View Full Version : Need advice and help in bringing my fiancée to the UK and marrying

7th June 2011, 13:11
Hi People,
I hope you can help me my name is Dave and I am engaged to my fiancée who resides in Ormoc City currently and we want her to come here to the UK a.s.a.p and marry here and live here. I have researched the visa requirements with the Embassy there in Manila and I am directed to VFS who I believe are a commercial organisation whom all visa traffic should go. Has anybody heard of them, and what was your experience please?

The cost is being quoted as 60,750 to apply with VFS, the alternative is to use another agency called Ultimate Visa there costs are in the region of 120,000, around double any thoughts and experiences please.

I don't want to risk rejection so what suggestions has anybody please to make this as painless as possible.

Many thanks for advice in advance

Regards: DavRog

7th June 2011, 13:26
VFS Global is a commercial company, working in partnership with the UK Border Agency, they only process your visa app and collect the money, they have nothing to do with helping you get a visa or making any decisions about granting you a visa, thats done by the embassy only.

while the other company i take it, will help you fill in the forms and give you some advice, and you or them will have to submit your app to VFS anyway..

if your case is pretty simple, i would do it your self and not waste money using any sort of agency :NoNo:

7th June 2011, 14:03
Many thanks Joe

7th June 2011, 15:34
Hi People,
VFS who I believe are a commercial organisation whom all visa traffic should go. Has anybody heard of them, and what was your experience please?

The cost is being quoted as 60,750 to apply with VFS, the alternative is to use another agency called Ultimate Visa there costs are in the region of 120,000, around double any thoughts and experiences please.

I don't want to risk rejection so what suggestions has anybody please to make this as painless as possible.

Many thanks for advice in advance

Regards: DavRog
Welcome to the forum Davrog!!
all the requirements and procedures for visa are in vfs website check this link http://www.vfs-uk-ph.com/

7th June 2011, 16:58
I think you'll find that the majority of couples on here applied themselves, and did not use the "services" of an agency.

The forms are straight-forward, and all questions have either been asked on this site (use the search facility and/or read threads), or you'll get an informed answer if you do need to ask.

As JB states, if yours is a simple case, then save your money ... you're gonna need it later (for FLR and ILR) !

Welcome aboard the Manila Express

7th June 2011, 17:08
Hi there DavRog, welcome here.

I would echo everything said before. Take a look at the website link and at the requirements. There are no 'tricks'. Any agency will ask you to collate and present just the same evidence and documents etc.
Unless you have a complex case you should not need agency.

D allow time for good review of the documentations required (especially financial)suggested

Arthur Little
7th June 2011, 19:09
Hi, Dave ... :welcomex:

I would concur with what the others have said. Since - by your own admission - you have already researched the visa requirements with the Embassy ... it'd be like throwing away good money :REGamblMoney01HL1: unnecessarily, to involve an agency.

Besides ... there are plenty of knowledgeable folk here to whom you can turn, should you feel in need of assistance. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

7th June 2011, 19:22
It is easy to do yourself check out the posts here http://filipinaroses.com/forumdisplay.php/46-UK-VISA-British-Citizenship-IMPORTANT-INFORMATION
and to send any inportant documents i would use interparcel express they are much cheeper than using dhl etc directly http://www.interparcel.com/ i think a lot of members have used their services. the last time i used them all my docs arrived in two days.

7th June 2011, 23:25
I feel a bit of an idiot but..I used an agency in Manila who charged 58000php to not only collect all the data, verfiy it, put it in order but go through test interviews with my Love and will take her to get Bios done and when the interview date comes up (if she is interviewed) they will accompany her.
The prices you mention are high!
For me because of the stress of my job, constant travelling I needed someone to fully take us through the whole process for me it was a no brainer - learn from others mistakes so to speak.
Then whilst reviewing the educational requirements I found this rather excellent forum.

I agree no point wasting money but using the egency we used (Manila Visa - Siem Legal) at least they are pushing my Fiancee to getting everything in order and directing her whilst I am so busy with my life in the UK after spending a year over "there".

