View Full Version : land

26th June 2011, 08:59
is there such a thing as buying land now for the future hoping it goes up in price say 10 to 15 years time, if so where, do you buy on these estates where there is a pool and club house where they promise all but when you look there is about 5 houses built thats all, or buy away from this, also do you buy where you think you may want to put roots or buy where people say is the best, so many questions and i know some of the answers but it will be nice to hear from others

29th June 2011, 22:53
Hi Steve

As you know foreigners are not allowed to buy land. Good observation about the estates here.....I am in the process of selling my house and property here in Dgte.....and buying land in one the estates in Cebu.......I have a construction corp and the land is titled in corporations name.

The name of the sub-division (estate) is Vista Grande and further up the hill looking over Cebu is Pacific Heights......When you drive around the sub div yes you notice there is no houses or very few built......wondering what's going on here.

I only know about Cebu as it where I want to end up. This sub-Div was developed 5 years ago the price per sqm was about 3,000php per sqm......At that time the rich of Cebu City, big wealth families and corporations...... Just didn't by one or two lots they bought hollow blocks containing 20 to 30 lots as investments........You will find in this sub-div there is nothing left.'...But laterly the investors are slowly starting to sell and collect on their investment.

Every 3 months the land value goes up about 2%.......The parcel of land that I'm trying to purchase is 545 sqm at a price of 7,400php per sqm.....As you can see who is making the money. But if I don't buy now I will never be able to afford in 10 years time.

Before buying in the sub-div make sure you do your home work they all differ on the rulings within.

I hope that helps.


30th June 2011, 00:36

Being new to this site I am assuming you are refering to Philippines not England?


30th June 2011, 01:44
Steve.. We decided to invest in land within Bohol.. The main reason being that land is still relatively cheap considering the amount of development by major companies just about everywhere here..
We walked around a huge project just yesterday in a coastal/fishing village called Dojo.. A 350 room hotel being constructed by the Bellevue hotel group (Same builder that constructed Mall of Asia) over 3.5 Hectares of prime and sub prime white beach.. When its finished the area will leave Borocay in the dust IMO.. They have just started importing white sand to a huge rocky coastal section and already it looks better than Bali!!
Fortunately we managed to secure a small lot near the beach there 2 years ago.. Land there is still cheap/ish and a fantastic investment IMO in the near and long term..
Another factor in our decision to invest here is because the place is a favoured retirement area for US and European expats and retirees and the cash that they bring..
The property market in the Phils IMV is completely different to anything in the UK.. Prices only ever seem to go up..Never down!!:cwm24:
Having said that there are many many areas and provinces throughout the Philippines that I wouldn't personally touch with a 20 ft barge pole..
Hope you find the lot you are looking for one day..

30th June 2011, 02:29
Just a quick correction for above post.. (sorry for hijack)

The 14 hectare reclamation of Doljo point Panglao is owned by the King of Dubai.

30th June 2011, 11:29
@ sir fred,
wonder if you know some land for sale in bohol> do u have any idea roughly how much? cheers

5th July 2011, 00:27
Sorry marlyn@kenny..Missed your post..
Yes..I know of quite a few lots spread around Panglao for sale.. Prices depend on distance away from the beach or distance away from highways ,barangay roads etc.
Beach lots are now fetching anything between 7 to 10K per Sqr meter where lots along the island roads go for around the 1000 to 1500 per sqr meter range.. Interior lots with access around the 500 Peso per Sqr mtr mark..