View Full Version : Jon Richard sets a foot into the world of Filipino mystery!!

jon richard
8th July 2011, 19:11
So I met a girl on a dating site and Im going to visit for a month.

Should be pretty over there...the photos look good !!

Ive travelled the world but not in that direction.

I have asked Frey to sort out something we (she) would realy get excited about for the first week and lets see after that.

Yes, at the end of the trip i would like a girl waiting for ME to go back to and everything that entails........
there does seem a lot of paperwork involved!!!!!!!

So i throw myself into the lions den and await the good and other replies !!!

Look forward to chatting to you all

Jon Richard

yours in Anticipation

8th July 2011, 19:17
Hi there Jon, welcome to the forum.

I'm sure you'll get plenty of comments, advice and stories.
Which part of Pinas are you heading for? and When are you heading out?

8th July 2011, 19:17
Good luck in your mission - you should find plenty of advice and tips on here :)

8th July 2011, 19:22
Jon, if you have a chance why not consider getting a 59 day visa from the Embassy in London?
Arrival in Pinas gives only 21 day visa. I have heard someone mention that the 59 day might be available at the airport upon arrival but I have no experience or other knowledge on that.
Hopefully someone who has actually done it might reply.

8th July 2011, 19:22
We are nosy on here so lets have some more details:D

jon richard
8th July 2011, 19:26
hi guys
thanks for some replies........................there are people there!!!
I am going for a visa on monday .................probably a long one.it wouldnt take much to make me stay longer!!

Im landing in Manila and then i dont have a clue....??
Magical mystery tour...............for those of you who remember

jon richard
8th July 2011, 19:27
Heading out 16 august..

jon richard
8th July 2011, 19:29
Les taxi...is that French....thought it was filipino humour here !!

8th July 2011, 19:35
Heading out 16 august..

That allows time for you to think about money and access.
Have you considered how you intend to fill your pockets when you are there?
You don't want to carrying significant amounts of cash.

jon richard
8th July 2011, 19:40
please advise me Terpe
had just thought of trav. cheks

jon richard
8th July 2011, 19:42
There are some other ways.......if you saw ..Papillion....the film that is ......bit messy though

8th July 2011, 20:15
Mate!! do not take travellers cheques that was the big mistake when i first went to the Phils. Hardly anywhere cashes the things, stick with credit cards showing visa or Mastercard but once out in the middle of nowhere cash is king, just be careful with it!
So many beautiful places to see everywhere there but please be mindful it is now a very poor and over-populated country and can also be very hot and uncomfortable at times.
Accomadation and services are woeful away from the major cities but if you like adventure and extremely warm, generous and helpful people you will have a great time!
Just be careful and keep your wits about you and you will be ok.

jon richard
8th July 2011, 20:33
Thanks for that Jimbojac
you weren't in Oman were you ? Knew a jimbo there.
No tcs then. How much can u draw out in one go then.
In the old days it was a wad of dollars that were swapped on the black market for much better rates.
is there a better currency or is it just get bat the airport

jon richard
8th July 2011, 20:50
at a bank at the airport..............

i know the bat is the currecy of cricket !!!

8th July 2011, 21:06
If i remember rightly 10,000 pesos just under £150. which goes a lot further there than it does there LOL!
You can get slightly better rates on the streets of Manila in the tourist districts but i really wouldn't reccommend flashing a wad of cash there mate.:NoNo:
{Wasn't me that you met in Oman.}
See your from Guernsey just across the pond, no donkey /bean jokes eh!:Rasp:

stevie c
8th July 2011, 21:14
Hi jon welcome to the forum

have a great trip hope everything goes to plan like jimbo says just be carefull & dont wear any jewellery as you could well have it snatched also try not to carry too much cash around with you

where in the phils will you be visiting & staying?

8th July 2011, 21:25
hi there jon, wow what a trip you are going on enjoy it all,

8th July 2011, 21:28
Welcome to the forum Jon:xxgrinning--00xx3:
As the others have said, you'll get some good advice on here, most of us have spent plenty of time in the Pina's and we're always happy to share our knowledge.
Good luck with your trip, as it happens I'm also heading that way in the middle of Aug, but I'm having a few days stop over in Honkers.
As Jimbo has said, cash is king in the pinas. Lots of money changers in the towns and cities, they all accept Sterling, so no need to change it to USD first.
There's nothing to worry about if you're sensible, but petty crime and muggings can be a problem in Manila:
Don't carry too much cash on your person at any one time.
Don't wear expensive jewelry or watches (I always wear a £5 LCD watch I bought in HK)
Dont flash your smartphone around too much
Don't carry anything of great value around with you
The biggest crooks in Manila are the taxi drivers, always tell them to use the meter. FRom Manila or Makati to the airport should cost no more than 150pesos, if they tell you upfront it's 400 or 500, walk away and flag down another taxi, there's no shortage and someone will take you for a reasonable price.
You're a rich westerner in most Filipino's eyes, and a fair target for a scam because you can afford it, keep your eyes and ears open :xxgrinning--00xx3:

8th July 2011, 21:32
Ayup Jon. :)

I take some cash....maybe 2 or 3 hundred quid in 20s (50s can give them a fright), and a Visa or Mastercard or both.

ATMs everywhere in the Phils, but more secure inside the banks where possible.

A tip for you:

Contact your bank/credit card company beforehand and let them know that you will be using your card in the Philippines, as sometimes they can put a block on it, seeing it used in an 'unusual' (meaning dodgy) location. :(

Only happened to me once in over 20 years, but when it does, it's a real pain in the ..... :rolleyes:

8th July 2011, 21:39
good luck and enjoy this new path you are taking :)

8th July 2011, 21:50
Great advice from the crew!:xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3:

8th July 2011, 22:00
Jon, if you have a chance why not consider getting a 59 day visa from the Embassy in London?
Arrival in Pinas gives only 21 day visa. I have heard someone mention that the 59 day might be available at the airport upon arrival but I have no experience or other knowledge on that.
Hopefully someone who has actually done it might reply.

Yes, you can get a 59 day visa on arrival in Manila Airport, I did this last time I was there back in April. Have a greatr trip, I am off again for September my place is 4 hours north east of manila. You will have an exciting time, just try to be streetwise, and let your lady do the talking as you will be the target for over inflated prices given a chance.

Ask your Mahal to buy you a few Balut to eat, if you have never tried them... you are in for a treat .. Yummmm :xxgrinning--00xx3:

8th July 2011, 22:21
Ask your Mahal to buy you a few Balut to eat, if you have never tried them... you are in for a treat .. Yummmm
:yikes:Don't listen to him Jon:icon_lol:

8th July 2011, 22:23
:yikes:Don't listen to him Jon:icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol:

9th July 2011, 00:03
Oh yes, don't forget the Balut....http://img714.imageshack.us/img714/4585/hurl6802070.gif

jon richard
9th July 2011, 15:15
After 24 hours there are so many useful and +ve replies
Thanks to you all
Sitting here in Meadowhall Phlly seems so distant

In a poetic way !!!!!
Me and my trav. Cheques.......ha ha
So my new Rolex won't travel well. ??......hoho
Thanks for the thumbnail
What do filipinas prefer as gifts. ??
You girls out there.........your thoughts please!!
I don't see Chanel no 5 replacing insect spray !!!

9th July 2011, 15:49
Chocolate. :Rasp:

9th July 2011, 16:05
Chocolate. :Rasp:yes lots of Cadbury's choc. My asawa always asks me to bring as much as i can. Has to be Cadbury's though :xxgrinning--00xx3:

jon richard
9th July 2011, 17:35
Very good about the C C block
Graham I have had problems like that in
England. !! Not good
Does a cadbury Flake bend before the mouth
Due to heat ........???

9th July 2011, 17:38
meadowhall is like your corner shop compared to the mall of asia

Maria B
9th July 2011, 17:48
:Hellooo: jon,

U may visit Philippines for 21 days without a visa....then if you enjoy your stay u may extend arrange a 38 day visa waiver extension (P3,000 plus) I don't know how much it is now. I'm from Cebu & my husband just had it process through my Dad's office (travel agency for Php1,500, year2008). You may check the bureau of immigration in Manila.

You may bring Traveller's cheque & have it change to Philippine National Bank of HSBC.
Cash is always convenient. Check always the exchange rate through Tele news, newspapers or nearby exhange rate store on £sterling pounds vs. Php1.
Credit cards is okay but must be expensive & u might have a surprise bill lols!
Declare enough money with you at the Heathrow airport (or any airport) enough for your travel. I forgot. How much we declare when we went for a holiday to visit my family in the Philippines last year. But if you have more to bring, make sure that you have a bank statement with you that shows it's your money. In our case, I brought my husband's business card & the heathrow airport police let us go :hubbahubba:
It's really your options.
Hope you have fun & enjoy the sun, sea & white sand. Month of August is not the bad to visit. One thing you always enjoy is the sun is always there. Always have water with you. Don't stay too long under the sunshine especially at 12 noon. Try our tropical fruits like mango, banana, pineapple & watermelon. Tastes like heaven. lols. Just like the Cadbury here it's so yummy compared to our Cadbury choc. Even Kitkat tastes heaven here compared the one in the Philippines. :icon_lol: I will not talk a lot & leave u all the mystery behind. :Rasp:
Good Luck and have a good stay in the Philippines.:Wave:

Maria B
9th July 2011, 17:50
sorry for some mistype words. I guess I need a cuppa. lols x

Maria B
9th July 2011, 17:58
What do filipinas prefer as gifts. ??
You girls out there.........your thoughts please!!
I don't see Chanel no 5 replacing insect spray !!!

:Hellooo: Hiya Jon,

it really depends on what the lady's interested in. If she loves chocolate. I agree w/ the Cadbury :Jump: Jean Paul Gaultier if she's into scent but Chanel 5 is not bad. Kate Moss smells heaven too. If she's into clothing, give her the Next or River Island website for her to choose. If she's petite she's ok with size 8. Cellphone/Shoes/ bag/ watches....oh bloody helll, sorry about the long list hahaha. But this is only an idea. Nothing to worry. You may ask her & find my list as options. For sure she will love chocolate. MMMM cadbury roses too :Cuckoo:

9th July 2011, 18:28
Keep the chocolate cool.

Rowntrees/Nestle chocolate factory is located in my town (York), so I can tell you that a different formulation and packaging is used for exports to foreign (hot) countries. That's partly why the candy you buy in the Phils tastes different. :)

Our factory is also responsible for the invention and manuacture of the biggest selling chocolate bar in the world...Kit Kat, plus of course, Aero, Polo mints and many other famous brands. :BouncyHappy:

Maria B
9th July 2011, 18:40
Keep the chocolate cool.

That's partly why the candy you buy in the Phils tastes different. :)

Hiya Graham,

I agree...the milk itself made the choc in the UK tastes so heavenly. One reason is that the products is mostly from the US. As part of our history, we were once under American Regime so you will not be surprise of some american products displays from the shop. But my hubby is a brummie and Filipinos are fond of Cadbury & Nestle as well. Now I can identify a Cadbury or a kitkat/ aero/ polo if its a from the Phils. or from the UK :laugher:

9th July 2011, 18:43
Well if it's a British- made one you brought on the plane, you'll probably be needing a drinking straw. :D

Maria B
9th July 2011, 18:58
Well if it's a British- made one you brought on the plane, you'll probably be needing a drinking straw. :D

lols. If it's from England, it must be good :Jump: I love english tea & trifle too...now we're having fish & chips for dinner :Jump:

9th July 2011, 19:21
Chocolate perfume and more chocolate and as suggested Cadburys.
A friend of mines wife saw a bar of Cadburys i had in my case last year in Manila and nabbed it, i had no chance of ever getting it back!:icon_lol:

Maria B
9th July 2011, 19:25
Chocolate perfume and more chocolate and as suggested Cadburys.
A friend of mines wife saw a bar of Cadburys i had in my case last year in Manila and nabbed it, i had no chance of ever getting it back!:icon_lol:


9th July 2011, 22:28
lols. If it's from England, it must be good :Jump: I love english tea & trifle too...now we're having fish & chips for dinner :Jump:

That's funny, because I've just cooked Chicken Adobo for me and my boy. :icon_lol:

Also, we have dozens of packs of 'Lucky Me' Pancit Canton', because my son only likes that brand. :)

Maria B
9th July 2011, 22:46
That's funny, because I've just cooked Chicken Adobo for me and my boy. :icon_lol:

Also, we have dozens of packs of 'Lucky Me' Pancit Canton', because my son only likes that brand. :)

:Hellooo: i luv lucky me pancit too. but we have english set up at home & my husband only likes lechon :Jump: but during my first trimester, I was craving for all Filipino foods. & I've got to cook Filipino foods although the taste is different. Must be the meat or the water & the sauces & my husband got no choice but to eat it :D :hubbahubba:

jon richard
12th July 2011, 20:45
thank you all so much for the advice thats been given so well..Lots of choc then in a n insulated package..Declare money hundreds of gifts and ill buy my clothes when i get there as my baggage allowance was used up!!!!! can see its going to be fun on here thanks everyone:Hellooo::Wave:

12th July 2011, 21:02
thank you all so much for the advice thats been given so well..Lots of choc then in a n insulated package..Declare money hundreds of gifts and ill buy my clothes when i get there as my baggage allowance was used up!!!!! can see its going to be fun on here thanks everyone:Hellooo::Wave:

Baggage allowance:Erm: In time you will learn that isn't for you, it is exclusively for gifts for your lady and her family:icon_lol: Good job it's hot out there, all you need is a pair of shorts a couple of T-shirts and some flip-flops:xxgrinning--00xx3:

jon richard
12th July 2011, 21:06
getting the picture thanks Englishman.

Is there much baggage theft...????
What are the customs people like about laptops and things:Help1::Help1:

12th July 2011, 21:15
getting the picture thanks Englishman.

