View Full Version : Confused what visa to apply? FLR or ILR - Pls need help

22nd June 2011, 22:48
Hello Everyone,

I am reading through some posts and the guidelines in UKBA website. But now I am confused.

Here are my details:
Type of Visa: Spouse
Valid From: 28/8/09
Valid Until: 28/8/11
Date Arrived in the UK: 27/9/09
* already passed the Life in the UK Test

1. What should I apply the FLR or ILR? (this is the one that really confused me)
2. Please verify if my computation is correct that the earliest I could lodge my application is on 30th August 2011?
3. What is the waiting period if application is submitted by post?
(one Filipino here adviced to go with the PEO route rather than post the application but it is considerably expensive, what would you guys recommend)

Your advice will be highly appreciated.

Thank you.

Arthur Little
22nd June 2011, 23:14
Answers to your questions:

1. ILR is the one you should apply for

2. Correct ... you can apply 28 days before your 2 years' residence is up

3. It's really a matter of personal choice ... :anerikke: ... if you apply by post you could find yourself waiting anything up to 3 months. :rolleyes: Applying directly through a PEO means you will be given the result on the same day. But, of course, this privilege will cost you £300 extra.

Goodluck with whatever you decide. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

22nd June 2011, 23:21
could be as little as 2 weeks or 4 weeks for us, just post it and you dont need to worry. :)

23rd June 2011, 05:02
Hello Everyone,

I am reading through some posts and the guidelines in UKBA website. But now I am confused.

Here are my details:
Type of Visa: Spouse
Valid From: 28/8/09
Valid Until: 28/8/11
Date Arrived in the UK: 27/9/09
* already passed the Life in the UK Test

1. What should I apply the FLR or ILR? (this is the one that really confused me)
2. Please verify if my computation is correct that the earliest I could lodge my application is on 30th August 2011?
3. What is the waiting period if application is submitted by post?
(one Filipino here adviced to go with the PEO route rather than post the application but it is considerably expensive, what would you guys recommend)

Your advice will be highly appreciated.

Thank you.

1. as others have said you need to apply for ilr, maybe flr but i doubt it (see next answer) :rolleyes:
2. earliest you can apply is 27/9/09 + 2yrs - upto 28 days = as you've said 30th aug 2011, latest the day your visa expires 28/8/11 ( but i wouldn't leave it that late)

:omg: but have you noticed the earliest you can apply is 30th aug, yet your visa expired on the 28th ...

you've the old 24 months, you must have been one of the last to get a 24 month one ,,they are 27 months because of this reason.

anyway thats why i said you might want to apply for flr (not worth it for 2 days thou )

you need to apply b4 your visa expires so you cant apply on the 30th, the 28th the day your visa expires is a sunday !,

i would apply on the 25th a Thursday, got to the post office and use next day special delivery and keep the receipt.so shouldnt have a problem applying a few days early, your more likely to have a problem applying after your visa has expired.. thou probably no risk of it being refused for a day or so,

or you could leave it til friday 26th and get Guaranteed Saturday Delivery on the 27th, thats the latest you could apply

but better to be safe that sorry, i would apply a days earlier than days late.. :rolleyes:

you might have problems using a peo because of the dates when you can apply, i'd probably use the post and post it on the 25th using next day spec del so they have got it friday.. the 26th :D

3. probably a month or so..

if your a bit worried about what i've said, should be no need to be, phone the UKBA helpline see what they advise..

23rd June 2011, 14:34
Thank you very much Arthur Little, Bornatbirth and Joebloggs for your time and advise.

However, I am deeply sorry, I must have been really confused last night as I was writing this. As I was reading Joebloggs posts specially regarding the dates, I rushed to get my passport and doubled checked my spouse visa expiration.

Here are my revised details:
Type of Visa: Spouse
Valid From: 28/8/09
Valid Until: 28/11/11 (not 28/8/11 as previously stated)
Date Arrived in the UK: 27/9/09
* already passed the Life in the UK Test

Based on the above revised details, here are my questions:
1. Definitely apply for ILR?
2. Earliest date of application is 30 August 2011 (Tuesday)?

We are keen on submitting the application by post since an additional £300+ for the PEO route is quite costly for us. Assuming what Arthur Little said about a 3 months waiting period, what happens to me if they haven't decided on my case and my spouse visa expired already?

Would highly appreciate your responses again.

Thank you.

23rd June 2011, 19:57
it wont take 3 months(they always give 3 months incase it takes longer), mine took 3/4 weeks in march...so yours should take the same...nothing will happen to you whilst your applying for the ilr! :D

you arrived in the uk in 27/9/09 so you have 2 years from then, your visa runs out on the 27/9/11, so you need to apply 28 days before the visa runs out :)


you need ilr set m

23rd June 2011, 21:21
Thank you Bornatbirth!:)

One more thing please, just need your confirmation so I can have peace of mind.

