View Full Version : problem about sleeping disorders..since my last flight...

26th May 2011, 18:40
for some reason...since i arrive to cebu... and its been 20 days 8 hours that i can only sleep at least 1 hour or two... its so alarming... scary and its not healthy... whatever i do , still the same... my eyes just wont shut....:cwm3::cwm3::cwm3::cwm3::cwm3::cwm3::cwm3::cwm3:
plus a lizard always make noise...bang!!!!

26th May 2011, 20:13
You obviously don't have enough barking dogs, crowing cocks and howling Karaokes to gently send you off to sleep. :icon_lol:

Seriously though, try getting more exercise like walking, so you get really physically tired before bedtime.
It does help you to sleep and just to calm down generally.

Avoid afternoon siestas for a while.

I got into the habit of having the radio on all night (music) just to drown out all the other noises. That and a few (medicinal) San Migs always worked for me. :)

7th June 2011, 15:14
i dont drink... lol... hahaha.. i guess i just miss my hubby.. lol...:Jump::Jump::Jump::Jump: ty for the advise.... :xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3:

South-east boy
8th June 2011, 12:07
Like Graham said, try some exercise, a long walk, go j

8th June 2011, 13:00
A meal heavy in carbohydrates can be sleep-inducing too.

I can guarantee that 30 mins after a big helping of potatoes I'm nodding off. :NEW5:

9th June 2011, 19:58
hahahaha... ty....:hubbahubba::hubbahubba::hubbahubba::hubbahubba::hubbahubba:

South-east boy
9th June 2011, 21:11
Like Graham said, try some exercise, a long walk, go j

Where'd the rest of my message go?! Lol! I typed quite a long reply! Anyway, I said after that go jogging, read a book in bed or on the sofa, watch a dvd etc sometimes where you're sitting still not doing so much it can make you sleepy and before you know it, you've nodded off!

Goodness knows how you've managed to long with so little sleep! Just a day or two of so little sleep will be more than enough for most people before they start falling asleep or need a long sleep top catch up. What hours are you trying to sleep at? Are you still not sleeping well? If not, then I guess you'll have to go the docs soon?!

9th June 2011, 21:18
Why not take a job in a Sari Sari store ? :D

10th June 2011, 02:39
ty.. yah be going to doc soon.... hope the doctor will say 'im a certified vampire now' haaahaaah:icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol:

Doc Alan
10th June 2011, 15:59
ty.. yah be going to doc soon....
Hello Kate :) I don't know you personally, but I'm assuming you're a healthy 23 year old with sleeping problems which started as "jet lag" after your flight about 4 weeks ago. Jet lag is worst immediately after travel and usually gets better gradually over a few days. It doesn't affect all travellers on long haul flights, but once it has happened, it's likely to do so again.
My advice is not to waste money on visiting a doctor - you can get advice for free here :xxgrinning--00xx3:.
You've probably had more sleep than you think :). I note you've passed your English test - congratulations :xxgrinning--00xx3:. You might have had sleepless nights preparing for that. Anxiety is a well known cause for insomnia. Drinking coffee or eating heavy meals late at night can make it worse - hot chocolate and light meals ( "merienda" ) could help.
Exercise is certainly good, although Cebu's climate might make jogging uncomfortable - don't get dehydrated.
If you possibly can, avoid daytime sleep ; only go to bed when you're sleepy :).
Insomnia is common - up to 2/5 people have it, and it increases with age ( when there's more likely to be a cause ). However, the amount of sleep people need varies, and it gets less with age. Many have unrealistic sleep expectations and worry about it makes things worse :doh.
I would NOT recommend sleeping tablets, or the hormone melatonin, at your age. Indeed, before using such drugs at ANY age the cause of the insomnia should be looked for, and where possible any underlying factors be treated. Sleeping tablets should be reserved for short courses in severe emotional problems, medical or psychiatric illness ( none of which apply to you :NoNo:). Many people ( again, not you :)) underestimate alcohol consumption which often causes insomnia.

I hope you might already be sleeping better by the time you read this - palarin ka sana :).

10th June 2011, 16:13
hahahha.. thankyou for that doc allan.. really really true on what u say.... i will be better soon.... hopefully... this week cant sleep again due to completing the paperworks for visa application ... but im gonna make it happen...i will not worry... hahahah.. and listen to nice songs at night so i can sleep well too.... i wish i will become a vampire not like this though... weeeeeeeeeeee.... thankyou thankyou

10th June 2011, 16:15
Why not take a job in a Sari Sari store ? :D

hahaha...im a little bit soft lol...... i prefer working in customs rather than the store lol... imagine asking credits every second... hahahahaha.... plus discount.. hahahha.... insolvency ...

10th June 2011, 17:58
It was a joke.

I meant because whenever you go to them in the afternoon you have to wake them up for service. ;)

11th June 2011, 03:31
hahaha....waking service....:NEW5::NEW5::NEW5::NEW5::NEW5::NEW5::NEW5::NEW5::NEW5::NEW5: