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25th May 2011, 00:40
Ferguson tries to gag hack

Sir Alex Ferguson has attempted to impose his own gagging order on a journalist who dared to ask him about Ryan Giggs at Manchester United’s Champions League press conference.

United manager Ferguson is trying to minimise the fuss surrounding his most experienced player after Giggs was finally named as the footballer who had obtained a High Court injunction to prevent details of his affair with reality TV star Imogen Thomas being published.

Ferguson made sure the Welshman did not train in front of the cameras, though Giggs did play in Gary Neville testimonial at Old Trafford. But the United boss reacted with disdain when Associated Press reporter Rob Harris asked him how important Giggs would be against Barcelona at Wembley on Saturday.

The whispered conversation went follows:

Harris: 'The most important experienced player in the Champions League is obviously Ryan Giggs. How important is he for the team on Saturday?'

Ferguson: 'All the players are important to us.'

Ferguson (to press officer): 'The guy that asked the question about Giggsy... the press conference.'

Press officer: 'Which one?'

Ferguson: 'Him that asked the question... who?'

Press officer: 'Oh yeah. I'll tell you later.'

Ferguson: 'Who?'

Press officer: 'I'll tell you later.'

Ferguson: 'Is he coming on Friday'

Press officer: 'The guy with the laptop?'

Ferguson: 'Aye. Then we'll get him. Ban him on Friday.'

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-1390399/Alex-Ferguson-demands-reporter-banned-asking-Ryan-Giggs-question.html#ixzz1NJfb5ysS

Video http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/football/13521267.stm

25th May 2011, 07:43
Quite right too:xxgrinning--00xx3: If the same thing had happened at any other club, I'd also expect the manager to ban the reporter.

Journo's and papz need to learn that they can't continually harrass celebrities. I also can't underestand the nations appetite for celebrity gossip:doh Whatever someone does in their private life is their own business. I stopped reading newspapers about 10 years ago, they are all full of s:censored:t and biassed views of the owners.

Regardless of who they play for, footballers should only be judged on their performance on the pitch, not their performance in:do_it:

25th May 2011, 09:27
I also can't underestand the nations appetite for celebrity gossip:doh

It's for people who have boring lives themselves.

25th May 2011, 09:47
Can't see any celebrity angle here - Journo asked a simple valid question about an "experienced player" and Ferguson fell victim to a "Microphone on" situation a bit like his fellow Scotsman Bottler Brown did last year with the bigoted woman in Rochdale :)

Lou Ferrara, Associated Press sport's managing editor, defended Harris. "Rob was doing his job as a journalist," he said. "Our expectation is that he'll ask more questions, and be afforded the ability to do so, as he covers the world's most popular sport."

25th May 2011, 10:49
Ferguson told the media no questions on Giggs. Simple rule. One muppet failed to follow it. :action-smiley-081:

25th May 2011, 11:00
Ferguson told the media no questions on Giggs. Simple rule. One muppet failed to follow it. :action-smiley-081:

Ferguson likes to make "the rules" but I think here that might come down to UEFA.

25th May 2011, 11:02
:xxgrinning--00xx3: :laugher:

well if they were told no questions on giggs, then fergie is judge and executioner :D

25th May 2011, 13:28
Stupid question to ask anyway, what did he expect the answer to be `Giggsy will play as he needs the appearance money to help pay the £250,000 plus legal costs`.

Another one for Fergie`s black book.

25th May 2011, 21:17
A bit more in the Mail here about Fergusons antics. Non sycophantic hacks who fail to gush puerile praise onto Man Utd clearly touch his raw nerve :icon_lol:


25th May 2011, 21:24
Ferguson is a god he can say what he wishes:xxgrinning--00xx3:

25th May 2011, 21:34
Ferguson is a god he can say what he wishes:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Mr Alex did well to win the league Les but he's going to have his work cut out to prevent a Barca demolition job - off field distractions don't help either :D

25th May 2011, 21:56
Ferguson is a god he can say what he wishes:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Quite right Les:D:xxgrinning--00xx3:

The BBC said that over 200 journo's had turned up at the training ground, I can't imagine that would be the usual number to watch Utd train? Of course they were there to try and get an angle on Giggs. Do they really expect he is going to tell all to a bunch of journo's while he is working and preparing for possibly the last big game of his career:rolleyes:

I don't think any footballer deserves to be tried by the press regardless of who they play for or what they have done wrong. They aren't perfect and make the same mistakes that many other people make, including many of the readers of scum publications;)

25th May 2011, 22:05
well we won the league comfortably in the end by 9 points:xxgrinning--00xx3:
Barca will be tough and they are favorites but you never know:D
It would be ironic if we won as everyone is saying this is the poorest united side in years and also many say this Barca team is the best club side ever produced!
Now would I like that:xxgrinning--00xx3:

25th May 2011, 22:16
On paper Barca would have to be favorites, and as Gary Linneker said, this Barca team could be the best ever club football side. However, they aren't unbeatable, and any United team is capable of beating anyone if they play their best. United are always up for the big games, and if they can play like they did against Arsenal and Chelsea recently they have a chance:xxgrinning--00xx3:

25th May 2011, 22:24
Well we are still up on wins against them 3-2:xxgrinning--00xx3:

25th May 2011, 22:27
I can't wait for Saturday night, I'm excited and nervous. Hopefully a great game with the right result and no penalty shoot out this time

25th May 2011, 22:30
I can't wait for Saturday night, I'm excited and nervous. Hopefully a great game with the right result and no penalty shoot out this time
Me too off to big football pub in town,no doubt lots of Liverpool and Leeds fans there supporting Barca:doh
If we loose it will be hell but it's worth going as if we win it will be one the greatest results ever for us:xxgrinning--00xx3:

25th May 2011, 23:18
I've stuck £10 that Barca will win 3-2 with Messi on the goal sheet at 105-1!
That's my next flight to the land of the lush sorted if my little dream comes true!

As a Liverpool supporter always happy to see an English team win the big trophies I do however feel Barca will win this but there will be some goals as well as an exciting game to watch.


25th May 2011, 23:57
Sorry Tone I hope you loose your bet:D
I wish I could be as generous as you if Liverpool were playing I would hope they got stuffed:icon_lol:
I can't help it as a Man utd fan I could not wish Liverpool any luck the rivalry is too great.
I have a friend who is a Liverpool fan and he is sulking big time over the 19 titles and already has called me a ....:laugher:
Plus he has deleted me from his friends list on Facebook:omg: