View Full Version : Catholic Church wedding: Certification of freedom to marry....

19th May 2011, 16:08
Hi guys!

I just want to ask those who got married in the catholic church (mixed marriage). Hope you can help us with this.
I am catholic and my fiance was baptised at church of england. One of the requirement we need to submit to the church is the certification of freedom to marry from his church or a letter from his pastor that he is allowed to get married in the catholic church. Has anyone here experience the same thing?
we would appreciate it if you can suggest on how and where can we get a letter from his church. (as he phoned his church, the girl answered that they dont issue consent forms to allow him to marry as they are ok with people to marry where they are wanting)... any advise or suggestions you may have is much appreciated.
thanks! :)


19th May 2011, 17:51
Surely it is a cert of no impediment from his country's embassy, which shows free to marry. The church would not know that. The baptism cert may be requested by the priest where you are going to marry to show he is a christian.