View Full Version : getting a marraige licience

6th July 2011, 03:24
hi there,i am visiting my fiancee in iloilo at the end of aug 2011,i will be bringing with me my decree absolute and certificate of non inpediment which i will get from england,what are the procedures and in what order do they have to happen,as i want to return in oct to marry in a civil office in iloilo,can someone please advise me,thanks

6th July 2011, 07:37
You have a very tight timetable is you are going to do it on a 2 week visit. It takes 10 days (after you get your local CNI from the British Embassy) logged with your local municiple. Then you have the ceremony..... Tight tight tight.... I would get everything organised to the minute and keep the locals on their toes to get everything done in time.