View Full Version : Madeleine McCann

14th May 2011, 13:56
Madeleine McCann, Missing for over 4years now, Has to be any parents worst nightmare.
We no longer live in an age of innocence, Were her parents niave , or perhaps irresponsible ? It's very easy to have a false sense of secruity while on holiday, friendly locals, nice weather, with hindsight its plain to see the danger.
Will we ever find out what really happend , do you think ?
Theories anyone ?

14th May 2011, 14:07
ben needham too went missing in 1991.. still no trace..:{

i was working in brussels a few yrs ago, was scarey to see so many cars with pictures displayed of children missing.. :{

14th May 2011, 14:32
This happens so rarely it's not worth worrying about. Sad for the families concerned but maybe we should concentrate more on things like preventing kids being killed on our roads or in the home every year which is a much more frightening statistic.

Ako Si Jamie
14th May 2011, 17:02
Leaving a young kid like that in an apartment in a foreign country while they go out and enjoy themselves is irresponsible to say the least.

14th May 2011, 17:05
Leaving a young kid like that in an apartment in a foreign country while they go out and enjoy themselves is irresponsible to say the least.

They keep forgetting to mention that when live on TV :rolleyes:

14th May 2011, 17:20
Madeleine McCann, Missing for over 4years now, Has to be any parents worst nightmare.
We no longer live in an age of innocence, Were her parents niave , or perhaps irresponsible ? It's very easy to have a false sense of secruity while on holiday, friendly locals, nice weather, with hindsight its plain to see the danger.
Will we ever find out what really happened , do you think ?
Theories anyone ?

I think you may have started a thread which may cause problems here.

Firstly, whilst anyone and everyone can make a guess (most totally uneducated ones, i.e. no police / investigatory background, thus pointless and worthless) there is almost certainly the possibility that people will make libelous posts aimed at the parents.

When that happened on the Daily Mail and Daily Express blogs the papers (I sent the editors emails suggesting the dangers they may have been exposing themselves to. They both said they did not think their newspapers would be held to blame for libelous post). They both subsequently settled out of court for around half a million pounds each.

I am sure none of us want anything like that to happen here.

14th May 2011, 18:56
The papers made accusations, we've so far talked about facts in the public domain.

14th May 2011, 21:50
My heart goes out to the McCanns.

No more to say.

14th May 2011, 22:26
Leaving a young kid like that in an apartment in a foreign country while they go out and enjoy themselves is irresponsible to say the least.

very very irresponsible jamie and then she contemplated suicide.. her other children must of said heyyy thanks mum. :NoNo:

Ako Si Jamie
15th May 2011, 00:46
very very irresponsible jamie and then she contemplated suicide.. her other children must of said heyyy thanks mum. :NoNo: I didn't know that. Sounds like a selfish act was followed by selfish thoughts.

15th May 2011, 01:00
Heartbroken people's minds don't always work properly.

How about some compassion guys ? :Erm:

15th May 2011, 05:59
I think you may have started a thread which may cause problems here.

Firstly, whilst anyone and everyone can make a guess (most totally uneducated ones, i.e. no police / investigatory background, thus pointless and worthless) there is almost certainly the possibility that people will make libelous posts aimed at the parents.

When that happened on the Daily Mail and Daily Express blogs the papers (I sent the editors emails suggesting the dangers they may have been exposing themselves to. They both said they did not think their newspapers would be held to blame for libelous post). They both subsequently settled out of court for around half a million pounds each.

I am sure none of us want anything like that to happen here.

Fully agree, things like this only lead to speculation based on scanty information

15th May 2011, 08:17
Leaving a young kid like that in an apartment in a foreign country while they go out and enjoy themselves is irresponsible to say the least.

