View Full Version : tv adverts

6th August 2011, 11:09
just a moan here , last night watching a late movie and this as happened twice before, the adverts seem to be longer a full 5 minutes long and then the film between adverts was 15 mins, i cant recall this before i hought adverts was about 3 mins long, well i feel better now thats off my chest:)

Arthur Little
6th August 2011, 11:16
:iagree:, Steve ... although I'm surprised that the ads slots lasted so long at such an ungodly hour, especially when - apart from catering for say, shift workers - it's not exactly a peak viewing time. :NoNo:

6th August 2011, 11:19
thats my point Arthur, stupid 118 adverts 2 off, confused . com, and to make it worst they where the same adverts all the time

6th August 2011, 11:25
I get :cwm23: in the Phil when they run the same ad twice, straight after the first :doh

6th August 2011, 11:27
all emma watched was cooking programs over there and that idiot that eat the biggest food around:NoNo:

6th August 2011, 11:29
Movies in Pinas have X10 more ad-breaks cramming in X10 more ads,load of crap to be honest,and why do they shout during 90% of the ads?:rolleyes:

Arthur Little
6th August 2011, 12:08
why do they shout during 90% of the ads? :rolleyes:

:anerikke: ... good question! But they SHOUT here too!! :rolleyes: ... I'm thinking of ads like those for 'Land of Leather' ... featuring Ross Kemp. :doh

6th August 2011, 12:11
They do indeed shout here,but not in 90% of the adverts ;)

Arthur Little
6th August 2011, 12:27
'mean ... MY hearing isn't all that great - indeed, I often resort to using the subtitles in order to interpret what's being said during programmes. Not so, with the adverts, though :nono-1-1: ... I frequently need to turn the volume control down when they're on!! :23_111_9[1]:

6th August 2011, 12:31
Pinoy TV is typical 3'rd world crap,never once watched a program and thought "That was great" :NoNo: nowadays its filled with Homosexuals showcasing themselves,"Celebrity families" cramming in as much exposure as possible lest someone try and steal their limelight,and shows they have copied from the west :rolleyes: its total dross :rolleyes:

Arthur Little
6th August 2011, 12:37
Mind you :rolleyes: ... subtitles are bugger all use when the news is being televised! :NoNo:

6th August 2011, 12:42
I tell a lie,pinoy TV did once make me smile :icon_lol: when Kim Atienza was rushed to hospital with suspected dengue BECAUSE the simpering steve irwin wannabee had been advertising "Off" for months telling us each advertisement break just how good it was :laugher:

6th August 2011, 15:14
Sorry Steve cant say much....you know we dont have a telly yet so i just have to watch my eastenders and Darren watch his topgear on iplayer! :D:D

cant moan as theres no advert!!:):)

Arthur Little
6th August 2011, 17:50
Sorry Steve cant say much....you know we dont have a telly yet so i just have to watch my eastenders and Darren watch his topgear on iplayer! :D:D

cant moan as theres no advert!!:):)

That's alright, though, Clarice :rolleyes: ... at least you won't need to stump up a licence fee for an i-player. :NoNo:

6th August 2011, 18:05
Pinoy TV is typical 3'rd world crap,never once watched a program and thought "That was great" :NoNo: nowadays its filled with Homosexuals showcasing themselves,"Celebrity families" cramming in as much exposure as possible lest someone try and steal their limelight,and shows they have copied from the west :rolleyes: its total dross :rolleyes:

Agreed - there does seem to be a disproportionate number of uphill gardeners

6th August 2011, 20:53
there does seem to be a disproportionate number of uphill gardeners
I once watched a program in Pinas,it was incredible,about teenage and pre-teen gays prancing around wearing dresses and being overtly feminine :cwm24: the presenter was positively crooning at how "Cute" the kids were :NoNo: They actually seem to promote homosexuality far,far more than the west on their TV,crazy :NoNo:

7th August 2011, 06:35
I know the tv networks in the uk annouced that they where extending the ad breaks from 3 to 5 minutes. This is to increase revenue. It does make watching tv a pain though. What winds me up is when you get the opening credits to a show and then there is another ad break, like i can't go 60 seconds without some half arsed commercial catering to the lowest social demographic ramming some half baked product down my neck. :cwm23:

7th August 2011, 07:22
I record everything I watch on TV then can skip through the adverts :xxgrinning--00xx3:

7th August 2011, 07:24
i understand the need to make more revenue, but whos watching late at night other then me thinking i need 1 of those