View Full Version : Restoration of Hanging Petition

4th August 2011, 16:11
Sign the Govt ePetition demanding a Parliamentary debate on the restoration of hanging :xxgrinning--00xx3:


4th August 2011, 16:18
If it gets over 100,000 signatories it will at least be discussed along with any others that get this number by a back bench comittee and then maybe if selected it will make one of the 6 slots left in the parlimentary year. BUT We need to sign the GET OUT OF EU one first as EU members signed up to no death penalty :doh:doh:doh just another reason to get out

4th August 2011, 16:55
They will never bring it back no matter how many names on list:NoNo:

4th August 2011, 17:15
Politicians are supposed to represent the views and wishes of the people who voted them in,get out of the EU is the one I would sign unhesitatingly,but with the amount of eastern europeans who have flooded us its rather like shutting the stable door after the event sadly :Erm:

4th August 2011, 17:17
how about chopping off a thief's hands and stoning adulterers to death:Erm: It's accepted in other parts of the world:rolleyes:

4th August 2011, 17:22
Politicians are supposed to represent the views and wishes of the people who voted them in,get out of the EU is the one I would sign unhesitatingly,but with the amount of eastern europeans who have flooded us its rather like shutting the stable door after the event sadly :Erm:

True but the system doesn't work like that if 99% of the population voted for hanging but only 49% of mp's then you would not get it brought back:NoNo:
Although they represent us they make their own decisions based on their own beliefs and conscience.

4th August 2011, 17:23
how about chopping off a thief's hands and stoning adulterers to death:Erm: It's accepted in other parts of the world:rolleyes:

If the thief steals for greed then yes why not chop his hand off:xxgrinning--00xx3:

4th August 2011, 17:23
True but the system doesn't work like that if 99% of the population voted for hanging but only 49% of mp's then you would not get it brought back:NoNo:
Although they represent us they make their own decisions based on their own beliefs and conscience.

.....and what the Whips tell them to do....that's democracy for you:NoNo::rolleyes:

4th August 2011, 17:27
If you don't ask you don't get - for the sake of a few clicks I'm going to sign it

String 'em up http://forums.netphoria.org/images/smilies/dead.gif

4th August 2011, 17:35
If the thief steals for greed then yes why not chop his hand off:xxgrinning--00xx3:

I fully understand what you're saying Les, and part of me wants to agree, but on the other hand (pun intended:icon_lol:) I can't agree. For all of the UK's problems and liberal/left wing ideals, what sets us apart from certain parts of Africa, Middle East and Asia is that we are civilized and by and large we treat everyone with humanity and respect. Sure, it leads to people taking liberties with our sense of fairness, but we have to accept that for the good and freedoms of the majority of the law abiding population. For all the daily rags say when they sensationalize Uk crime figures, the UK is still a safe country, and whilst corporal and capital punishment may be a good deterent in Singapore/Malaysia ...etc, we have a long history of good human rights and a fair judicial system.
I'm on the fence on this one, I'm not convinced any form of corporal/capital punishment works. However, I am in favour of much longer jail terms in filthly rat/roach infested hell holes with nothing more than stale bread and one's own urine to drink:xxgrinning--00xx3:

4th August 2011, 17:39
String 'em up
Couldnt we make it more visually exciting like :Erm: Burning alive :xxgrinning--00xx3: or madame guillotine :xxgrinning--00xx3:
and what about audience participation like stoning :xxgrinning--00xx3: pay-per-view executions of serial killers,pedophiles,rapists and bent coppers would pay off the national debt :icon_lol:

4th August 2011, 17:40
how about chopping off a thief's hands and stoning adulterers to death:Erm: It's accepted in other parts of the world:rolleyes:

Muslim prisoners are given Halal, Food access to Imans etc - I'd like to see this compassionate attitude extended with Sharia type punishments being dished out to Muslim groomers and drug peddlers

4th August 2011, 17:41
Couldnt we make it more visually exciting like :Erm: Burning alive :xxgrinning--00xx3: or madame guillotine :xxgrinning--00xx3:
and what about audience participation like stoning :xxgrinning--00xx3: pay-per-view executions of serial killers,pedophiles,rapists and bent coppers would pay off the national debt :icon_lol:

Sounds OK in theory, but the problem is that Sky would outbid everyone and then no one would be able to see it unless they subscribed at £50 PM or whatever they charge these days:rolleyes:

4th August 2011, 17:41
Ok signed it:)

4th August 2011, 17:42
Ok signed it:)

Well done Les you know it makes sense :)

4th August 2011, 17:44
Muslim prisoners are given Halal, Food access to Imans etc - I'd like to see this compassionate attitude extended with Sharia type punishments being dished out to Muslim groomers and drug peddlers

That would be a much better idea for a petition than the hanging one:xxgrinning--00xx3:

