View Full Version : Blackberry Messenger

11th June 2011, 10:29
Who has a blackberry here? I have the curve 9300 and it's so good and I had it since my birthday 2 weeks before Christmas. If I use GPS there in the Phils you get a street in Manila or GPS weather should say Manila mostly cloudy (sun with clouds) 26 deg etc or Alaminos cloudy 28 deg etc.
Well my mahal got a blackberry curve 9300 yesterday and she showed me as a surprise last night and I was suprised too that now we have the same phone. I helped her set it up and we tested our messenger and it worked. :D Does anyone here use blackberry messenger for thier mahals and to message on the go? It's really good fun.
I even listen to radio around the world on an app called Tuneln radio and it's so good I use it on the wifi because it's free. I get a Kuwaiti station where my mahal is called Marina FM where it plays Arab songs that sound Indian Bollywood and two Filippine stations called Cool FM and Energy 91.5 where they play a mixture of pop songs that we know and Christian music e.g. Hillsongs. The Filippine music I like a lot and some artists sing cover versions of pop songs. :)

11th June 2011, 12:06
Is this an advert ? :Erm:

I just use my crappy Nokia for making phone calls and the odd text...quite cheap to the Phils even, as I need reading glasses anyway and I don't understand most of the stuff on it, plus can't be bothered to muck about with such miniscule devices when I've got a perfectly good PC, wired through my hifi for good sounds, and on which I can bring up Google Earth anytime I want to look at rusty rooftops in Manila. :icon_lol:

Temperature there is around 30C daytime all year round, and 10C less at night, so no surprises there. The humidity is what drains you.

I just wish Satellite could pick out some of the gorgeous ladies walking about over there. :hubbahubba:

11th June 2011, 12:32
The satellite is not live unfortunately.

11th June 2011, 12:36
Is this an advert ?
Is she your girlfriend now nick or still your best friend :Erm: Have you met now :Erm:

12th June 2011, 23:03
My Mahal is on her 3rd BB! Other two stolen bit expensive but I went over to BB (sold my iPhone 4) just so that we could BBM as its cheap to use and instant and we talk all day on it exchange elements of our lives - for example I am driving somewhere I'll let her know when I'm leaving and when I reach my destination as does she. We sort of share our daily lives like that and it keeps me and her in tune with our lives.
Then its just easy for me to ask her a question, or ask her to arrange something - I love it but when she finally comes to the UK I'll go back to iPhone as I am not impressed with the BB on most of the other applications and use.

Every morning I wake to a lovely message from her and a icon of a cup of tea as she knows I like a tea first thing in the morning. Its so lovely...

I'd say BBM is perfect she uses a BB Globe service 50php a day or 225php for 5 days.


13th June 2011, 08:32
That's amazing. Yes It's like living virtually. Yes she's my gf now. :)