My 2p's worth :)


Arthur Little
7th June 2011, 23:36
Welcome aboard the Manila Express ...

... :laugher: ... I like it! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

8th June 2011, 00:19
Allow plenty of time for local mail though. :)


8th June 2011, 10:58
i see thats express delivery graham :rolleyes: and not your normal delivery service using a carabao :cwm24:

stevie c
8th June 2011, 15:08
It is easy to do yourself check out the posts here http://filipinaroses.com/forumdisplay.php/46-UK-VISA-British-Citizenship-IMPORTANT-INFORMATION
and to send any inportant documents i would use interparcel express they are much cheeper than using dhl etc directly http://www.interparcel.com/ i think a lot of members have used their services. the last time i used them all my docs arrived in two days.

Hi Davrog i echo everything alan has said good luck with the visa process just have everything sorted & above board & im sure everything will be fine :xxgrinning--00xx3:

8th June 2011, 15:13
Thank you for the link and advice

8th June 2011, 15:15
Many thanks for the advice and the link it is appreciated.

8th June 2011, 15:17
hi im from ormoc too! welocome! :)a lot of people will help you in this forum its really worth doin your own research!:)

8th June 2011, 15:17
Many thanks seems most people have done themselves and happy to do that also. Tell me about FLR and ILR please, my apologies for my ignorance.

8th June 2011, 15:20
Thank you Terpe got some great advice here. Yes I have already most the documents I need so agency really brings nothing to the party. Thank you again

8th June 2011, 15:22
Thats interesting are you planning to marry there of the UK / USA ?

8th June 2011, 15:25
Yes Arthur you assume correctly and have prepared the majority of the application and supporting documents, and of course all applications end up for decision with the embassy whether they come direct or via an agent, it is a bit of a 'no brainer' I think

8th June 2011, 15:27
Great advice Alan and thank you for the link, great idea using InterParcel I am assuming they need original documents not copies ?

8th June 2011, 15:29
Hi Tone,

Nope you are not an idiot you chose the most suitable route for you with your love and it worked so that can't be bad. Many thanks for sharing your experience it is very helpful. Thank you

8th June 2011, 15:30
Excellent stuff guys :)

8th June 2011, 15:31
Thabks Alan for the advice and support Stevie seems all the advice we need is right here thank you ALL

8th June 2011, 15:54
FLR .... further leave to remain (if you come via the fiancee route)
... basically, u arrive on a fiancee visa & have up to 6mnths to get married.
Then to remain further, u apply for the FLR (£900 - odd now ???)

ILR.... indefinate leave to remain, which u apply for when the FLR runs out (18-24mnths, dependent on when u arrived/applied)
Thats about £1000 now, yes ???

8th June 2011, 16:16
Blimey, great to know this something the agency don't tell you. Ok I had better get saving many thanks again it is much appreciated.

8th June 2011, 16:33
Blimey, great to know this something the agency don't tell you. Ok I had better get saving many thanks again it is much appreciated.

Might be a good idea at this stage to consider (or reconsider) marriage in UK on Fiancee visa or marriage in Phils then Spouse Visa.

8th June 2011, 21:13
Is there an advantage in that route please Terpe, does that have a legal standing in the UK ?

8th June 2011, 23:49
marriage here vs marriage in the Philipinnes.
It's 6 of one, half-a-dozen of the other.
Really depends what suits you (see other threads on this)

Basic difference, if u marry in the Philipinnes, you then apply for a spouse visa & bypass the FLR.
Additionally, when your wife arrives in the uk, under the spouse visa she can work immediately.

If its a fiance visa, she arrives & you have up to 6mnths (of visa issuance) to get married.
After the marriage, she then applies for the FLR, and only when that is approved, is she legally allowed to work in the UK.

In both cases, ILR must eventually be applied for

Horses for courses

9th June 2011, 00:17
Marry her there and get her here WORKING asap. :D

9th June 2011, 17:45
This is probably stating the obvious BUT here goes, if I go for a spouse visa and marry my Fiancee (Analyn) there, then I understand that she could apply for work immediately in the UK (She is a registered Nurse) and avoid the FLR 6 month cost and pressure. Here is the obvious (stupid maybe) question in that I could not apply for the spouse visa until the marriage has taken place there ?. I think I know the answer but at the risk of looking a dodo I am asking please. Assuming the answer is what I think this would bring in a delay factor and I may have to go for the Fiancee visa understnading she can't work here until the marriage and FLR is paid and approved. Comments please (Politie ones:)) )

9th June 2011, 18:04
Yes you need to be married already to apply spouse visa.

With Fiancee visa you need to get married and apply for FLR within 6 months (well before expiry of visa )

9th June 2011, 21:40
I got married in Manila because it only cost me a few pesos and some crates of San Mig for the 'reception'. :66:

I'd post some of the pictures, but we just look like a couple of drunks...which we were. :icon_lol:

A week later she was in England with me, and applying for jobs. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Started off waitressing, then restaurant manager, then (UK) degree in nursing. :)

10th June 2011, 06:15
i doubt she could work as a nurse straight away, would need to be registered in the uk, thou she could find other jobs in the NHS until she is able to work as a nurse :rolleyes:

10th June 2011, 06:26
I am confused, I thought the process for spouse visa was after marrying in the Philippines you ONLY then could apply for a spouse visa which could take 1-3 months. I would love to go the spouse visa route, but that would man I think that we would marry there and then apply for a spouse visa which could be 1-3 months waity so means I would have to go back the the UK and then return. OR have i got it all wrong?

10th June 2011, 06:27
I am confused, I thought the process for spouse visa was after marrying in the Philippines you ONLY then could apply for a spouse visa which could take 1-3 months. I would love to go the spouse visa route, but that would man I think that we would marry there and then apply for a spouse visa which could be 1-3 months wait so means I would have to go back the the UK and then return. OR have i got it all wrong?

10th June 2011, 06:54
when you apply for a spouse or fiancee visa she could be waiting up to 3 months for the result, most of those who marrying in the phils go back to the uk and their wife then applies for a spouse visa. once they get it, either the husband goes to the phils to bring their wife backwith them or she comes to the uk on her own.

but a smaller number, stay in the phils while they apply for the visa and come back with their wife , but many cannot take upto 3 months off work :cwm24:

10th June 2011, 17:19
For processing times take a look here.
Your specific application would need to be highly marginal to enter the 3 month processing period according to the published data.

94% are finalised within 30 days

Check here (scroll down )


10th June 2011, 17:57
I must say this FLR business is a load of crap isnt it?
SO if I have figured this out - She comes here on Fiancee visa, we get married asap, immediately lodge the FLR so she can stay up to the 2 years having paid a further £500 odd (if the in person route is not taken)..
Then in 24 months we apply for ILR and probably pay another £extortionate.sum of money....

So assuming my Fiancee has had biometrics done and passed the TOEIC tests (which she must to get the initial visa) these are not required for the FLR (or is it that stupid and yes)?


10th June 2011, 19:32

Nothing is simple ... surely you must have realised that by now.

Even though she'll have done the biometrics in Manila, she'll have to do them again to get the FLR (I assume they cross-check them to make sure it's the same person... but I won't banksy on it)

The TOEIC (or any standard of English) is irrelevant to get the FLR.
The FLR is basically awarded If, and only IF, you've conformed to the original (fiancee) visa ..... ie you got married and aare still living as a couple.

10th June 2011, 19:41
We all have to suffer the consequences of the actions of the hordes of unscrupulous :censored: who have tried to buck the system previously. :rolleyes:

11th June 2011, 06:12
Many thanks guys excellent advice, we are going to apply ourselves (No Agent) as we have had so much great help here. Considered all the options and due to the timing and wanting to be together here as soon as possible we will have to go the Fiancee route will all the fun of FLR here after we marry. The spouse option would mean we would end up separating for a while so that is its downfall.

My fiancee (Analyn) has a Bachelors Degree In Nursing and has her Nursing Licence has anyone any experience of how likely it would be for her to find work her and what the best processes are please .

11th June 2011, 07:31
you'll find most of the information you need here..


11th June 2011, 09:06
Many thanks Jo very helpful :):)

12th June 2011, 09:26
Guys, What is a CNI and do I need one for my fiancee visa application. If so how do I go about getting one please. Hope you can help - Thnx in advance

12th June 2011, 10:18

For Fiancee visa requirements review here:-

CNI = Certificate of No Impediment to Marriage
It's just one of the documents that is usually needed for overseas marriage.

12th June 2011, 11:27
when at first you start to look at the forms you and your partner needs, its so frightning, but beleive me and many others that have traveled this road, its all straight forward,you and your partner can do all the forms yourself save your money for the visa, l;ots of help on here and dont be afraid to ask the most silly questions at all, good luck

Southern Leyte
12th June 2011, 18:43
@ grahamw48 "marry her there and get her here working asap" I hope your joking did you want a wife or just someone to work for you while you get fat drinking beer and eating burgers?

12th June 2011, 19:00
@ grahamw48 "marry her there and get her here working asap" I hope your joking did you want a wife or just someone to work for you while you get fat drinking beer and eating burgers?

Just some friendly advice:
Being new to the forum and making assumptions about people you do not know will not win you friends. :doh

13th June 2011, 05:41
@ grahamw48 "marry her there and get her here working asap" I hope your joking did you want a wife or just someone to work for you while you get fat drinking beer and eating burgers?

:NoNo: some women want to work and have some independence, others because of boredom, some filipina's do have careers :doh

13th June 2011, 13:10
Thank you Steve for the support

13th June 2011, 14:18
:NoNo: some women want to work and have some independence, others because of boredom, some filipina's do have careers :doh


Just try and stop them.

(I love some people's prejudices and lack of humour....not. :rolleyes:)

13th June 2011, 15:39
LOVE TO WORK!!!! even though we are here in the Uk with two little ones under 4 my wife is always cooking up some scheme or another to make herself some more money, she is used to being in business and her latest one is spending three hours every saturday morning from 7am scouring this massive car boot for Zara baby, Baby Gap, Next and Pumpkin Patch as wel as the sports brands for babies, toddlers and kids, boxing them up and now has a pal opening a boutique in Puerto Princesa selling quality baby stuff 2nd hand, she just loves being busy... down side is my little biy comes back with another tractor/ superman, or train :doh:doh:doh we are drwning in toys LOL

13th June 2011, 17:28
@ grahamw48 "marry her there and get her here working asap" I hope your joking did you want a wife or just someone to work for you while you get fat drinking beer and eating burgers?

I don't want to sound overboastful here, but I have wife work both day shifts and night shifts. We can now afford to eat Burger King Angus Steak Sandwich. Much more healthy and way more tasty. :D

13th June 2011, 18:30

My ex-Mrs must have cleaned out every charity shop and car boot sale in town.

I've never seen anyone buy so much stuff for a couple of quid.

I had to convert the loft to stow it all away. :NoNo:

She took the old 'it'll come in one day' adage to the limit. :D

14th June 2011, 07:41
most people that come here think of working straight away, it helps both people and could help the extended family too, it seems to me the ones that stay at home can get bored and fed up just waiting for there other half to finnish his work, we are all differant in what we want in life,Emma works here and what a big help that has made our dreams of the future can come sooner now

14th June 2011, 09:26
Absolutely right Steve. :)

I think some people think they're buying some sort of pet, ...left to stare at a wall or watch TV for 8 hours until the master arrives home. :NoNo:

To expect that of a vibrant and energetic 20 odd year-old lady who has just arrived in a foreign country full of strangers, no family around her etc...well.

It does happen though.

The work (and education) ethic is very strong in the Filipino culture. As soon as my stepchildren were old enough to even do a paper round they were sent out by the ex to earn some cash.

A part-time course at a local college would be another way of helping a recently arrived Filipina to do something interesting with her time, as well as meet new friends.

