View Full Version : Another Bank Statement question (for ILR)

7th July 2011, 19:54
Sorry - it's another bank statement question! My friend will soon be applying for uk citizenship after 5 years here. She will be supplying 3 months bank statements. What is a reasonable minimum to always have in the account - ie the amount just before she gets her monthly salary. £200, or more than that? I am going to help and just want an idea. Have been googling but still not sure. Thank you.

7th July 2011, 21:26
John, are you talking about ILR (Indefinite Leave to Remain) or Naturalisation (UK Citizenship) ?

For Naturalisation I don't think there's any need to supply supporting evidence of financial standing.

7th July 2011, 21:30
Take a look at Form AN - Application for naturalisation as a British citizen (http://www.ukba.homeoffice.gov.uk/sitecontent/applicationforms/nationality/form_an.pdf)

7th July 2011, 22:36
Thanks for your replies. It's ILR.

8th July 2011, 08:38
All types of ILR application request "The documents showing the finances available to you and to any person supporting you should cover at least the last 3 months."

As you know there is no specific amount stipulated.
The key is really in the applicant's "ability to maintain and accommodate yourselves and any dependants without recourse to public funds"

The best guide to use would be the various levels of Income Support.

Income Support Personal Allowances (2011/2012)

under 25 £53.45
25 or over £67.50

lone parent
under 18 £53.45
18 or over £67.50

both under 18 £53.45
both under 18 - higher rate £80.75
one under 18, one under 25 £53.45
one under 18, one 25 and over £67.50
both 18 or over £105.95

dependent children £62.33

In principle if it is likely that the amount of 'discretionary' money remaining to live on after deduction of key payments (rent etc) would fall short of that shown above then this could be considered as marginal financial standing.

Having said that, It would be a very very rare decision to refuse ILR solely on financial standing.

8th July 2011, 09:03
Terpe - Thank You!