View Full Version : First Child British Passport

25th July 2011, 15:02
Hi again everyone..We have collected the documents needed for my daughter's British passport aside from the last requirement which is the mother's antenatal/postnatal/delivery notes;scans and ultrasound from the hospital. I don't have it anymore. I lost the delivery notes when we moved here in the Philippines. My daughter was born in England and we need her passport the soonest time possible...what shall we do? Does my husband need to go back to England for it to get a copy from the hospital? Please advise

25th July 2011, 15:03
my daughter's 5 years now by the way. She used a Philippine passport then because I wasn't married to her dad when I gave birth but we got married here in the Philippines 5 years ago

26th July 2011, 11:57
you canjust request it from the hospital in the UK. u can ask somoneone to do that for you or you can call the maternity clinic where u gave birth.in my case, we photocopied my green book before returning it to the GP then when we needed it to be certified by the hospital he just took the photocopies and midwife wrote that it is from the original.but maybe on your case, u have to request a copy or just a letter, im not sure but better call the maternity unit where u gave birth.

26th July 2011, 17:01
thanks gift..i asked my sister to do it for me..i'm here in the Philippines now and just wanna ask, is that document necessary? i got everything else aside from that like the birth certificate both the short and full version given to us when me and my husband registered our daughter's birth in England...this is because we are in a hurry to get our daughter's passport...we wish to lodge the application before my husband's Philippine visa expires..as we have not a lot of money for his visa extensions

Maria B
26th July 2011, 21:18
:Hellooo:hi there mssmatanong...

hope all is well with you.
it's good u have somebody in the uk to enquire about a copy of your green book/ birth docs from the hospital/midwife. better have their contact details as well to email or personally phone them that u need them papers as soon as possible. If photocopied, have it certified correct from the doctor/midwife. It will be more costly if your hubby will come to the UK to process it all.

wish u all the luck.:Wave:


27th July 2011, 07:46
if they require it, then it must be necessary for you to submit that document. you dont want any delays as it will be process in hongkong so better submit all the requirements.tell your sister to go directly to the maternity clinic where u gave birth and tell them you need it ASAP.

27th July 2011, 18:18
yeah i suppose so...the request has been sent but it will take 20-40 days to get here in the Philippines..longer than we expected :-(

28th July 2011, 04:22
why that long? your sister can just scan the documents and email it to you, u can then print it out, thats what we did with ours.you can have it in seconds and there, job done!

28th July 2011, 06:20
ok I'll ask..my sister said they'll post it straight to me here in the Philippines..maybe that is why

28th July 2011, 06:20
thanks gift

29th July 2011, 03:52
ask your sister to get it from them then scan and email it to you. i hope you'll get it all sorted out soon.