View Full Version : Sister as a nanny lol

21st June 2011, 14:58
Hi i am a filipina that lives in hastings. I will be 2 years here soon on october.

I just want an advice if if its possible to bring my sister here in UK. She is 32 years old. She is older than me. She is never been married and no kids.
I am so desperate to bring her here. I am happy with my life coz i have a wonderful husband and a 7 month old son now. But i feel for my sister in the philippines. My brother just beats her up. They live at my mother`s house. He pulled her hair, punch her stomach, slapped her and i even saw bruises in her face.

She cant report him to the police as my mom wont allowe her and they are scared he be send to jail and they will just let him go and it will just get worst.

I really wanna bring her here. My brother beats me up before but he dont anymore coz i have husband to protect me but my sister she is single he just treats her like that.

I want her here not as tourist visa if only i want her here to be permanent. If we will sponsor her as a nanny will that be possible? We are not rich but we are jus tryig to find out all possible ways to bring her here. But how much money do we need to do that? and does she has to pay tax if ever we could bring her as nanny? thank you so much in advance

21st June 2011, 16:17
Wow, so sorry to hear about the abuse your sister is suffering.:NoNo:

I believe it will be difficult if not impossible for your sister to get a work permit.

If she can establish a relationship with a nice British guy though, as you did, then she could be here within a year. :)

Have you thought of sending her some money...just enough so she can rent her own small place ?

21st June 2011, 18:05
Get someone to sort your brother out ;) Its cheap in Pinas,get a couple of handy guys to teach him the error of his ways,he sounds like a grade-A w***er :rolleyes:

21st June 2011, 19:15
I'm pretty certain you can not apply for a domestic worker visa for someone who is a relative, and anyway you needed to have employed that person for at least 1yr back in the phils. so no is the answer :NoNo:

get your sister here on a family visit visa for 6 months, and while she is here find a decent guy for her and who knows maybe she end up back here on a spouse visa :rolleyes:

21st June 2011, 22:19
I'm pretty certain you can not apply for a domestic worker visa for someone who is a relative, and anyway you needed to have employed that person for at least 1yr back in the phils. so no is the answer :NoNo:

get your sister here on a family visit visa for 6 months, and while she is here find a decent guy for her and who knows maybe she end up back here on a spouse visa :rolleyes:

Thank your for your replies
Is it possible to bring her here on a family visit visa? my worries is she dont have a stable job. She is working at the moment at my uncles gasoline station but she dont get paid big not even £100 a month. Plus she dont have a property so i am thiking maybe it will be hard to sponsor her as tourist visa

21st June 2011, 22:24
Thank your for your replies
Is it possible to bring her here on a family visit visa? my worries is she dont have a stable job. She is working at the moment at my uncles gasoline station but she dont get paid big not even £100 a month. Plus she dont have a property so i am thiking maybe it will be hard to sponsor her as tourist visa

It may be tricky. Having a strong reason to return to Phils is a major issue.
However, The visa is quite affordable and is very easily worth a well prepared application. Family Visit is possible for reconsideration or appeal at any refusal.
Why not try a forceful application

22nd June 2011, 01:41
well i don't have knowledge in applying for nanny,but all i know is d mother is so bad letting her son beat her daughter and not even letting her to tell to the police..:NoNo::NoNo::NoNo::NoNo: ..seems like not a mother to me..Anyway hope you'll find a way to get her to d uk

22nd August 2011, 19:47

Well i have looked in to getting a Philippino au pair and all the agencies for some reason will not deal with the Philippines and i am certain that is due to visa reasons. Therefore i think it is very difficult to get her over on a work visa.

I wish you every luck with your sister it is a very sad story, that a mother does not protect her daughter.

22nd August 2011, 19:56
The govt. are happier to have bands of thieving Romanian gypsies here than hard-working Filipinas. :rolleyes:

As an Au Pair, what would my duties include ? :Erm:

I'm NOT willing to sleep with the man of the house, :NoNo: but I'm good at ironing. :78718:

22nd August 2011, 20:23

Well i have looked in to getting a Philippino au pair and all the agencies for some reason will not deal with the Philippines and i am certain that is due to visa reasons. Therefore i think it is very difficult to get her over on a work visa.

I wish you every luck with your sister it is a very sad story, that a mother does not protect her daughter.

I dont suppose anyone knows anyone in the uk looking for a live in au pair job?

We are not a recruiting agency, You have posted 4 times with the same question in other threads, your other posts will be removed.

22nd August 2011, 20:24
It was only a matter of time. :D

Maria B
26th August 2011, 08:57
hello axelc

Sorry to hear about your elder sister. I don't agree with all sorts of Domestic Violence. Don't let her allow your brother to hurt her before it goes worst. She can really report that to the police in your Baranggay and have it blottered. The police always ask if the victim wants to call the family involve to be investigated or just have it recorded for her safety just in case something will happen to the victim, the police knows who is responsible for it. The police will suggest to her to go to the hospital for medical record purposes like if she got bruises, scrage, black eye (things that showed she was physically abuse). The medical assistance will treat her in confidentiality, will refer her to the Domestic Violence Department where she will be given support & will be asked to visit the Gabriela Woman's Party where she will be given moral support and assistance that she needed. If she reconsider this, let her keep all the record/papers in safe as her evidence.

She's at the right age to follow what's on her mind. She may even go to DSWD and ask for protection. My last job was working at Haven, DSWD in Cebu City where we in house woman who are victims of Domestic Violence (includes different forms of abuse). In the Haven they will be protected from their abusers, provided with a lawyer & counselor team, they will have some activities in the house, sharing rooms with colleagues who are victims of incest, rape, involuntary prostitution, mothers with child who are victims of domestic violence as well. They will be provided with nutritional meal, a daily activity routine, trainings, outings even a handicraft/cooking jobs to make them busy. They can earn money while waiting for their case to be process. It takes time but at least she will be protected out from danger. The family will not even know her where about because that would be DSWD's duty.

With the recession (still) going on in the UK, it's hard to find a company who gives out working permit. U can help her by giving her a website of the company that is near in your area as you can just apply here thru online. It's only to give her idea about what it is like the requirements here & the jobs offer for child care. I wonder if she got time for this with the brother around.

Looking for agency either in the UK or Philippines online, she will be asked for a 5 years experience in Child Care. ( I was even advised to upgrade my child care course in the University in the UK as my training in the Philippines is not recognize by the UK law..just for a nursery nurse position before...oh well that's a different story). She should have at least level 3(NVQ 3 level). But you can always sponsor her if she's qualified as having a family in the UK is a bonus plus.

If it's a family visa, u may do so but the visit is only for a certain period of time. What will happen to her after? She can't work in the UK under family visa too.

Parents are easily granted for settlement visa because of their age and status. But mostly Filipino parents are not happy with the UK weather that they just want to come back home. (this is another story but just an example)...Having a sister, 32 years old and single, the uk embassy will think that for sure she will stay longer in the UK because she got nothing to come back like no husband, child/children, work etc that might tempt them to stay longer illegally. That's why mostly single pinays (especially yonger ones) are hardly given a visa in this case. This is just an example. Lucky are those who are granted.

One thing she can do as well is to visit the POEA office in the nearest area where she lives & look for jobs for England. I know agencies are mostly for Dubai, Qatar, Japan but sometimes they will post for Ireland too. If she's in Manila, there are a lot of opportunities for European jobs offer. Then you may sponsor her for her passport, training fee & travel. With POEA, all agencies are legal.

We will just wait for some members in this forum to share their concerns with your enquiry & hope u will find answers in the future.


26th August 2011, 15:47
my mom wont allowe her and they are scared he be send to jail and they will just let him go and it will just get worst.

sad story really..:bigcry: but in pinas we call it as "kunsintidor na ina":cwm23::doh
shes scared his son to go to jail but wasnt feel how the daughter(your sister) is in pain ang agony coz my your abusive brother?? he need a lesson that he wont forget i guess:censored::cwm23::angry:..am surprise there are mum like that this days:cwm24::cwm3: