View Full Version : conditions of visa

2nd May 2007, 13:14
have to put my hands up to being a total novice in this area :Rasp: having been fortunate to stay in work etc so not had any dealings with the benifits system
When my wife was granted her visa i seem to remember something to the effect about her not have recourse to public funds, but i am not quite sure what the limitations of this are
for example in england if a lady is pregnant she doesnt pay for perscriptions but isnt this being paid for out of public funds :Erm:
the reason for asking is because we are now expecting our first baby but have no idea what if any help is available. any of you guys able to shed some light on the matter

2nd May 2007, 13:43
Congratulations for new addition!

She will be automatically entitled for free prescriptions and dentist check ups ie. fillings, cleaning etc. and this won't affect her visa.

In able to get her this certificate she will have to contact her GP asap and let them know she's expecting. Her midwife will support her and the unborn child through to her pregnancy and she will also the one who will fill up the application for free prescriptions.

Talk to her midwife or social service about what benefit you could get if you are in a low income.

And apply for Child Benefit within 3 months after your child's birth.

If you would like to know more about benefits and other help you could get for your coming child PM me.

2nd May 2007, 14:30
Thanks lady J we will be in touch

2nd May 2007, 16:04
yes and if your on tax creds, you might be able to get a social fund grant. but there is a strict time limit on it. so dont miss out, get some of your hard earned taxes back :xxgrinning--00xx3:

2nd May 2007, 16:59
I am entitled of free maternity services of NHS since im a spouse of brits and im expecting a baby...maternity services is not a fund....they even call the home office to verify if i am entitled to...they give me a free prescription for the whole maternity period...been to my second scan last april 27 then by sept ill be giving birth in JAMES COOK HOSPITAL in Middlesbrough...for free:)

2nd May 2007, 17:11
eljean, if your husband is in received of tax credits then he could be entitled for Sure Start Maternity Grant from Social Service and also you have 42 days to register your child's birth and up to 3 months to claim your Child Benefit. Father has to do all the claiming!

Do you know the gender of your baby? Have you ask the Sonographer?

I'm expecting boy end of next month!:xxgrinning--00xx3:

3rd May 2007, 10:18
congrats to eljean and ladyJ and thanks for the info, ive never even looked into tax credits just assumed i wouldnt qualify, we have the perscriptions sorted out now
jas had intended to get a job here but fell preggy within the first few weeks of arriving so that kind of stopped the whole job idea, not that i am complaining we will just start the family a bit sooner than expected

3rd May 2007, 22:34
eljean, if your husband is in received of tax credits then he could be entitled for Sure Start Maternity Grant from Social Service and also you have 42 days to register your child's birth and up to 3 months to claim your Child Benefit. Father has to do all the claiming!

Do you know the gender of your baby? Have you ask the Sonographer?

I'm expecting boy end of next month!:xxgrinning--00xx3:

wow that's nice to know im also expecting a baby boy this september...
im also looking for a boy name...i just got girl names...about the benefits i have been reading your thread about it then told him already...im on my 20 weeks of being pregnant...wish you a healthy delivery :Hellooo: :Hellooo: :Hellooo: :Hellooo: :Hellooo: :Hellooo: :Hellooo:

4th May 2007, 10:26
congrats to eljean and ladyJ

Thanks dave65:xxgrinning--00xx3:

wow that's nice to know im also expecting a baby boy this september...
im also looking for a boy name...i just got girl names...about the benefits i have been reading your thread about it then told him already...im on my 20 weeks of being pregnant...wish you a healthy delivery :Hellooo: :Hellooo: :Hellooo: :Hellooo: :Hellooo: :Hellooo: :Hellooo:

Thanks and goodluck to you!:xxgrinning--00xx3:

4th May 2007, 12:36
Congrats to all new mums to be here.

Just a reminder to you all claiming for child benefit; they require both parents national insurance number and if one of you dont have it yet then better settle it ASAP.