Is there much baggage theft...????
What are the customs people like about laptops and things:Help1::Help1:

I'm sure baggage theft goes on at most airports and hotels in the world at some times. I've been to the Phils 7 times and never had a problem with anything being stolen, but it's still wise to be careful and keep your baggage locked with a good quality padlock or combination lock.
I've taken a fair amount of surplus old electronics equipment out there (laptops, cameras, phones...etc) and never had a problem. If you're taking brand new boxed equipment you might have to declare it:Erm: but if it's second hand and as long as it's only one of each item, it shouldn't cause you a problem.
Be on your guard for helpful Police and Security guards looking for tips or souvenirs. they can spot a white man 100 yards away and will bend over backwards to help you, and will usually ask you for a tip at some point. It's at this point that I suddenly forget how to speak English (BTW, I've found it helps to tell them you are Norwegian, as it's a pretty safe bet they can't speak the lingo:icon_lol:)

12th July 2011, 21:16
Is there much baggage theft...????
What are the customs people like about laptops and things:Help1::Help1:

my bf who's now my husband keeps it with him (rucksack) whenever he goes to the Philippines:xxgrinning--00xx3:

12th July 2011, 21:17
Take valuable stuff in your carry-on, though personally I've never had anything go missing (touch wood).
Customs normally very straightforward...often don't bother at all (inbound to Manila).

Travel light regards clothing...very cheap to buy there, and good quality.

Shoes above size 9 can be hard to find though.

Bear in mind that the average man there is around 5'4". :)

12th July 2011, 21:18
getting the picture thanks Englishman.

Is there much baggage theft...????
What are the customs people like about laptops and things:Help1::Help1:
Never had a problem Mate.
Even though it is very third World by our standards the airports are full of rich Japanese and Koreans etc and many high income Fillipinas will have all the gadgets too so its certainly not rare to see them, just watch your gear outside the airport but there is always security and police about. Make sure you grab a metered taxi and most of the decent hotels have security too and you will feel safe. Just keep your wits about you at all times in Manila, there are scams etc but generally i have a good time in the main parts of town with no worries really at all. The golden rule is to not act like a tourist but a guy that "has seen it all before."

12th July 2011, 21:22
Speaking from experience myself and also for the majority of forum members here.
Your lady friend will be very protective of you and will be anxious that you have a good time and she will know all the pit-falls inside out of a foreigner { kano} being in her country thats why you will be really looked after i am sure by her and her family.

jon richard
12th July 2011, 21:23
Thanks guys and girls
sounds as per normal i may have imagined a little too wildly, sounds quite civilized!!
thanks for the quick responces:xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3:

12th July 2011, 21:24
What do filipinas prefer as gifts. ??

I dont usually require a particular gift,...am more than happy to see my bf now husband safely arrived but when we get home his ''special luggage'' needs to be unpacked :D:Rasp:

jon richard
12th July 2011, 21:26
thanks jimbo sort of had that idea and hoped it would be like that with the lady..
Sound remark

jon richard
12th July 2011, 21:27
you mean the dried fish....:NoNo::NoNo::NoNo:

12th July 2011, 21:34
sounds as per normal i may have imagined a little too wildly, sounds quite civilized!!

If you stick to the tourist areas around Makati and MOA you'll find it very civilised and Americanised. These areas have feel of Singapore or Hong Kong mixed with America about them, very civilised and you can easily forget you're in a third world country

Arthur Little
16th July 2011, 00:55
had just thought of trav. cheks

:reaction: ...

Mate!! do not take travellers cheques. Hardly anywhere cashes the things

And also because the ONLY place I know of that DID - and MAY still do - is 'Metrobank' ... and they'll charge "an arm and a leg" for the privilege! :doh

Arthur Little
16th July 2011, 01:32
Anyway, Jon ... a somewhat belated :welcomex: from me. Folk of our generation are rather "thin on the ground" here (as is my "thatch" :D - on top!). It's quite a mission you've set yourself ... and you have my best wishes !!! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Arthur Little
16th July 2011, 01:47
Now I can identify a Cadbury or a kitkat/ aero/ polo if its a from the Phils. or from the UK :laugher:

:yikes: ... these commodities cost a small fortune in the Phils ... because they're imported!

16th July 2011, 14:50

Enjoy your travels I don't think I can add anything other then best wishes really. I've been to Manila a few times now and have always enjoyed it there but I rarely speak out in public for avoiding unwanted attention and I always let my Mahal do the chit chat!
I've carried a lot in my luggage and hand luggage never had a problem and my first trip I had xbox 360, two laptops two iPads pretty expensive camera and had no issues.

Have a good trip I'm heading over around 20th august and will be in Manila for a few days.