Application to be submitted by post using the next day special delivery services. Should I mail:

1) 30 August 2011 ; or
2) 29 August 2011

Please advise.

Thank you. :)

23rd June 2011, 21:33
you can post it on the 30 august :xxgrinning--00xx3:

23rd June 2011, 21:49
Maraming salamat Bornatbirth :)

24th June 2011, 19:37
Thank you very much Arthur Little, Bornatbirth and Joebloggs for your time and advise.

However, I am deeply sorry, I must have been really confused last night as I was writing this. As I was reading Joebloggs posts specially regarding the dates, I rushed to get my passport and doubled checked my spouse visa expiration.

Here are my revised details:
Type of Visa: Spouse
Valid From: 28/8/09
Valid Until: 28/11/11 (not 28/8/11 as previously stated)
Date Arrived in the UK: 27/9/09
* already passed the Life in the UK Test

Based on the above revised details, here are my questions:
1. Definitely apply for ILR?
2. Earliest date of application is 30 August 2011 (Tuesday)?

We are keen on submitting the application by post since an additional £300+ for the PEO route is quite costly for us. Assuming what Arthur Little said about a 3 months waiting period, what happens to me if they haven't decided on my case and my spouse visa expired already?

Would highly appreciate your responses again.

Thank you.

1. yes you can apply for ILR ! you have a 27 month visa :xxgrinning--00xx3:
2. Earliest app date is the 30th aug, the latest date probably 25th of 11

but always apply asap aug/sept so if there are any problems you have time to sort them out

if your not intending to leave the uk soon then use the post, or see if you can use the ILR checking service

24th June 2011, 22:36
sorry for intrusion Joebloggs is using Ilr checking service cost? if yes how much roughly:rolleyes: think its worth to try:)

24th June 2011, 22:44
varies around £70-£90 .. :cwm24:

24th June 2011, 22:49
awss:D but would:Erm: it will guarantee that your application will be accepted if not refuse:D

24th June 2011, 22:57
Maraming salamat Joebloggs. :)

We plan to post the application on the 30th of August. We do have plans of going to the Phils sometime Jan 2012. We will just hope for the best. Guess it wouldn't take that long assuming we can have the results in a minimum of 1 month or maximum of 3 months. (Cross fingers!)

Thank you very much again for your time and advices.

Happy weekend! :)

24th June 2011, 23:04
goodluck Braveheart:xxgrinning--00xx3: been reading your post:) and it seems we are in the same boat:rolleyes::icon_lol:

24th June 2011, 23:26
oh good luck to you too Moy! Let's pray and hope for the best! :)

24th June 2011, 23:31
be positive i know we can..btw where do you live here in the UK? :)

24th June 2011, 23:43
We live in Edinburgh, Moy. How about you?

Oh, I hope we can compare notes later, on our documentary requirements. When are you due to submit?

Best of luck to the both of us =)

24th June 2011, 23:48
oh am sorry it was on your profile your location is:icon_lol:
unluckily am qualified to apply next year late of april :D and yes we can compare but i doubt as you would be probably on your ILR status that time :xxgrinning--00xx3:
i lived somewhere in southwest

24th June 2011, 23:53
oh, you have plenty of time to prepare.:) anyway the best for all of us! :)

24th June 2011, 23:56
yes better to be ready and prepared than sorry :icon_lol:..one question have you got referee to sign togther in your application?? and if so how many is it necesarry to be public servant..ive pose a query here but am waiting someone to replied back..:)

25th June 2011, 08:03
awss:D but would:Erm: it will guarantee that your application will be accepted if not refuse:D

probably a better chance of getting your visa, as they will check your app is complete, but they cant say you'll get the visa, becuase that depends on quaility of your evidence :D

25th June 2011, 13:48
mmmm sounds worthy though but depends if we got spare cash:D btw thank you for the reply :xxgrinning--00xx3:

25th June 2011, 19:06
mmmm sounds worthy though but depends if we got spare cash:D btw thank you for the reply :xxgrinning--00xx3:

yes most people dont need to use it :D

Arthur Little
25th June 2011, 23:39
We do have plans of going to the Phils sometime Jan 2012. We will just hope for the best. Guess it wouldn't take that long assuming we can have the results in a minimum of 1 month or maximum of 3 months. (Cross fingers!)

ILR is basically a formality ... providing there haven't been any drastic changes in an applicant's circumstances. And, although I mentioned in #2 that postal applications CAN take up to three months to process, it's highly unlikely you'll be waiting that long ... so NO worries!! :NoNo:

26th June 2011, 12:38
thank you Arthur! :) ...we will hope for the best! :)

26th June 2011, 14:45
you'll be fine Braveheart i know you are:xxgrinning--00xx3: kept us updated:D and think ill ask you some question in the near future when its my turn:rolleyes::)