View Full Version : Civil Wedding well done!!!

4th August 2011, 12:28
congratulations,, 1st tip change your status on here to MARRIED lol OTHERWISE your hubby might go hmmmppphhhh.

4th August 2011, 12:33
Great news, congratulations :Jump::Jump:

4th August 2011, 12:34

Arthur Little
4th August 2011, 12:51
Great news, Maricris :Jump: ... Congratulations to you and John on your recent :wedtoss: Most of us here, can fully empathise with how you both feel at having to carry on separately - albeit temporarily! For now, it might be worthwhile having a word with your local Civil Municipal Registrar to ascertain if there's any way in which the [original] copy of the Marriage Certificate can be verified quickly by the NSO in order to expedite the submission of your visa application. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

stevie c
4th August 2011, 13:04
Great news conghratulations to the both of you :xxgrinning--00xx3:

4th August 2011, 15:00
Thank you Sir Arthur Little.

Sneeky devil, you never told us you had met the Queen :Rasp::Wave:

4th August 2011, 18:24
Sincere congratulations to you both :xxgrinning--00xx3:

4th August 2011, 19:17
Hello Maricris,congrats to you & John on your wedding,i went thru the same process as you whereby after getting married i returned to UK and left my wife all the docs for her visa application,while she waited for the NSO marriage contract to be done we booked for her A1 English test and luckily she passed first time so her certificate & the NSO marriage contract were done at roughly the same time

Anyway thats my piece of advise good luck with the application

4th August 2011, 20:14
congratulations Maricris and john :Jump:

4th August 2011, 20:21
congrats to you both:xxgrinning--00xx3: