View Full Version : Bellends at Glastonbury

26th June 2011, 01:13
Glastonbury organisers were accused yesterday of using heavy-handed tactics against demonstrators who tried to embarrass U2 during the rock group’s debut at the festival.

Activists from protest group Art Uncut made their point by unfurling a 25-metre inflatable balloon bearing the slogan ‘U pay tax 2?’ in front of the 50,000 fans watching the band perform on the festival’s Pyramid Stage.

Friday’s protest was directed at U2’s 2006 decision to cut their tax bill by moving their business affairs from Ireland to the Netherlands.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-2007956/U2-upstaged-tax-protest-Glastonbury--campaigners-left-deflated-security-pop-balloon.html#ixzz1QKu45fT0

Mr Potato Head and his long suffering wife with baby elephant legs are also gracing the occasion


26th June 2011, 08:56
Good for the security :xxgrinning--00xx3: .... stupid minor minority gang of thick muppets trying to ruin the festival for 10,000's of people who have paid a lot of money. I'd have shoved them face down in the mud and stood on them till U2 had finished :xxgrinning--00xx3:

26th June 2011, 09:32
One song by Coldplay is fine.

A whole hour of moaning and whining over a piano was just tooo much though. :cwm3:

Wrist-slitters paradise, too many of those acts.

U2 need to retire.

I bought their Joshua Tree album way back, but since then, what ? :Erm:

Wow, Mrs.Potatohead IS a bit of a munter isn't she. :cwm24:

26th June 2011, 15:35
Further to my above post....I guess listening to all the depressing songs was just too much for this top Tory too....suspected suicide ? :Erm:


26th June 2011, 15:53
Further to my above post....I guess listening to all the depressing songs was just too much for this top Tory too....suspected suicide ? :Erm:


Either that or he was hacked off by the Tories efforts to control immigration being frustrated by the Limp Democrats

26th June 2011, 15:57
...and me too, but not quite to the point of jumping off a cliff yet. :NoNo:

Maybe it WAS a heart attack; right age range, plenty of rich food and over-indulgence. :)

26th June 2011, 19:05
Maybe it WAS a heart attack; right age range, plenty of rich food and over-indulgence.
Or autoerotic asphyxiation,he was found dead in a bog(bog as in toilet,not a particularly muddy patch of Glasto).

26th June 2011, 19:09
i wonder how long he was in there for :Erm:

26th June 2011, 19:39
Maybe he thought he was elvis?

26th June 2011, 21:29
He's missing a great performance by Pendulum.:cwm3:

26th June 2011, 22:38
He's missing a great performance by Pendulum.:cwm3:

Just saw that on TV.... they were great!

I must admit, I've quite enjoyed watching Glasto on the TV. It's not quite the same as being there though.

A couple of thoughts to share:
My best Glasto moment: watching the Lightning Seeds play "3 Lions" then straight afterwards watching England beat Colombia 2-0. Even the torrential rain didn't dampen our spirits!
My worst Glasto moment: deciding to watch a glum, miserable Oasis on the main stage while The Prodigy totally rocked the Other Stage.

27th June 2011, 00:11
LOVE Prodigy ! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Just finished watching Beyonce, and that lady certainly put on one hell of a show.

She also seemed genuinely to be having a great time...not just performing.

Good on her. :)

29th June 2011, 08:12
agreed Tawi11,:xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3:
Beyonce seemed super chuffed to be playing Glastonbury and did put a great show on, loved her all female band (the lead guitatrist particularly) and the mamas can blast a song out