View Full Version : I'm close to tears please help

5th July 2011, 15:25
:cwm3:Hi everyone, I am a new member to this forum and is desperately in need of some advice. I recieved my Uk Visa last week and showed it to a friend who told me it looks fake. His reason for saying this is because it has sample printed across it in faded letters. I found a picture of someone elses visa on this forum and it also has sample in faded letters. Is this how all uk visa look?
Please help i'm biting my nails and tearing out my hair :(

5th July 2011, 16:40
Not to worry - travel to Calais France - jump in the back of a UK bound truck. It is an express route not requiring visas or even passports. Don't bother bringing any spending money as all will be taken care of thanks to the UK taxpayer when you arrive.

5th July 2011, 21:40
Maybe you should spend some money and get a visa through the 'proper' channels...... like you UK Embassy :doh

5th July 2011, 21:56
this days are messy indeed:( hope you be able soon infoseeker

5th July 2011, 22:01

5th July 2011, 23:37
I thought Photoshop was better than that...maybe a pirated one used. :Erm:

6th July 2011, 06:21
Not to worry - travel to Calais France - jump in the back of a UK bound truck. It is an express route not requiring visas or even passports. Don't bother bringing any spending money as all will be taken care of thanks to the UK taxpayer when you arrive.

:xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3:Spot on son...

7th July 2011, 14:34
I applied to the Uk Embassy here, paid my cash (no more or less than anyone else) and went through all the required procedures like everyone else, so please dont judge me.
After making my previous post i went back to their office and enquired if that was the way it was suppose to look and was informed that it was inndeed and that there was nothing wrong with my visa.
Do you still thing I'm being played? If yes, Is there an office in the Uk which i can contact to make a complain?

9th July 2011, 09:07
I applied to the Uk Embassy here, paid my cash (no more or less than anyone else) and went through all the required procedures like everyone else, so please dont judge me.
After making my previous post i went back to their office and enquired if that was the way it was suppose to look and was informed that it was inndeed and that there was nothing wrong with my visa.
Do you still thing I'm being played? If yes, Is there an office in the Uk which i can contact to make a complain?

email this man

Mr Damian Green - Minister of State for Immigration greend@parliament.uk

he's used to dealing with cranks and chancers

9th July 2011, 10:37
If you didn't apply through this channel, you were scammed. There are no other ways of getting a visa.


Maria B
9th July 2011, 13:20
U don't need to worry if you apply it direct to VFS office (depends where you originally come from). http://lifeintheuktest.ukba.homeoffice.gov.uk/ talk to the proper authorities to get rid of your worries. Even my resident visa that I got from Birmingham UK last year looks faded, lols.:icon_lol:

Arthur Little
9th July 2011, 13:56
I am desperately in need of some advice. I recieved my Uk Visa last week and showed
it to a friend who told me it looks fake.

:23_111_9[1]: ... what "jamaica" that, then? :icon_sorry: ... just me being facetious!

Seriously, though :rolleyes: ... it seems to be a fake - as far as anyone can tell ... without actually seeing it - and you really NEED to contact the Jamaican authorities in Kingston as soon as possible.

9th July 2011, 14:00
if someone was going to supply you with a fake visa, you would have thought at least they would have photoshop the 'sample' bit out :doh

9th July 2011, 14:03
Major FAIL ! :crazy:

Arthur Little
9th July 2011, 14:09
if someone was going to supply you with a fake visa, you would have thought at least they would have photoshop the 'sample' bit out :doh

:iagree: ... you would've thought so!

9th July 2011, 16:10
I have to laugh at that, even the British embassy scamming people now lol :icon_lol::icon_lol:

13th July 2011, 14:58
since when was Jamacia part of the Phils?

13th July 2011, 18:23
Clearly we are considered the worldwide experts of choice on all visa and immigration-related matters. :icon_lol: