View Full Version : Playing the waiting game

13th May 2011, 16:56
Hi all, new to the site and got some good info already. We applied for my wife's UK Spouse settlement visa 15th April in Tokyo were she is a resident. I put all the information together that was required and the guy who accepted the application ticked every box on the VFS check list form. Unfortunately were still waiting for the decision, getting sooooooo fed up of seeing that web page saying "Application under assesment at VISA section".

The Japanese processing times are usually really quick looking at there past statistics. I know all the paperwork is bundled up in an envelope and sent to Manila for the UKBA to evaluate and make a decision but it seems that our application is slipping outside the normal processing time curve.

Does anyone have any insight into what could be going on?

My wife is 3 months pregnant as well and getting more fed up by the day waiting as I had to head back to the UK for work commitments. She has packed up work ready to move as well. We didn't put that on the original application because we wanted to confirm everything with baby was OK first.

Do you think if I sent that iin as additionalinformation for the case officer it would have any effect?

Anyone who can comment on my questions the feedback would be greatly appreciated, getting so frustrated at being kept this far away from my wife and feeling so ill informed by the UKBA as to whats going on.


13th May 2011, 18:12
welcome to the forum
my Fiancee applied on the 1st april and we are still waiting.
one of the reasons is its busy season and along with all the bank holidays in april what they did not work the staff were only at work for 15 days.

13th May 2011, 18:23
welcome to the forum
my Fiancee applied on the 1st april and we are still waiting.
one of the reasons is its busy season and along with all the bank holidays in april what they did not work the staff were only at work for 15 days.

Alan is quite correct. Additionally there is a small backlog. Also remember that according to the VFS website:-
"once you have submitted your documents at one of the visa application centres in Japan they will be forwarded by commercial courier to the UK Border Agency at the British Embassy in Manila, where your visa application will be processed and a decision taken"

Maybe you are not aware that there is consular training in Manila from May 2 - 20 which will also create significant delays.

Sorry to say you may need to wait a little. I know it's tough, but nothing can be done.
Hang on in there buddy. All will come through. :)

13th May 2011, 19:03
3wk wait is nothing to worry about, just because a few people were lucky and got their visa in a few days, doesn't mean everyone will :NoNo:

i dont think they will tell you anything anyway until 3 months have passed

13th May 2011, 19:44
Same thing here... I submitted the application April 28, still waiting, it's the longest time me and my daughter have been away from my husband.... and now still waiting.:bigcry:

13th May 2011, 20:19
Out of interest, all the information you give them I understand they read it and assess it but what else do they do? What's the steps that the UKBA take to verify things?

Just thinking if they do have stages to the process why don't they put an update against each stage of the application. Would at least communicate to people waiting that it's moving forward and not just sat in a pile waiting to hit the top.

13th May 2011, 21:03

15th May 2011, 09:56
Does anyone have a feel for how long things are taking at the moment?

Thinking about heading back to Japan to be with my wife and trying to work out dates. Obviously she wants to come to the UK the day after she gets her VISA through.

Arthur Little
16th May 2011, 10:31
Does anyone have a feel for how long things are taking at the moment?

It's certainly a frustrating business :furious3: ... and I can fully empathise with your feelings. But - as I explained to 'Chinee' a couple of days ago - the delay is undoubtedly due to the factors others have mentioned above. This being the case ... it isn't realistically possible to predict the average waiting period ...

Arthur Little
16th May 2011, 10:36
... however, :welcomex: to the friendly, online filipino/uk community.

17th May 2011, 10:00
I had been apart from my wife for 8 months, until a month ago, where I spent 3 weeks with her before returning to the UK.
I also miss my 2 children, a girl who has just turn 5 and my son who is 1.
I am waiting on my wifes visa, we applied for it on April 12th, and it was submitted to embassy on April 14th. Its a spouse/settlement visa.

Its hard being away from my wife, but even harder to be away from my children.:bigcry:

18th May 2011, 06:21
Oh my hat, it's squeaky bum time. The VISA decision is made and the wife's passport is en route back to Japan. Praying it has an authorised VISA within it. Please please please God let there be a VISA inside that little book.

21st May 2011, 07:45
News .............. my wife lands home in the UK on Tuesday. VISA granted, soooooooooooooooooo happy :Jump:

21st May 2011, 08:08
:xxgrinning--00xx3: great news

21st May 2011, 08:14