View Full Version : Tolerance......

26th July 2011, 20:39
I am truly perplexed that so many of my friends are against another mosque being built in the UK. I think it should be the goal of every Britain to be tolerant. Thus the Mosque should be allowed, in an effort to promote tolerance. That is why I also propose that two nightclubs be opened next door to the mosque, thereby promoting tolerance from within the mosque. We could call one of the clubs, which would be gay, "The Turban Cowboy ", and the other a topless bar called "You Mecca Me Hot. Next door should be a butcher shop that specializes in pork, and adjacent to that an open-pit barbeque pork restaurant, called "Iraq o' Ribs." Across the street there could be a lingerie store called " Victoria Keeps Nothing Secret" with sexy mannequins in the window modeling the goods. Next door to the lingerie shop there would be room for an adult sex toy shop, "Koranal Knowledge ", its name in flashing neon lights, and on the other side a liquor store called "Morehammered." All of this would encourage the Muslims to demonstrate the tolerance they demand of us, so the mosque problem would be solved.

26th July 2011, 20:45

sounds amicable to me:xxgrinning--00xx3:

26th July 2011, 21:01
Very funny with serious undertones... I'm pretty sure you would never see anything like that unfortunately..
We're on a losing battle..

26th July 2011, 21:02
Love it:xxgrinning--00xx3:

26th July 2011, 21:14
such is the power of the minority

26th July 2011, 21:15
What about all the off-licences owned by Muslims ?

Bloody hypocrites. :rolleyes:

26th July 2011, 21:20
What about all the off-licences owned by Muslims.

Bloody hypocrites. :rolleyes:

i dont go in them now, due to being discriminated against for being english

26th July 2011, 21:40
The Bird Feeder

I bought a bird feeder.. I hung

it on my patio and filled

it lovingly with seed... It was indeed a beautiful bird feeder.

Within a

week we had hundreds of birds

taking advantage of the

Continuous flow of free and

easily accessible food.

But then the birds started

building nests in the boards

of the patio, above the table,

and next to the barbecue.. Then came the bird sh * t. It was

everywhere; on the patio tiles,

the chairs, the table ...

everywhere! Then some of the birds

turned mean. They would

dive bomb me and try to

peck me even though I had

fed them out of my own


And other birds were

boisterous and loud. They

sat on the feeder and

squawked and screamed at

all hours of the day and night

and demanded that I fill it

when it got low on food.

After a while, I couldn't even

sit on my own back porch

anymore. So I took down the

bird feeder and in three days

the birds were gone. I cleaned

up their mess and took down

the many nests they had built

all over the patio.

Soon, the back yard was like

it used to be ... quiet, serene

and no one demanding their

rights to a free meal... Now let's see .......

our government give out

free food, subsidised housing,

free medical care, and free

education and allows anyone

born here to be an automatic


Then the illegals came by

the millions. Suddenly

our taxes went up to pay for the

free services; small flats

are housing 5 or more families; you

have to wait 6 hours to be seen

by a doctor in an emergency surgery

because it is filled with illegal non tax payers;

your child's year 12 class is

behind other schools because

over half the class doesn't speak


Corn Flakes now come in a

bilingual box; I have to

'press one' to hear my bank

talk to me in English, and

people waving flags other

than 'The Union Jack' are

squawking and screaming

in the streets, demanding

more rights and free liberties.

Its just my opinion but:

maybe, just maybe,

it's time for the government

to take down the damn bird feeder.

if not,

continue cleaning up the sh*t!

26th July 2011, 21:55
oh bird poop i hate it :laugher:

26th July 2011, 23:34
Excellent Tawi. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Don't forget the 'overstretched' maternity services due to the rapidly increasing birth rate. :rolleyes:

26th July 2011, 23:41
Everything is stretched mate I'm sad to say I wish I wasn't in the uk except for being close to my folks again and seeing my son a bit more frequently.
The things going on here would not be tolerated in any other country I expect.

But it isn't gonna get better is it:Erm:

For these reasons I'd love to go back to the corruption of Malaysia!

26th July 2011, 23:44
I believe in time the worm will turn:xxgrinning--00xx3:

26th July 2011, 23:52
In Norway it already has. :cwm3:

I'm sorry to say that what happened there is a rather extreme and tragic example of what may become more commonplace in the future.

26th July 2011, 23:52
I copied this
After watching the footage and listening to the opinions I am untterly appaled that people in the UK are protecting the ‘right’ to wear a Burka. It is not a ‘right’ to wear a burka that these women have, it’s an obligation. These women are supressed, subordinated and at the mercy of dictatorial men who have created religious laws at their own discretion. Whilst these women are isolated from having the freedom of an identity and to feel the sun on their face and the wind in their hair, they must cover themselves in head to toe. It’s time to wake up and listen to the sense that the French Government are talking and to appreciate their gusto at actually taking charge of this exasperating and disgraceful farce that women living in Western Societies in 2010 are covering themselves up, whilst men wear shorts and t-shirts and drool over the western women in summer dresses and jeans. Before long if the soft and weak governments like ours in the UK, continue as they are, the whole of Europe will be wearing Burkas and be at the mercy of the Shariah Law. This is Britain and we have the right to protect our culture. If people want to live in Britain, then please come here, work for a living and obey our rules like we do. That’s a democracy.

27th July 2011, 00:40
What about all the off-licences owned by Muslims ?

Bloody hypocrites. :rolleyes:

:icon_lol: $64000 question - it's puzzled me for years

27th July 2011, 00:46
to appreciate their gusto at actually taking charge of this exasperating and disgraceful farce that women living in Western Societies in 2010 are covering themselves up, whilst men wear shorts and t-shirts and drool over the western women in summer dresses and jeans. Before long if the soft and weak governments like ours in the UK, continue as they are, the whole of Europe will be wearing Burkas and be at the mercy of the Shariah Law.

How about the sexual grooming of vulnerable underage white girls by Pakistani muslims that is becoming prevalent in some British towns and cities ?:angry:

27th July 2011, 08:51
The radical anti-Muslim views espoused by the perpetrator of the Norwegian massacre, which left 76 people dead, have focused attention on the Nordic country's small yet burgeoning Islamic community. Islamic congregations in Norway had about 99,000 registered members in 2010, up 29% since 2005, but still a tiny fraction of a total population of 4.92 million, according to Statistics Norway.

Out of the 600 people on the island when Mr. Breivik began shooting, an estimated 70 were Muslim. Authorities have yet to say how many of them were killed or whether they were specifically targeted.


“Give a man a fish, and you'll feed him for a day. Give him a religion, and he'll starve to death while praying for a fish.” :rolleyes:

27th July 2011, 08:58
Some of the news channels here in the Phil are referring to the Norway scumbag as a 'Christian Fundamentalist' which is the correct term as we use 'Muslim Fundamentalist' for terrorist attacks committed by Muslims. You won't here the former term being used in the West though :rolleyes: :crazy:

27th July 2011, 09:10
Some of the news channels here in the Phil are referring to the Norway scumbag as a 'Christian Fundamentalist' which is the correct term as we use 'Muslim Fundamentalist' for terrorist attacks committed by Muslims. You won't here the former term being used in the West though :rolleyes: :crazy:

i heard on the Beeb news mention he was a 'Christian Fundamentalist' and on the beeb website

"We have no more information than... what has been found on [his] own websites, which is that it goes towards the right and that it is, so to speak, Christian fundamentalist."


but your right, if he was a 'muslim fundamentalist' it would have been in the headlines and title.

Muslim, christian or whatever fundamentalist, to me all fundamentalist are all :crazy::Cuckoo:

27th July 2011, 09:14
too many people afraid to be UN PC by stating they have christain beliefs and practices...shall we have a winter festival or christmas this year

South-east boy
27th July 2011, 10:45
Very funny Tawi2! :icon_lol:

Read this in the paper today:

TWO asylum seekers are demanding a £100,000 payout - so they can take their two kids on holiday.
The married couple are suing the UK Border Agency for "discrimination" and claim their family cannot live on £181 a week in benefits.
In a High Court writ, Afram and Bibi Ismail say they should get an extra £50 a week each in handouts.
Arguing their children have been "deprived of their rights", the writ states: "Their parents cannot give them enough books, toys, food and holidays which every British child is entitled to.
"Mr Ismail tried to call the UKBA to get the money paid but was always harassed and mentally tortured. He was being victimised."
Mr Ismail, who has TB, has lived in the UK for seven years after fleeing what is thought to be an African country. He says he is a human, "not an animal".
His wife has lived in Britain for four years and both the couple's children were born in this country.
She had surgery at a private hospital paid for by the NHS and tried to have her travel expenses reimbursed.

She also wanted to take a law degree but was told she did not have the right to study. The couple, who live in London, say their human rights have been breached.
The writ goes on: "The claimants are asking for damage caused to their family, career, and children's future."
Last night the UKBA said: "Those with no right to be here should return home. We reject this claim and will fight this case in the courts”.

27th July 2011, 10:58
Very funny Tawi2! :icon_lol:

Read this in the paper today:

TWO asylum seekers are demanding a £100,000 payout - so they can take their two kids on holiday.
The married couple are suing the UK Border Agency for "discrimination" and claim their family cannot live on £181 a week in benefits.
In a High Court writ, Afram and Bibi Ismail say they should get an extra £50 a week each in handouts.
Arguing their children have been "deprived of their rights", the writ states: "Their parents cannot give them enough books, toys, food and holidays which every British child is entitled to.
"Mr Ismail tried to call the UKBA to get the money paid but was always harassed and mentally tortured. He was being victimised."
Mr Ismail, who has TB, has lived in the UK for seven years after fleeing what is thought to be an African country. He says he is a human, "not an animal".
His wife has lived in Britain for four years and both the couple's children were born in this country.
She had surgery at a private hospital paid for by the NHS and tried to have her travel expenses reimbursed.

She also wanted to take a law degree but was told she did not have the right to study. The couple, who live in London, say their human rights have been breached.
The writ goes on: "The claimants are asking for damage caused to their family, career, and children's future."
Last night the UKBA said: "Those with no right to be here should return home. We reject this claim and will fight this case in the courts”.

well we will see if Cameron has the balls to do what he says, up to now, more than 1yr in charge, he's done little but talk, article 8 should not apply if the person has committed a crime, a sovereignty law to protect the UK from Brussels - where is it Cameron ? and what happen to the referendum on the Lisbon treaty and EU Constitution :NoNo:

benefits are suppose to be enough to survive on, not for going on holiday :D, my misses works and can't afford to go back to the phils :NoNo:.

i don't think UKBA victimized them, i hope they would tell everyone to :censored: if they asked for more :rolleyes:

if she doesn't have the right to study, then she shouldn't have the rights to claim benefits.

no need to fight it in court, just get them on the next plane and they can claim all they want back home, see how far they get :rolleyes:

27th July 2011, 11:01
Too true.:xxgrinning--00xx3:

27th July 2011, 12:35
We clearly show the scum of the earth what a soft touch and walkover we are, you really can't blame them for flocking to the UK. As Joe says Cameron needs to get a grip and act.

27th July 2011, 12:39
Yes he needs to show some guts and soon before he looses the opportunity:)

27th July 2011, 18:33
Politicians are full of wishbone they need backbone


27th July 2011, 20:21
They're full of crap. :rolleyes:

27th July 2011, 22:31
They're full of crap. :rolleyes:

Yep can't argue with that chap!