Looking back many years I used to go on group camping holidays in France and Germany, we always had a tent that the adults gatherd in in the evenings with our children in our own tents, no harm came and we never thought of any, I suppose we were lucky:NoNo:

I have much sympathy for her parents:bigcry:

15th May 2011, 09:14
My kids were taken once... the kidnappers note read: "We'll give you £1000 for each child, please take them back :bigcry:"

15th May 2011, 10:35
a long time ago my then wife was out shopping in the local town with 1 of our daughters she was 3 then, and in a split secound she was gone what a shock for those few hours , she had wondered away but was found by a kind person who took her to the police station, i went mad at her for letting her hand go , but thats all it takes to disappear ,

15th May 2011, 10:53
I think anyone with kids has has heart stopping moments Steve and the more time goes on in this case the more I am becoming sympathetic for the McCann`s.
Hope it gets resolved.

15th May 2011, 17:55
Leaving a young kid like that in an apartment in a foreign country while they go out and enjoy themselves is irresponsible to say the least.

and if i remember correctly the mother is a GP and the father a Consultant so you would have thought they would know better and also have the money to pay a baby sitter :doh

15th May 2011, 18:02
and if i remember correctly the mother is a GP and the father a Consultant so you would have thought they would know better and also have the money to pay a baby sitter :doh

It must be absolutely wonderful to be have lead a completely blameless life and to never have made an errors.

I would love to be able to say that, but I would be lying.

We all do things which in hindsight we know were stupid but most time we are lucky that the results are not devastating and even more lucky, that the mistakes did not become public knowledge and thus allow all the 'perfect ones' to tell us, over and over again, how stupid our mistakes were. !!!

15th May 2011, 18:08
I am sure the Mccanns regret their actions that night and that probably goes through their mind every single day since. We all make mistakes in life and they are still paying for that mistake. Its easy to criticise their actions but it wont bring back that young girl. I hope to God she is still alive and that she is found. If the subject is to be discussed on here IMHO then it should be directed to helping find Madeline and nothing else.

15th May 2011, 18:17
We all do things which in hindsight we know were stupid!!!

I don't :Hellooo::Hellooo::Hellooo:

I know at the time what I'm doing is stupid :icon_lol:

15th May 2011, 18:18
It must be absolutely wonderful to be have lead a completely blameless life and to never have made an errors.

I would love to be able to say that, but I would be lying.

We all make do things which in hindsight we know were stupid but most time we are lucky that the results are not devastating and even more lucky, that the mistakes did not become public knowledge and thus allow all the 'perfect ones' to tell us, over and over again, how stupid our mistakes were. !!!

john i've not lead a blameless life, but i've never left my kids alone in the house, not even for 1 min :NoNo: never mind go for a meal in a restaurant 120metres away.

little joe is over 4yrs old now, no way could i leave him in the house alone, he could wake up anytime, open doors etc, that would be irresponsible :NoNo:

15th May 2011, 18:23
john i've not lead a blameless life, but i've never left my kids alone in the house, not even for 1 min :NoNo: never mind go for a meal in a restaurant 120metres away.

little joe is over 4yrs old now, no way could i leave him in the house alone, he could wake up anytime, open doors etc, that would be irresponsible :NoNo:

I guess though you left them in an upstairs bedroom on their own whilst you were downstairs, watching TV etc. If anything had happened ( I have investigated many cot deaths) it would have been so easy for others to say the same about you.

The couple who's child was attacked by a fox in an upstairs bedroom whilst they were downstairs is such an example.

15th May 2011, 18:30
I think most of us with kids have all been a bit 'slack' at times-no-one is perfect,I bet we have all had a few drinks too many while our kids slept,while on holiday etc etc.
I don't blame anyone but the child's abductor.

15th May 2011, 18:32
Indeed, we leave them 'alone' every night for 8 hours while we're sleeping soundly. :Erm:

15th May 2011, 18:33
I think most of us with kids have all been a bit 'slack' at times-no-one is perfect,I bet we have all had a few drinks too many while our kids slept,while on holiday etc etc.
I don't blame anyone but the child's abductor.

I totally agree.

My precious son fell off his bike and broke his arm right in front of me when he was spending the weekend with me.
I rushed him to the hospital, and it was a traumatic experience, though others may think me a bit soft.

His mother accused me of neglecting to take proper care of him.

Nothing could have been further from the truth, but it was very very hurtful for me to hear that at the time.

15th May 2011, 18:39
I guess though you left them in an upstairs bedroom on their own whilst you were downstairs, watching TV
Every parent does that John(unless they live in a bungalow)totally different to wandering off to a restaurant and leaving sleeping kids alone without adult supervision.

15th May 2011, 19:01
I guess though you left them in an upstairs bedroom on their own whilst you were downstairs, watching TV etc. If anything had happened ( I have investigated many cot deaths) it would have been so easy for others to say the same about you.

the doors are locked on this house john so no one can take them, also another reason is little joe can open the doors, sure something could happen to them, fall etc, , but how can you compare that to leaving 3 kids alone in an unlocked room while you go out for a meal ??

i dont think maddie was taken by a fox,

i'm sure if you was on this case john, you might say they are not to blame to them, but you would be thinking the opposite.

i've a lot of sympathy for them and especially maddie and i hope this is a warning to other parents to be responsible for their children.

and john my daughter use to go to the 'kids club' for years, an after school club run by teachers by the school, they looked after the kids from 3:15 to 5:15pm, they were cheap and very good, but until one day i was late, got there 5:20pm and they told me if i had not got there before 5:30 they would have phoned social services :NoNo:, so i dont use them no more, i pay a childminder alot more money to look after them..

and they dont need blame from me, i'm sure they are still blaming themselves :NoNo:

15th May 2011, 19:08
Indeed, we leave them 'alone' every night for 8 hours while we're sleeping soundly. :Erm:

do you leave your doors unlocked graham?

i live near a council estate, went on there the other evening, it was about 6pm, the house i was going to was at an end of a avenue which must have been about 130metres long, a little girl, must have been 3 at the most ran past me at the top of the avenue all the way to the end, what kind of parent lets a 3yr old out like that :cwm24:

15th May 2011, 19:41

this is how vile and disgusting the world really is .... very sickening to say the least.

15th May 2011, 21:41
......what kind of parent lets a 3yr old out like that :cwm24:


Ako Si Jamie
16th May 2011, 20:45
and if i remember correctly the mother is a GP and the father a Consultant so you would have thought they would know better and also have the money to pay a baby sitter :dohExactly. What's more alarming though is that they went an whole hour without checking on the kids :yikes: plus they left the apartment unlocked.

16th May 2011, 22:13
Exactly. What's more alarming though is that they went an whole hour without checking on the kids :yikes: plus they left the apartment unlocked.

Sorry but I suspect you are jumping to concussions based on newspaper/media reports. We none of us have access to the evidence in this case and I know from personal experience that a good deal of media reporting is far from the truth. Thus to rely on anything we read cannot be the basis for any sort of reasonable conclusions.

As I said before, this thread is in considerable danger of becoming a personal attack on the parents. As two newspapers settled out of court for publishing libelous comments (this blog amounts in UK law to publishing) we should be careful.

I know some might believe that it was the comments which the papers wrote which were the basis for the settlements but I don't believe in was a coincidence that the blogs were shut when the newspaper realised they could loose in court.

Ako Si Jamie
16th May 2011, 22:36
Sorry but I suspect you are jumping to concussions based on newspaper/media reports. We none of us have access to the evidence in this case and I know from personal experience that a good deal of media reporting is far from the truth. Thus to rely on anything we read cannot be the basis for any sort of reasonable conclusions.

As I said before, this thread is in considerable danger of becoming a personal attack on the parents. As two newspapers settled out of court for publishing libelous comments (this blog amounts in UK law to publishing) we should be careful.

I know some might believe that it was the comments which the papers wrote which were the basis for the settlements but I don't believe in was a coincidence that the blogs were shut when the newspaper realised they could loose in court.Not jumping to conclusions at all. At the end of the day they still left their young kids unsupervised while they went swanning off enjoying themselves. They can't hide from that fact.

16th May 2011, 22:52
the facts are john, the mother is a GP and the father a consultant, leaving 3 young children alone in i believe unlocked rooms is irresponsible.:NoNo:

and yes i have sympathy for them :cwm24: