View Full Version : Its Complicated (at least i think so!!)

30th July 2011, 15:32
hi, i hope i can get some reliable advice here, please! I am a UK citizen and I met my gf in Hong Kong last year, where she works and i was visiting, we have stayed in touch and chat every day on the phone. We decided to get married and plan to do so in September in the Phils. I want her to come to live in the UK, but realise there are a lot of obstacles in between that. What is my starting point? which is the best way to get her here? thanks

30th July 2011, 16:37
hi there well were to start, if you have never been to the phils to meet her family yet well i would start right there,

Arthur Little
30th July 2011, 17:39
:Hellooo: ... and :welcomex: to the Filipino/UK Forum.

In an ideal world, a Visitor Visa would seem the most logical means of bringing your girlfriend to the UK ... principally, to sample, and adjust to, our Western culture - which is markedly different from that to which she's hitherto been accustomed in the Far East.

However, Entry Clearance for short stays here, is notoriously difficult to obtain. And the reason for this sad state of affairs, is basically twofold:

1. Strenuous efforts have, in recent years, been made by the UK Government to combat past, persistent abuses of the Visa System by foreign visitors who overstayed their welcome and failed to return home within the timeframe of their visas ... leading, in turn, to:

2. Many of those overstayers eventually running out of the wherewithal to support themselves whilst in this country - and thereby claiming Public Funds [State Benefits] contributed to by British taxpayers.

But enough of my waffling on. I see you plan to marry in the Phils ... a very sensible option, since it means your wife-to-be can apply for a Spousal Visa through the British Embassy in Manila. Depending on her qualifications - which I imagine are likely to be fairly high when she's already working in Hong Kong - it's possible she may be exempt from the preliminary English Language Tests that were introduced in November last year. As for the rest of the procedure, I'd like to "cut to the chase" by recommending a thread compiled by one of our Trusted Members, 'Ricky R' in September 2010. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Arthur Little
30th July 2011, 17:50
hi there well were to start, if you have never been to the phils to meet her family yet well i would start right there,

:gp:, Steve ... *family life is all important in the Philippines, :iagree: ... and *this is something I should've included! :rolleyes:

30th July 2011, 17:52
your cannot remember everything Arthur, thats why we are just behind you helping:xxgrinning--00xx3:

30th July 2011, 17:54
i think with the true lady who is looking for love and a partner, there family is so important and if they are not included in messages to each other , i would start to wonder if she is the right one, i did not realize until i met emma how important her family are to her

30th July 2011, 18:28
yes, what sir steve and sir arthur said was all TRUE... Filipinos lived in a very close family ties and so we value our family and its good that you should know her more and her status here in the philippines. You should meet the parents too and the rest of the family before getting married. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

30th July 2011, 18:47
thanks for the replies. I appreciate it a lot. Although i look forward to meeting Jen's family, she has not actually lived in the phils for 11 years, spending 8 years in singapore and 3 in hong kong, so i dont think she will be as tied to the family as some of your experiences. Arthur, how can i access the thread you referred to? thanks again

30th July 2011, 19:09
you may have to write a few more times to use the advanced search in the top right hand side of this page, thats how you access the old threads:)

30th July 2011, 20:26
Hi, and welcome. :)

Does your girlfriend have children in the Phils ?

I would also recommend that you visit the lady in the Phils, and her family, BEFORE getting married.

As far as UK visa requirements for bringing her here go, you need to start keeping written evidence and photos of your relationship, make sure you're in a reasonably-paid steady job (employed status) or have accounts if self-employed, and ensure that you have a bank account that hasn't been showing an overdraft for at least 6 months preceding your (wife's) visa application to come and join you here. That's for starters.

Be prepared to cough up several thousand pounds for the whole procedure.

30th July 2011, 21:47
no, Jen has no children. I am in a good job so that is not a problem. I guess i dont really grasp the emphasis on meeting her family, i have met Jen in Hong Kong, and as i mentined has been working away for most of the past 11 years, so although i will be meeting her mom and sisters and brother in september, i dont know why it would influence our plans for the future. HELP!!! thanks again

30th July 2011, 21:51
It is quite unusual for OFWs to be working away for so long, who aren't doing it to support CHILDREN. ;)

30th July 2011, 22:04
i know 100% that she has no children, i am the one who has.

30th July 2011, 22:09
It is quite unusual for OFWs to be working away for so long, who aren't doing it to support CHILDREN. ;)

My wife funded the education of 6 siblings during her long time away. Not cheap. And not always appreciated.

30th July 2011, 22:12
as we have stated on here , you have to prove that you have had contact with each other over so long a time, pictures , phone calls, letters and so on, a bank account a job, and prove that you can keep her, if as you say there has been comunication between you and you have proof then thats where you start

30th July 2011, 22:20
Hi there drexl_spivey, welcome to the forum.

Solely in 'technical' aspects, your best starting point would be to visit and review the UKBA website and understand the listed requirements and supporting documentation needed to secure the settlement visa.
You will then be in a much better position to seek any help or clarifications needed to achieve your stated goal.
Plenty of people here followed the very same route you are now contemplating.
You will find genuine help and support from genuine people.
Good luck.
PS: There is a very strong chance that the settlement visa rules will be changed April 2012. The requirements will not get any easier for sure. From what is already known it will be much tougher and much stricter. Might be worth to have your 'down-date' plan within the next 8months.

Arthur Little
30th July 2011, 22:31
Arthur, how can i access the thread you referred to? thanks again

I'm sorry :rolleyes: ... it looks like I may have been a wee bit premature in mentioning Ricky's thread. Reading over others' responses, I am reminded that - with you being a newcomer to the site - it might not, after all, be possible for you to use the 'Search' facility at this early stage. But not to worry, I was in a similar situation at the time I first joined ... after meeting the Filipina who ultimately became MY wife. So ... if you could allow me a little longer to refresh my memory as to all you will need to "take on board" when applying for the visa, I'll get back to you either tonight or tomorrow. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

30th July 2011, 23:11
Arthur, how can i access the thread you referred to? thanks again


Arthur Little
31st July 2011, 00:13
Ah ... I see one of our other Trusted, helpful and experienced Members has kindly provided a link to Ricky's *highly recommended thread. *It's proved a real boon to folk applying for Settlement ... and can be perused in conjunction with the UK Border Agency website.

Just a quick reminder: Don't forget to check with UKBA vis-a-vis Jen's position as regards the English Language testing requirements. Good luck to you both ... and please keep us updated.:xxgrinning--00xx3: