View Full Version : Polish burglars left 83 yr old to die of hypothermia

9th June 2011, 21:27
Hanging would be too good for these animals. It is sickening that the EU forces us to allow scum like this into our country:cuss:

A spinster was gagged, bound and left to die in her bedroom by two Polish burglars, the Old Bailey heard today.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2001577/Burglars-tied-pensioner-stripped-jewellery-leaving-die.html#ixzz1OoQmQh00

9th June 2011, 23:42
i have to :censored: my thoughts on that ,:behead: they should loose their right to live,, uk a cesspit for scum

10th June 2011, 16:10
Tie them up,stick them in a cell,leave them to starve to death,simple street justice :)

10th June 2011, 16:38
Tie them up,stick them in a cell,leave them to starve to death,simple street justice :)

It's not that often that I feel the need to comment on such threads, but I totally agree with with Tawi2 on this one.

I really feel so angry.
Isn't there any restrictions at all on known criminals entering UK from EU?

10th June 2011, 18:40
She was an old lady Terpe,probably led a productive life,struggled hard and had good times and bad,like a child she was one of societies vulnerable members,she didnt deserve to end her twilight years hog-tied on a cold floor :NoNo:
My sons grandfather died a few weeks ago,old age,each morning he would shuffle the few yards down to the beach and sit in one of the beach cottages staring out to sea,he was a quiet guy,never caused trouble,just someone who should be allowed comfort as they age,this lady was probably similar,she didnt deserve an end like an animal,I am not an internet hardman but I know what I am capable of, if there was immunity from prosecution I bet I wouldnt be the only one who would volunteer to speed up the demise of these two guys,they have no compassion,so I would treat the task just like despatching a pig.

10th June 2011, 20:57
its time cameron got off his :censored: and banned anyone who is not a British citizen from this country if they have committed a crime in the UK or any other country where they served a prison sentence.

your spouse can face a ban from coming to the UK for years if you 'Frustrating the intentions of the Immigration Rules' so why can't euro :censored: be banned for doing this to an old lady :angry:

10th June 2011, 21:14
Google Pakistan rangers shooting(I wont put up a clip in case it offends)I think it happened on wednesday?Teenage or early 20's mugger in a park in karachi,cops caught him,watch how long he lasts,brutal punishment but exceedingly effective as he will never mug another person,he bleeds out pretty quick.Some reports say he was an innocent youth,I did a few searches and it turns out he had mugged a few people.Pinas has something similar in the DDS,we are far too soft in the UK for certain types of crime.

10th June 2011, 21:18
Google Pakistan rangers shooting(I wont put up a clip in case it offends)I think it happened on wednesday?Teenage or early 20's mugger in a park in karachi,cops caught him,watch how long he lasts,brutal punishment but exceedingly effective as he will never mug another person,he bleeds out pretty quick.Some reports say he was an innocent youth,I did a few searches and it turns out he had mugged a few people.Pinas has something similar in the DDS,we are far too soft in the UK for certain types of crime.

I saw that one about half an hour ago :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Here's a link to an article about a Turkish rapist who was caught 4 hours after being on Crimewatch


10th June 2011, 21:34
it's crazy that peoples finger prints are not checked b4 anyone comes into the UK, if the gov bothered to do it, how many lowlifes would be caught trying to enter the UK? and how many wouldn't bother if they knew their finger prints would be checked ??

10th June 2011, 21:40
maybe this will help to fight crime , but stopping them getting into the uk in the first place would be better :rolleyes:


11th June 2011, 00:36
maybe this will help to fight crime , but stopping them getting into the uk in the first place would be better :rolleyes:


Door, horse, bolted, closed, after .............................

26th June 2011, 10:09
The piece of filth has now been convicted - case reveals how we are overrun by foreign criminals.

Kuba Dlugosz, 33, was arrested twice for burglary but officers did not discover he was wanted on a European arrest warrant because he gave them a false name.

Fingerprint checks that would have revealed he was a dangerous career criminal who had escaped from a Polish prison the previous year were not carried out.

The victim’s niece, Brenda Leaman, told the Daily Mail she was disgusted by the police failings and said Dlugosz had committed an ‘unspeakable’ crime.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2007843/Polish-burglar-Kuba-Dlugosz-tied-pensioner-Eveline-Kelmenson-left-freeze-death-convicted-manslaughter.html#ixzz1QN61Dv7B

26th June 2011, 21:25
The metropolitan police have an active unit set up solely for the purpose of arresting and sending back foreign criminals.

Good idea about the fingerprint detection but, with the high volume of people crossing the channel and our airspace it would make that idea unfeasible.

The blame lays squarely on Edward Heath's shoulders.

The answer is.....lets get out of the European Union.

We wont be missed.

21st July 2011, 23:22
Guilty and jailed indefinitely. As always with this type of vile excrement I hope he regularly has the living daylights kicked out of him in prison

A dangerous fugitive who was left free to kill a defenceless pensioner in her own home was jailed indefinitely today.

Kuba Dlugosz, 33, was wanted on a European arrest warrant for skipping a prison sentence when he attacked 83-year-old Eveline Kelmenson.

Dlugosz, real name Piotr Bugucki, was a convicted robber in Poland who fled to the UK in 2007.

He was arrested twice and appeared in court for burglary in the month before Miss Kelmenson was gagged, bound and left to die in her bedroom on November 27, 2008.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2017322/Polish-thief-Kuba-Dlugosz-tied-83-year-old-left-die-jailed-indefinitely.html#ixzz1SmUcZzRD

A similar reptile "Mohammed Nawaz" who preyed on the frail and elderly also jailed indefinitely - these creatures really are the lowest of the low

A ‘good Samaritan’ Home Guard veteran died after being burgled five times in nine weeks.

Following the fourth break-in, Leslie Ashton, 93, developed fatal pneumonia after a callous thug threatened him with a hammer and terrorised him for an hour.

During his final stay in hospital, the widower was burgled again by the same man, Mohammed Nawaz, whom a judge said had caused his ‘eventual deterioration and death’.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2017209/War-veteran-warm-heart--93-died-burgled-FIVE-times-just-weeks.html#ixzz1SmYOQ6sQ

22nd July 2011, 09:17
trying to comment here ...honestly struggling speechless

22nd July 2011, 09:25
trying to comment here ...honestly struggling speechless

2 more strong cases that support making prisons brutal, harsh and austere environments that put the fear of God into and deter the scumbags who infest our society.