View Full Version : new spouse visa requirements from 17th july? dilema!

18th June 2011, 18:02
is there going to be changes to the spouse visa requirements on the 17th july? and will it stay at £860?
my wife has been putting pressure on me to apply before this date, but ive only had over £550 since may and need to keep it above that amount for 3 months, but that will be the end of july.
at the end of july i should have over £1600 saveings.
ive been od in april twice for only oneday.
i have 6 months payslips from the job agency.
chat logs from the last 3 years.
passport notary.
pics together with my wife when i was with her for 5 weeks last year.
her sister here has a british pasport and has a permanant job will be a 3rd party sponsore and will supply payslips also and bank statments but not much savings.
her and her husband have just taken out a mortgage and we will be moving into there new house in july.
so all im waiting for is my bank statements at the end of july. or should i take the gamble and risk everything and apply before 17th july

18th June 2011, 18:24
has your wife taken the english language test yet ?


if she has already taken it, is it on the new list ?


A consequence of this new requirement is that it could negatively impact on people applying to come to the UK who do not have access to an approved test provider within their country of residence – potentially creating obstacles to their joining family members in the UK. This is now the subject of a judicial review being brought by three claimants in the West Midlands, listed for 17 and 18 July.

18th June 2011, 18:48
im confused, dosnt take much:D. yes she took the IELTS and scored 5. is that ok or will that not be accepted after that date?

has your wife taken the english language test yet ?


if she has already taken it, is it on the new list ?


A consequence of this new requirement is that it could negatively impact on people applying to come to the UK who do not have access to an approved test provider within their country of residence – potentially creating obstacles to their joining family members in the UK. This is now the subject of a judicial review being brought by three claimants in the West Midlands, listed for 17 and 18 July.

18th June 2011, 20:14
Hi Tony,
get as much written info and supporting docs that show where you are staying ..........even pics wouldnt go amiss. You cannot in my view provide too much, anything thats relevant to each question just give them all that you can. I wish you luck as my wife and I along with dependant just applied ............its not something that can be rushed , I wish you all the very best of luck:)

19th June 2011, 00:08
thanks guys, does anyone know what changes there are to the spouse visa after 17th july, or is the changes just to the accepted english tests.
im realy scared to apply for a spouse visa before 17th july because ive only had over £550 since may and only have £900 now, but will increase by nearly £200 each week, :cwm3: i dont know whats best to do huhu

19th June 2011, 05:21
the only change i know of is

From 18 July 2011, only tests on the new list can be used to demonstrate your English language ability as part of a spouse or partner application.

but i'm sure IELTS thou not listed can still be used, but email

TemporaryMigrationProjects@homeoffice.gsi.gov.uk or give them a call

19th June 2011, 09:00
thankyo for your help ive just emailed them, IELTS is on page 7, or is this the old list http://www.ukba.homeoffice.gov.uk/sitecontent/applicationforms/new-approved-english-tests.pdf

19th June 2011, 12:13
The list you have is the new list.

BTW it's the provider who needs to be approved and on the list. Not the test itself.

UKBA requires applicants to pass ANY English Language test that meets or exceeds the A1 level of the European Common framework.
There are a number of different tests that can be taken, and a number of Approved Providers and test-centres but they must be on the New UKBA approved listing for all applications AFTER July 17th.

Who did your wife take her test with?
If your wife scored 5, thats good it's just above level B2

19th June 2011, 23:01
she took the test with ielts baguio ive found 2 on the list in baguio, ill ask my wife witch one she went to. http://www.ielts.org/test_centre_search/search_results.aspx
my wife isnt patient, ill wait for my next bank statement for this month then ill send her the money and all paperwork, i realy did want to wait until the end of july but my wife upsetting me how she has upset me this weekend, i havnt eaten anything since friday and only had 2 hours sleep since thursday, does anyone know what date i will recive my lloyds tsb bank statment, ive not took any notice before, but im being pressured, im not a gambling person and i was happy to wait until the end of july, but now im forced to gamble, £860 has took me along time to save and my job is tempory, ill have many sleepless nights now worrying because my wife cant wait until the end of july, if visa is refuse bcos they need the bank statment for july, can i send it soon as i get it.

The list you have is the new list.

BTW it's the provider who needs to be approved and on the list. Not the test itself.

UKBA requires applicants to pass ANY English Language test that meets or exceeds the A1 level of the European Common framework.
There are a number of different tests that can be taken, and a number of Approved Providers and test-centres but they must be on the New UKBA approved listing for all applications AFTER July 17th.

Who did your wife take her test with?
If your wife scored 5, thats good it's just above level B2

20th June 2011, 22:07
she took the test with ielts baguio ive found 2 on the list in baguio, ill ask my wife witch one she went to. http://www.ielts.org/test_centre_search/search_results.aspx
my wife isnt patient, ill wait for my next bank statement for this month then ill send her the money and all paperwork, i realy did want to wait until the end of july but my wife upsetting me how she has upset me this weekend, i havnt eaten anything since friday and only had 2 hours sleep since thursday, does anyone know what date i will recive my lloyds tsb bank statment, ive not took any notice before, but im being pressured, im not a gambling person and i was happy to wait until the end of july, but now im forced to gamble, £860 has took me along time to save and my job is tempory, ill have many sleepless nights now worrying because my wife cant wait until the end of july, if visa is refuse bcos they need the bank statment for july, can i send it soon as i get it.

Hi tony it might be better to wait until you have around £1500 to £2000 in bank.Also it helps if you have a perminant job,as it helps if you can provide a letter from your employer stating you have future work.But its up to you at the end of the day. Hope your wife gets her visa.

20th June 2011, 22:23
If your wife gained English Test cert from a provider listed on the UKBA new approved she will not need to take another test.

Following your story for a long time now, my advice to you would be to wait a little longer until you can be fully compliant with UKBA visa application requirements.
I know how tough that is, but I really believe it's the best strategy.
Yes, there have been people who appear not to have been compliant, but when you look deeper you will ALWAYS find mitigating circumstances that are acceptable to UKBA.
Please don't risk all on a less than 50/50 gamble.
You absolutely must satisfy the UKBA ECO on accommodation and financials.
Financially you must clearly show you can manage with your current cash flow.
Savings are always a good thing and a good back up but they are not the 'dealbreaker ' that sufficient disposable income really is.

Obviously it's your decision. All I can do is to suggest you read again the UKBA requirements and decide if you comply fully or if there is any doubt.

Just my 2 pence worth

22nd June 2011, 17:29
Tony, you must explain firmly to your wife the risk of refusal (and loss of fee) if you apply early. She has waited only several months, many waited a couple of years to get over. She loves you , she will be patient, simple.

22nd June 2011, 20:56
thankyou so much guys, i did explain my thoughts to my wife in detail the risks ect, and at the end she said sent the paperwork next week, its as if she didnt listen to a word i said hehe.
but im sure she will wait until the end of july because she does love me, my job isnt permanant yet but i hope it will be, her sisters job here is permanant so will that be ok,
ill also take pics of the new house and the bedroom, is about 100sqft,
ill be happy when she is finaly here, august at the latest i hope, we realy miss eachother, so many places i want to show her when shes here :)