husbands and their reactions to some of my politely put cynicisms left me wondering still further. I joked with one about setting up a dating service between us and that got me thinking, googled UK sites and this came close to top of list.. So here I am.. Not to actually start a dating service, I guess I have been bitten (nicely) and some of the posts I have read on here echo my observations of pinoy women and its all a bit much to get my head round with the stigma of "import/mail order brides" not seeming fitting with their (seemingly) genuinely romantic ideals... What's it all about? lol

11th May 2011, 09:13
.....get my head round with the stigma of "import/mail order brides" not seeming fitting with their (seemingly) genuinely romantic ideals... What's it all about? lol

Well less than 5000 British passport holders visited the Phil last year, a lot of them would have been on business, visiting family, holidays, backpackers, which leaves a minority going to see their girlfriends. Most of them would have been met on forums, chatrooms, and normal dating sites. Not leaving that many for 'mail order brides' which isn't really a business technique use in the Philippines, the ones that do go on are usually scammers. Mail order brides you will find are mostly Russian these days.

11th May 2011, 09:23
Well less than 5000 British passport holders visited the Phil last year, a lot of them would have been on business, visiting family, holidays, backpackers, which leaves a minority going to see their girlfriends. Most of them would have been met on forums, chatrooms, and normal dating sites. Not leaving that many for 'mail order brides' which isn't really a business technique use in the Philippines, the ones that do go on are usually scammers. Mail order brides you will find are mostly Russian these days.

Have these stats been cross referenced :ReadIt: :D

11th May 2011, 09:31
Have these stats been cross referenced :ReadIt: :D

Yes... you can check them yourself with official Philippine sites. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Arthur Little
11th May 2011, 12:43
... perhaps - as a "Seer" - you felt we might PROPHET (profit) from it? :icon_lol:

Arthur Little
11th May 2011, 12:49
What's it all about? lol

Dunno, really :anerikke: ... ask Alfie!

11th May 2011, 15:08
less than 5000 British passport holders visited the Phil last year

Is that individuals, or simply the total number of entrance/exit stamps given out? There could be some multiple counting if it's the latter as I entered the Phil's 4 times last year and no doubt quite a few others went more than once:Erm:

11th May 2011, 15:14
I thought that figure of 5000 was way too low. What are these official Philippine sites :Erm: It's more like 90k.


11th May 2011, 15:38
:Erm: I'm going nuts, it was supposed to say 90000 :crazy: :doh, I got the stats from here http://www.visitmyphilippines.com/images/ads/b0f324c05c9579967ae340820bb397bd.pdf

How the hell does the British government know how many go anyway? :Erm: They are only just starting to get a grip on who comes in, never mind going out, and as we don't have direct UK flights to the Philippines :cwm23:

Glad I don't make mistakes with numbers when gambling .... oh hang on ... I do :yikes:

12th May 2011, 14:25
'Mail Order Bride' (a much abused and over-used expression :rolleyes:) business has been outlawed in the Phils for many years.

The girls want to come to a modern and exotic country (to them) for a better life with a modern and exotic man...hopefuly with a bit of money in his pocket. lol! :icon_lol:

Not rocket science, and entirely understandable when you've a family to help support, limited opportunities in your own country, and ambitions to better your prospects in life.
Having a 'white' baby seems high on the wishlist too.

What is a testosterone-fuelled single Western guy supposed to do, faced with such beautiful and needy ladies ? :Erm:

12th May 2011, 15:02
hmmm am thinking about the CFO seminar now to avoid mail order brides,,,it must have serve its purpose:xxgrinning--00xx3::icon_lol:

12th June 2011, 18:31
Well thanks for replies guys/lady, I had taken it upon myself to seek out some answers and clarification and it seems there are too many generalisations about Filipinos and I myself had a skewed view of them, I think maybe on chat long ago I met an unusually friendly lot, either that or just times have changed so much and so has the attitudes of Filipinos towards foreigners. I did find a couple of Filipino men to chat with and they did give some illuminating insights into the whole dating thing. However by and large I have been finding that Flipinos online are no longer as friendly, indeed they are mostly kinda hostile towards and insulting of westerners (and clearly oblivious to the fact we may know how to use an online Tagalog to English translator lol). I would certainly advise against "Filipinofriendfinder" and I am not finding much luck anywhere else. Also I am feeling less and less inclined to visit Phili, the Filipinos I have come across since online are not doing the tourism indusrty there any favours, put it that way lol :Erm:

12th June 2011, 18:44
the Filipinos I have come across since online are not doing the tourism indusrty there any favours
Filipinos as in the guys or filipinas as in the women :Erm: Pinas isnt really a "Touristy" place,check out the brochures in a travel agency,S.E.Asia normally has Thailand,singapore,Hong Kong,malaysia,sometimes Indonesia as in Bali but the glaring ommission in the region is Pinas,theres a host of reasons for that,the Pinoy tourist board should be sacked and replaced.

12th June 2011, 18:50
Filipinos as in the guys or filipinas as in the women :Erm: Pinas isnt really a "Touristy" place,check out the brochures in a travel agency,S.E.Asia normally has Thailand,singapore,Hong Kong,malaysia,sometimes Indonesia as in Bali but the glaring ommission in the region is Pinas,theres a host of reasons for that,the Pinoy tourist board should be sacked and replaced.

Erm... both? lol. I was chatting in general, like in public chat and the like, not exclusively to women. If the tourism board is staffed by the likes of which I have met online its a wonder they have a Tourism board at all lol

12th June 2011, 18:56
One guy suggested I go there and visit Boracay and Palawan Island, having looked at them there is certainly some stunning scenery, even without any women there! So yes maybe a wasted opportunity for tourism, though maybe the seemingly ever present rains and storms makes it a little less idyllic than the photos?

12th June 2011, 19:13
I doubt many people could tell you a realistic answer on this site based on what I have read.... no doubt I will get banned by the administrators for doubting their good will intentions or devotions to the Filipino girls here...... I find it embarrassing that administrators always have a negative slant to filipinas even although they are married to one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! To them GET REAL!!!! To Seer if you would like a realistic view about the real Filipina ask someone who has met, married and has a great life with a wonderful wife who is just a natural and lovely woman..... there are many many filipinas who are genuine and lovely , both in nature and appearance.... send me an email email removed for personal safety if this ever gets posted hahahahhahahahahha

Joker eh????:NoNo:

12th June 2011, 19:32
Hi there Seer,

Why don't you visit the Philippines and see how it looks like? :)
My hubby thought Philippines is a jungley place until he went to the Philippines by himself to meet me for the first time.
Philippines is such a lovely country with lots of tourist attractions if you know exactly where to go.... so be more confident and explore more the country :xxgrinning--00xx3:
The country is known worldwide for its charming brand of hospitality.
There is a huge number of British nationals, who have lived, worked, travelled and studied in the Philippines and have since returned to the United Kingdom after their stay. A majority of these have fond memories of their days in the Philippines, and continue to hold the Philippines in high regard. These 'friends' of the Philippines may be of different academic background, ages and professional orientation, but they all share a common appreciation for the natural attractiveness of the country and the friendliness of its people.:)

12th June 2011, 19:38
Hi there Seer,

Why don't you visit the Philippines and see how it looks like? :)
My hubby thought Philippines is a jungley place until he went to the Philippines by himself to meet me for the first time.
Philippines is such a lovely country with lots of tourist attractions if you know exactly where to go.... so be more confident and explore more the country :xxgrinning--00xx3:
The country is known worldwide for its charming brand of hospitality.
There is a huge number of British nationals, who have lived, worked, travelled and studied in the Philippines and have since returned to the United Kingdom after their stay. A majority of these have fond memories of their days in the Philippines, and continue to hold the Philippines in high regard. These 'friends' of the Philippines may be of different academic background, ages and professional orientation, but they all share a common appreciation for the natural attractiveness of the country and the friendliness of its people.:)

I have also experienced the warm friendly people of this lovely country. Unfortunately, many people like to thrive on the negative steriotypical view of southern asian counties :doh

12th June 2011, 19:55
The Philippines is a brilliant tourist destination for the more adventurous, intelligent and open-minded types.

Generally speaking the Filipino people...especially considering the hardship and poverty most of them have to endure their whole lives, are probably the friendliest and most generous people on the planet.

Please don't tell everyone though...don't want hoards of tourists cluttering up our secret paradise. :)

12th June 2011, 20:10
How about show some self control and respect............................

how about making some sense when posting :D

2nd July 2011, 23:50
My guy fall in love with Pinas as soon as he landed there ( maybe coz he got me as a tour guide :icon_lol:) Kidding aside, personally I will recommend Boracay. Best you go there on summer time, around Jan-May to make most of the best weather.

One guy suggested I go there and visit Boracay and Palawan Island, having looked at them there is certainly some stunning scenery, even without any women there! So yes maybe a wasted opportunity for tourism, though maybe the seemingly ever present rains and storms makes it a little less idyllic than the photos?

3rd July 2011, 00:24
After re-reading this thread...I think the guy (?) just needs to sort himself out.:rolleyes:

There is so much information on the internet now, if people would just use it.

'Ever-present rain and storms'. :NoNo: