View Full Version : Internet Dating Can Be Dangerous.

16th June 2011, 17:47
Just read this, I hope you guys on here are being careful.

Belgian police probe murders of ten internet daters who died after emptying bank accounts and flying to Africa to marry
By Adam Boulton

· Families fear victims have been poisoned by gang
· 'Bride' claims new husband became ill and died
Ten men who drained their bank accounts and flew to Africa to find love and marry an internet bride may have been murdered.
Belgian Police are investigating the sudden deaths after families received calls from a sobbing woman telling them that their loved one had died.
The victims - who didn't know each other - all flew to Yaounde, the capital of Cameroon, to meet a dark African beauty.

Capital plan: Yaounde in Cameroon was the destination for the ten men now at the centre of the Belgian murder investigation
They gave up their lives in Belgium to marry her after forming an attachment to her over the net.
But shortly after their departure for the African country families received a phone call from Cameroon informing them that their missing relative had suddenly died from a mysterious illness.
Belgian prosecutors suspect that the lovelorn Belgians were tricked out of the money they had brought to start a new life in Africa with their 'brides' and then poisoned by a gang of fraudsters.
One of the victims was named yesterday as 30 year-old Mikael Pietquin from Brussels who vanished after falling in love with an internet girl who has been nicknamed the African Bomb by the Belgian press.

Mikael's father has told the police that his son had phoned home before he disappeared to say that his future bride had made him eat vast quantities of a 'love plant' which was supposed to improve his performance in bed.
He said: 'We heard nothing more until the sobbing woman phoned us.
'The bride said my son was sick when he arrived in Yaounde. She claimed he lost 30 kgs in weight within a few days and took an overdose of medicine he brought from Belgium. We did not believe her.'
Another victim was reported to be a former Belgian airline pilot from Hastiere in Southern Belgium.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2004316/Belgian-police-probe-murders-internet-daters-died-emptying-bank-accounts-flying-Africa-marry.html#ixzz1PSOnWRAs

That`s quite a few that have been taken in:NoNo:

stevie c
16th June 2011, 17:57
what a shocking story pete it would certainly make me think twice about internet dating if i were still single :omg:

16th June 2011, 18:03
Very scary stuff:omg:

16th June 2011, 18:07
I was poisoned twice on my last visit to the Phil, I'm sure next time she'll use a higher dose :icon_lol:

stevie c
16th June 2011, 18:09
always the joker boss :icon_lol:

16th June 2011, 18:24
I was poisoned twice on my last visit to the Phil, I'm sure next time she'll use a higher dose :icon_lol:

Better luck next time Rayna:xxgrinning--00xx3::D

16th June 2011, 18:27
I was poisoned twice on my last visit to the Phil, I'm sure next time she'll use a higher dose :icon_lol:

She might mix the "Love Plant" with Aloebera and tell you its for your hair.Be careful of joint bank accounts:yikes:

16th June 2011, 18:34
.Be careful of joint bank accounts:yikes:

We've already warned Rayna that Keith's a scouser, and not to let him know her PIN no:icon_lol:

16th June 2011, 19:19
oi! hahaha..i'm not poisoning keith..you can't even make him eat other than the chicken he bought! i just cleaned his ear that made him deaf for a couple of days! hahaha :)

16th June 2011, 19:46
i just cleaned his ear that made him deaf for a couple of days! hahaha :)

haha, you haven't learned yet, we men have selective hearing, we're only deaf when a woman nags us, our hearing's fine when a woman's flirting with us or when we're with other men talking about beer and sport:D

16th June 2011, 21:28
Better luck next time Rayna:xxgrinning--00xx3::D


16th June 2011, 21:36
A shame that the poor guys were suckered into this, but it never fails to amaze me how STUPID otherwise intelligent men can be when testosterone overrides common sense. :NoNo:

Hmm...thinking back. :Erm: