View Full Version : Ielts.....

11th July 2011, 11:48
had a long way journey just to register for IELTS....test date is on july 30,2011.any good tips from those who had taken the test will be very much appreciated!tnx

11th July 2011, 12:02
have you tried the free ielts test online my fiencee doing just thathttp://www.examenglish.com/its all here good luck

11th July 2011, 12:19
I had my IELTS last week..here's a detailed description of my General Training exam...

Speaking: (for 15 mins)
- First part was questions regarding personal stuff..she asked me my name, description of my house, my favorite place in the house, and what would i want to change if given the chance..
- Second part was related to my travel experience..she asked me to speak for two minutes about the longest travel i had which i didn't expect, why did i go there and with whom..
- Third part was questions related to second part and travelling..she asked me questions like if i would go back to the place again, what season/weather i like the most when travelling, if climate in the Philippines is changing and what causes it if it does, why people nowadays go on long travel, what are it's advantages and disadvantages, what should the government do that would make travelling/commuting better, do you think bicyles are popular here as means of transportation and it's advantages & disadvantages if it'll be used as means of transportation in small communities..

- a 40 item exam for 40 mins about anything under the sun, like call conversations, conversations between professor and student, and advertisements about a place or event..type of question are fill in the blanks and multiple choice..

- Topics to read was about the advertisements, a newspaper article and one was an article about sheep :D..it is a 40 item exam too for 1hr and type of question is multiple choice.

- First part was writing a letter to a friend regarding the new city you transferred to because of one training course you'd attend to, describing where you live, what you like about the course, and why should your friend take the course too..it should be composed of atleast 150 words and should be written for 20 mins..
- Second part was writting a 250 words essay..the topic was about historical places and buildings, the reasons they are destroyed and damaged, and what should be done to protect these historical buildings from damaging..it should be written for 40 mins..

Just remember that General training exam is different than Academic exam with regards to Reading and Writing..also topics vary in every exam dates so don't expect we'd have the same topics..Examinees for General and Academic take exams at the same time too, they just have different booklets to use..i hope this helps and good luck.. :) i still have to wait for my result on July 22. :)

11th July 2011, 13:16
..i hope this helps and good luck.. :) i still have to wait for my result on July 22. :)

goodluck rayna with the results of the IELTS :xxgrinning--00xx3:

thou i dont think you need it :rolleyes:

11th July 2011, 13:46
thanks rayna for a wonderful reply and a special thanks to Hawk who always replys with a helpful answer:Wave::xxgrinning--00xx3:

11th July 2011, 13:48
goodluck rayna..i know you will:xxgrinning--00xx3: make it:)

11th July 2011, 14:16
thanks guys! :D if i don't pass, maybe Keith is right..that i don't speak the 'correct' English! :doh hahahaha :icon_lol:

11th July 2011, 14:26
:Dbut its not just about speaking the "correct english" i think:rolleyes: its how you learn the english language..but it seems your doing well rayna..my intuation says you will pass definitely:xxgrinning--00xx3::Jump:

11th July 2011, 14:34
thanks moy! :D

11th July 2011, 15:00
You speaka da Americish :xxgrinning--00xx3:

11th July 2011, 15:33
cape de americano:xxgrinning--00xx3:

11th July 2011, 21:18
Best wishes rayna.
There's no doubt that you'll get the best outcome :xxgrinning--00xx3:

12th July 2011, 01:28
thanks terpe! :)

12th July 2011, 01:36
hi everyone:) i'm also having problem with the IELTS test :doh i'm currently attending review on NINERs. I'm still waiting for my passport. i will get it on aug.08 i hope i can have my test by aug 25. i'm applying for fiance visa and we already have schedule for our civil wedding on ot.24. i hope i can be there before oct.24:doh

22nd July 2011, 16:22
...i still have to wait for my result on July 22. :)

well i just checked my test results online, and I got an overall score of 7..so that means I can speak English! :omg: :D

22nd July 2011, 16:34
:cwm24::Dcongratzzzzzzzzzz Rayna..soon youll be the QUEEN:icon_sorry::D:xxgrinning--00xx3:
BTW well done you:xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3:

22nd July 2011, 19:54
well i just checked my test results online, and I got an overall score of 7..so that means I can speak English! :omg: :D

Me too send my very best congratualtions :xxgrinning--00xx3:

It's always nice to get a good pass.
Yep, now you can OFFICIALLY speak English :icon_lol:
God Bless

29th July 2011, 10:51
well i just checked my test results online, and I got an overall score of 7..so that means I can speak English! :omg: :D

didnt know that you can track the result online....can you give me link pls?...tnx in advance!

29th July 2011, 11:00
well i just checked my test results online, and I got an overall score of 7..so that means I can speak English! :omg: :D

Brillant!! Congratulations Rayna Girl:xxgrinning--00xx3:;)

29th July 2011, 11:04
had a long way journey just to register for IELTS....test date is on july 30,2011.

good luck to your mahal:xxgrinning--00xx3:

29th July 2011, 13:29
tnx sars!

29th July 2011, 17:10
@toging: here's the link https://results.ielts.org but you can check for the results 13 days after the exam :)

@mari: thanks mari girl!..but Keith is still teasing me about how i pronounced lots of the words since it's the American English i know eversince i can remember..:doh

29th July 2011, 17:28
@mari: thanks mari girl!..but Keith is still teasing me about how i pronounced lots of the words since it's the American English i know eversince i can remember..:doh

american english:icon_lol:

american english

sorry it didnt work was trying to put a video in

29th July 2011, 17:31
....test date is on july 30,2011...

Very best wishes for your great result. :xxgrinning--00xx3:
God Bless

29th July 2011, 17:31

9th August 2011, 22:26
thanks fr posting raynaputi its a big help to a person needs help...
I had my IELTS last week..here's a detailed description of my General Training exam...

Speaking: (for 15 mins)
- First part was questions regarding personal stuff..she asked me my name, description of my house, my favorite place in the house, and what would i want to change if given the chance..
- Second part was related to my travel experience..she asked me to speak for two minutes about the longest travel i had which i didn't expect, why did i go there and with whom..
- Third part was questions related to second part and travelling..she asked me questions like if i would go back to the place again, what season/weather i like the most when travelling, if climate in the Philippines is changing and what causes it if it does, why people nowadays go on long travel, what are it's advantages and disadvantages, what should the government do that would make travelling/commuting better, do you think bicyles are popular here as means of transportation and it's advantages & disadvantages if it'll be used as means of transportation in small communities..

- a 40 item exam for 40 mins about anything under the sun, like call conversations, conversations between professor and student, and advertisements about a place or event..type of question are fill in the blanks and multiple choice..

- Topics to read was about the advertisements, a newspaper article and one was an article about sheep :D..it is a 40 item exam too for 1hr and type of question is multiple choice.

- First part was writing a letter to a friend regarding the new city you transferred to because of one training course you'd attend to, describing where you live, what you like about the course, and why should your friend take the course too..it should be composed of atleast 150 words and should be written for 20 mins..
- Second part was writting a 250 words essay..the topic was about historical places and buildings, the reasons they are destroyed and damaged, and what should be done to protect these historical buildings from damaging..it should be written for 40 mins..

Just remember that General training exam is different than Academic exam with regards to Reading and Writing..also topics vary in every exam dates so don't expect we'd have the same topics..Examinees for General and Academic take exams at the same time too, they just have different booklets to use..i hope this helps and good luck.. :) i still have to wait for my result on July 22. :)