4th August 2011, 17:46
I fully understand what you're saying Les, and part of me wants to agree, but on the other hand (pun intended:icon_lol:) I can't agree. For all of the UK's problems and liberal/left wing ideals, what sets us apart from certain parts of Africa, Middle East and Asia is that we are civilized and by and large we treat everyone with humanity and respect. Sure, it leads to people taking liberties with our sense of fairness, but we have to accept that for the good and freedoms of the majority of the law abiding population. For all the daily rags say when they sensationalize Uk crime figures, the UK is still a safe country, and whilst corporal and capital punishment may be a good deterent in Singapore/Malaysia ...etc, we have a long history of good human rights and a fair judicial system.
I'm on the fence on this one, I'm not convinced any form of corporal/capital punishment works. However, I am in favour of much longer jail terms in filthly rat/roach infested hell holes with nothing more than stale bread and one's own urine to drink:xxgrinning--00xx3:

It's not civilized to steal either and as for human rights it's totally abused.
I would be compassionate if it was for a starving family as opposed to the stealing of a plasma TV just for greed or drugs money,but as the Saudi guy i picked up recently told me that you could leave your car unlocked all night and no-one is going to touch it.
Why can't we have that deterrent here :)

4th August 2011, 17:47
We could have public-executions on saturdays in football grounds,a tenner to watch would be far,far cheaper than paying extortionate prices to see overpaid,over-idolised prima-donnas whose only talent in the world is kicking a football about and you could always bury the dead on the pitch afterwards :) or stage gladitorial games with the convicted crims having-at each other,last man standings death sentence commuted to life imprisonment :Erm:

4th August 2011, 17:49
i think the punishment should fit the crime,
i believe in having stocks in every town and village centre,the offender to be put in one where he commited the offence,a plaque above the stocks displaying his crime, let those local people he offended decide

4th August 2011, 17:52
We could have public-executions on saturdays in football grounds,a tenner to watch would be far,far cheaper than paying extortionate prices to see overpaid,over-idolised prima-donnas whose only talent in the world is kicking a football about and you could always bury the dead on the pitch afterwards :) or stage gladitorial games with the convicted crims having-at each other,last man standings death sentence commuted to life imprisonment :Erm:

I always thought the Chinese had something going for them at football games, wheeling in the condemmed at half time, parading them round the pitch with a notice on them stating their crimes, then driving them off to a bit of wasteland and putting a bullet in the back of their heads.

4th August 2011, 17:59
then driving them off to a bit of wasteland and putting a bullet in the back of their heads.
I used to have a video called "Executions",I am sure one of the scenes on it was a truck pulling up on a chinese city streetcorner,it was old grainy black and white jerky footage,the guys were dragged off the back of the truck,knee'd in the back of the legs to get them onto the floor then shot very quickly and unceremoniously,they do it to politicians and officials who are corrupt,why oh why didnt we adopt the practice during the MP's expenses scandal :icon_lol:

4th August 2011, 18:00
We could have public-executions on saturdays in football grounds,a tenner to watch would be far,far cheaper than paying extortionate prices to see overpaid,over-idolised prima-donnas whose only talent in the world is kicking a football about and you could always bury the dead on the pitch afterwards :) or stage gladitorial games with the convicted crims having-at each other,last man standings death sentence commuted to life imprisonment :Erm:

Sounds like a great idea....can we start with the current Chelsea and Man City squads:xxgrinning--00xx3:

4th August 2011, 18:07
I used to have a video called "Executions",I am sure one of the scenes on it was a truck pulling up on a chinese city streetcorner,it was old grainy black and white jerky footage,the guys were dragged off the back of the truck,knee'd in the back of the legs to get them onto the floor then shot very quickly and unceremoniously,they do it to politicians and officials who are corrupt,why oh why didnt we adopt the practice during the MP's expenses scandal :icon_lol:
I had it too it was for sale in WH Smiths til they realized it was real:omg:

4th August 2011, 19:01
I had it too it was for sale in WH Smiths til they realized it was real
Yeah,they withdrew it from sale PDQ :omg:

4th August 2011, 19:08
am signing it

4th August 2011, 19:18
'Stoning' belongs only in a society governed by sub-humans. :NoNo:

Chopping hands off would entitle the crook to Disability Living Allowance at the top rate, plus any other benefits that go with that. :rolleyes:

Leave the EU ? YES ! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Hanging in PROVEN cases ? (DNA, camera evidence etc). YES ! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Stocks/other forms of public humiliation ? YES ! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Don't forget the 'Jeremy Clarkson for Prime Minister' petition. :D

4th August 2011, 19:21
'Stoning' belongs only in a society governed by sub-humans.
Cant i even lob small stones at bent coppers and MP's?:NoNo:

4th August 2011, 19:23
No, I think hanging would be more appropriate in their cases. :)

4th August 2011, 19:25
another heart warming thread :D

4th August 2011, 19:27
Chopping hands off would entitle the crook to Disability Living Allowance at the top rate, plus any other benefits that go with that.

no because I would insist they sign for the benefits with the chopped of hand arm:D

4th August 2011, 21:27
They won't bring back capital punishment. Good thing too!

Our stance on capital punishment is what separates us from the less civilised countries and regimes in the world.

4th August 2011, 21:28
When I worked at the dole office in Harrogate, you'd have been surprised at how many signed their name with a cross (which I had to witness). :)

Not many with the pen between their teeth, admittedly. :icon_lol:

4th August 2011, 21:30
They won't bring back capital punishment. Good thing too!

Our stance on capital punishment is what separates us from the less civilised countries and regimes in the world.

Totally disagree. :)

The drunken and animal behaviour of a large section of our 'civilised country' every evening certainly separates us from the rest though. :NoNo:

4th August 2011, 21:33
Totally disagree. :)

4th August 2011, 22:35
They won't bring back capital punishment. Good thing too!

Our stance on capital punishment is what separates us from the less civilised countries and regimes in the world.


We are awash with drug related crime, paedophiles, groomers of teenage girls and a haven for the worlds scum and extremists - in your book that's OK as our misguided high morals put us a cut above many other nations.

Ticket to Singapore anyone ?

5th August 2011, 00:13
Well I agree with bringing it back where there is cast iron evidence.
There are far too many people living off our taxes protected by those vegetables called politicians sitting in a different country with their hands up the arses of British law makers telling us how to protect terrorists and the like.
That's a different argument I know but hand in hand with CP if it was re-introduced just maybe we could see a better way.
Alternatively why don't we ship em to Australia on a one way... Ah cos they now protect their Borders..damn. Well an island in the artic circle will do, dump em there (all convicted terrorists and murderers) and let the feckers fend for themselves. No tv's, snooker tables, drugs or liberties they removed from their victims...
We must remember the victims here, and only when one of us lose someone close to crime will we really understand how we will feel.

The way it is now - it's a travesty!!!!!!

5th August 2011, 00:16

Arthur Little
5th August 2011, 00:29
Hmm ... :rolleyes: ... think I'll "hang-fire" [pun intended] on this issue - for the moment! ;)

5th August 2011, 00:33

Arthur Little
5th August 2011, 16:13
another heart warming thread :D

:anerikke: ... well ... what do you expect ... gallows humour? :icon_lol:

5th August 2011, 16:18
A poll in The Sun shows 84% in favour of bringing it back.


Just think of it no more Huntleys, Bradys, Bellfields, Terrorists etc wasting our money being fed, watered and pampered in jail

5th August 2011, 16:36
No chance.

Only whining minorities hold any sway with government. :angry:

Arthur Little
5th August 2011, 17:44
Just think of it no more Huntleys, Bradys, Bellfields, Terrorists etc wasting our money being fed, watered and pampered in jail

Well ... since you put it like that :yeahthat: ... you've CONVINCED me :rolleyes: ... I'm with the "AYES"! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

5th August 2011, 17:49
Well ... since you put it like that :yeahthat: ... you've CONVINCED me :rolleyes: ... I'm with the "AYES"! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Well done Arthur - all that sneering bravado would become a brown mess on the floor when the judge puts his black cap on

Hang 'em high

5th August 2011, 17:57
Levi Bellfield would be no more :Wave:No appeals sitting on death-row for years,chinese style instant justice,we need a modern-day pierrepoint ;)

5th August 2011, 18:04
I would use a bungee rope too so it would take longer to snuff it and on the floor I would have lots of spikes for them to appreciate too before they are no longer with us:D

Arthur Little
5th August 2011, 18:16
Well done Arthur - all that sneering bravado would become a brown mess on the floor when the judge puts his black cap on

Hang 'em high

Problem IS ... each time I try - and I've already tried 3 times unsuccessfully - to sign the petition in accordance with the 'fields' required, I'm confronted by the jumbled-up anti-spam code which it's seemingly obligatory to unscramble. Wouldn't have thought my eyesight was THAT bad! :doh

5th August 2011, 18:52
Problem IS ... each time I try - and I've already tried 3 times unsuccessfully - to sign the petition in accordance with the 'fields' required, I'm confronted by the jumbled-up anti-spam code which it's seemingly obligatory to unscramble. Wouldn't have thought my eyesight was THAT bad! :doh

There is a small 'refresh' icon next to it if you cant read it and i think you can hear it too,just refesh til you can read it arthur-I struggle sometimes with them:)

Arthur Little
5th August 2011, 18:56
There is a small 'refresh' icon next to it if you cant read it and i think you can hear it too,just refesh til you can read it arthur-I struggle sometimes with them:)

Thanks, Les ... much obliged! :xxgrinning--00xx3: