View Full Version : advice needed....n help too as well

27th July 2011, 16:35
i am employed as a domestic helper to this family since April 2009 in Singapore, and they brought me here last May 2010. According to my knowledge, i am doing my job with sincerity and honesty. Though I am not paid, I do work during public holidays or even Sundays when they needed me. I said to myself, it's ok atleast with these things I can pay them back of bringing me here. Another reason is that I am not able to go anywhere during my off coz no bus service during Sundays, so just to keep myself alive, i do some works here at home. :bigcry: ..

One time I asked my boss about National Insurance and he told me, he didn't apply, so I asked who will apply, and he said, I have to apply for myself that's why i booked my appointment. The problem is this, I am working here more than the required hours/day, 6days/wk with less pay, no NI/tax, so I decided to discuss these things with them when they come back from holiday. He knows the law better than me that's why I trusted them, thinking that they will follow what's in there, but they broke my trust. If we can't come up to good deal then what will happened to me :bigcry:. I don't know anyone here since I didn't go anywhere since I arrived here last year. I just went once to Oxford City when I have my theory test, to Solihull when I renewed my visa and to London when I got my OEC..

Will anyone wants to adopt me :hubbahubba: <joke>...

I am planning to find another employer but I want to leave this family without any problem. I don't want to runaway either coz I don't know where to go or if come to worst, I don't want to be a beggar in one of the street of London......
please advice is badly needed..:Help1:

27th July 2011, 16:46
Sorry, lets get this right ..... you came here with them in May 2010, and they don't pay you ?

Are they sending you, or paying for you to attend college ?

This is akin to slavery, and possible people trafficking.

Can I ask what nationality are your employers ?

27th July 2011, 16:51
I suggest you read this article

This is the Kalayaan site, I think you should contact them

27th July 2011, 16:59
thanx for ur reply bluebirdjones..well, all my papers r ok, i've applied in Singapore with all the docs that my employer provided, so i got a valid visa <domestic helper> n was renewed. He's paying my salary but not hourly basis that's why i want to discuss these things with him as soon as they arrive from holiday..i do try visit these sites that you've given to me for some info..thank you very much indeed.

27th July 2011, 17:10
Granted that your papers are "in order", but there are rules that your employer must adhere to ..... so do read those links, and call them for some advice.

Good luck.

27th July 2011, 17:33
hi janoo and a warm welcome to you, im sorry to hear of your employment problem, but its good that you still have a sense of humour, i hope you are able to sort things out, no one should be treated this way,good luck and god bless you

27th July 2011, 18:16
thank you very much bluebirdjones..

hmmm, my employers r brits...

27th July 2011, 18:21
thank you very much imagine..
i hope u imagine how terrible to live in a jungle like this,away from civilization <if u exaggerate> that u only see rabbits n some sort of animals..:icon_lol:
well, though, tough time comes like this, i need to keep going n take things positive otherwise i landed to MH <mental hospital>..thank u very much indeed..GOD BLESS U TOO..:)

27th July 2011, 20:34
Will anyone wants to adopt me :hubbahubba: <joke>...:

if you can do all this :balaicoule::ironing::hoovering::laundry::78718::caddy: who could refuse to adopt you :Erm:

joking aside
check out the links Bluebirdjones gave you, let us all know how you are getting on:xxgrinning--00xx3:

27th July 2011, 20:40
they are suppose to be paying you the minimum wage, and you could change employer if you had suffered abuse or exploitation, regardless of whether their employer was here as a visitor or in another capacity. i dont know what evidence you could gather, maybe keeping a dairy of times and dates you have to work.

27th July 2011, 20:41

You really MUST check the links provided by BBJ below.

I suggest you read this article

This is the Kalayaan site, I think you should contact them

You can contact Kalayaan by post:-
St Francis of Assisi Community Centre
13 Hippodrome Place
London W11 4SF

By Telephone:- 0207 243 2942
By Fax:- 0207 792 3060

or by direct e-mail at the contact page here:-

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