View Full Version : Possibly working in UK

16th July 2011, 16:50
Hi everyone I am Cesar working as a systems analyst. I joined this group because if everything goes right I may be working in the UK after a few months.

I have an offer from a company in the UK and they will be applying for a CoS this August.

Right now, I want to know the chances of getting a CoS and the entry clearance after that.
I want to get an idea of any potential reasons for refusal.

I hope you guys can share your thoughts.

Thanks in advance.

16th July 2011, 18:54
Are you sure you are not being scammed, it is almost impossible for non-europeans to come to work in the UK. Who offered you the job? How were you made aware of the job, have they asked for money to get you a visa? Please give more info so we can determine if this is genuine. :Erm:

16th July 2011, 20:21
Take a look here it may help you (http://www.ukba.homeoffice.gov.uk/workingintheuk/tier2/general/)

Although it is true that there is some sort of review scheduled for this summer(August) any employer who offers employment to a non-EU migrant worker needs to jump through quite a number of hoops in order to prove that there are no suitable candidates from UK or EU.

I just really doubt that a vacancy for a Systems Analyst would fall into this category. Unless very highly specialised.

My only advice to you would be to say do not send any money to the prospective employer or their agent. Do not supply any bank details.

Hope the above link will answer some questions.

16th July 2011, 22:24
Hi Cesar.

I totally agree with Terpe on this.

Do not send anyone money .:NoNo:

Agencies and employers in this country do NOT charge for their services if the agency, the company, the vacancy and the job offer is genuine. The employer pays the agency.

If it is a Philippines-based agency that has come up with this job prospect, I would seriously re-consider wasting your time and money with them too.

Arthur Little
16th July 2011, 22:28
Hi everyone I am Caesar

:cwm24: ... are you descended from Julius ?

Arthur Little
16th July 2011, 23:06
Seriously, though :rolleyes: ... if you've had occasion to study Roman history, you'll have discovered that Brutus - the warrior in whom Caesar placed implicit trust - ultimately turned out to be the man responsible for the Emperor's assassination. He was a traitor ... in other words ... just as surely as Judas Iscariot was to betray Jesus Christ less than a century later.

What I'm saying is: DON'T place YOUR trust in this [purported] job offer ... it has all the makings of an elaborate SCAM ... and DO NOT - in ANY circumstances - part with even one peso of your hard-earned cash! :nono-1-1:

Arthur Little
16th July 2011, 23:27
it has all the makings of an elaborate SCAM ...

... believe me ... WE KNOW ... we've seen it ALL TOO OFTEN!

:icon_sorry: if I come across as a grumpy :olddude: ... it's just that we're keen to protect our members against being "taken to the cleaners" with this sort of thing. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Arthur Little
16th July 2011, 23:30
:) Having got all that :yeahthat: "off my chest" ... :welcomex: to the friendly, online filipino/uk community.