14th June 2011, 10:02
I don't want to sound overboastful here, but I have wife work both day shifts and night shifts. We can now afford to eat Burger King Angus Steak Sandwich. Much more healthy and way more tasty. :D

Terpe - It just shows how far you've progressed with a bit of hard graft from the Mrs and you giving up the fags :icon_lol:

14th June 2011, 13:27
Terpe - It just shows how far you've progressed with a bit of hard graft from the Mrs and you giving up the fags :icon_lol:

but hes gone from one addiction fags, to Makenshitus ( i dont think Doc AL can help here :yikes:) or internet Ho :D


sorry Terpe :Hellooo:

14th June 2011, 17:25
Guys , The next hurdle need some help on please with regard to CNI = Certificate of No Impediment to Marriage. We are going for the Fiancee Visa so we will marry in the UK and give the embassy more pounds of flesh with FLR then again with ILR. So do I need to worry about CNI fpr the Fiancee Visa, sorry for yet another stupid question, If CNI is needed how do I go about getting one of those in the UK please ?
Loads of work and not a burger in sight :)

14th June 2011, 17:43

For Fiancee visa requirements review here:-

CNI = Certificate of No Impediment to Marriage
It's just one of the documents that is usually needed for overseas marriage.

If you will marry here in UK you do not need to obtain the CNI which is only needed for overseas marriage.

16th June 2011, 05:33
Guys, I have been waiting for a reply from VFS for over three days now to my emails that I have resent each day any ideas ?, I am using info.ukph@vfshelpline.com. Has anyone else experienced this, normally I get an acknowledgement then a proper response but lately nothing. Help please !

6th July 2011, 09:31
davrog why dont you try to call them?

13th July 2011, 14:05
hi everyone! i need your help:icon_sorry: i'm applying for fiance UK visa. my fiance already went here in the Philippines 2 times last year. I already got this things:
*My passport - His colored copy Passport
*My NSO Birth certificate - copy of his birth certificate
*NBI Clearance
*English Test Certificate ( I will have my test on Aug. 25)
*Tuberculosis Certificate
*Lungs X-ray

*Letter from his mum (with her birth certificate and her picture)
*Letter from their landlord
*Property details
*pictures of their house
*Contract of the lease of their house

*Letters from his 2 employers (my fiance only got par-time job and the other is only a self employed basis.)
*Invoices ( from his part-time work and his other work is only a cash in hand that's why he doesn't have payslip)
* Western Union/Moneygram receipts
*3 months bank statement (he just open a savings accnt last June 30,2011 so we have to wait on September to have 3 months bank statements


*Letter from him
*Letter from me
*Booking for our wedding reception in the restaurant
* Reservation on the municipal for our wedding
*Christmas cards and pictures of the gifts
*Birthday cards
*Valentines cards and pictures of the gifts
*Flowers receipts, cards and pictures
*YM Screenshot
*YM Chat logs
*SKYPE Screenshot
*SKYPE Chat logs
*Facebook Screenshot
*Facebook Chat logs and messages
*My Western Union/ Moneygram Receipts
*Pictures of my Apartment here ( he got me my own apartment here)
*Contract of lease of my apartment
*Receipts of my apartment


*Boarding passes
*Used Phone Cards
*Hotel Receipts
*Train and Bus tickets
* Departure cards
*Travel agent Receipts

My fiance earns 60pounds a week from his 1 job and 35pounds from his other job. He doesn't have P60 because he told me that his not earning that much to pay tax. When he gets his salary he send it to me straight to pay for my bills here like my electric and water bills, rent for my apartment that he got me here, net connection, for my foods and my phone also. he sends me every week. he still live with his mum and his older sister. his sister paying their rent. his sister wrote a letter stating that when i get there she will going to help us also and she also wrote to her letter that she's the one who's paying their rent. I read many messages here in the forum asking for help about a UK fiance visa I hope you can help me also to get my visa:icon_sorry: God bless us all:)

Arthur Little
2nd August 2011, 18:10
Loads of work and not a bugger in sight :)

:icon_lol: ... work on your own, do you, Dave?