View Full Version : nmc registration

1st July 2011, 22:31
i'm gb(female) I am seeking some help regarding my application in nmc.I graduated in Philippines as a nurse batch 2010 and rigth after my board exam, i came here in UK, not knowing they required atleast 12 months experience. I am currently working as a support worker to a certain home and as much as as possible, if there's some alternative options doing some works here as means or supplement their requirement, i would love to do so, and no more going back to Philippines just to have 1year experience. please could you give me an advice?? Thanks a lot! :)

Doc Alan
2nd July 2011, 09:10
Hi gb01 and welcome to the Forum :xxgrinning--00xx3:
Where are you living ? There could be members living near to you, who might be able to help.
You are correct that if you want to work as a nurse or midwife in the UK you must register with the Nursing and Midwifery Council ( NMC ), and you must have been practising as a registered nurse or midwife for at least 12 months after qualifying. Don't waste time and money applying if you don't have that experience ! The document "Registering as a nurse or midwife in the United Kingdom for applicants from countries outside the European Economic Area" can be downloaded from the NMC ( www.nmc-uk.org ) .
The NMC states - unhelpfully - " We cannot help you find a job", and in any case there are fewer nursing vacancies in the UK for anyone from outside Europe these days ( http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2011/feb/23/nursing-dream-filipinos-uk-jobs?INTCMP=SRCH ).