View Full Version : Reconsideration!

6th August 2011, 17:51
If my mahal gets refused a visit visa, how does she go about having the refusal overturned e.g. how to reconsider?
We're so confident that she will get a visa but just like to know what we have to do to get a refusal overturned just in case.
I hear a reconsideration is much better than an appeal.
Thanks so much :)

Arthur Little
6th August 2011, 18:53
Nick ... as far as I am aware, refusals of Tourist/Visitor Visas CANNOT be overturned ... NOR can applicants appeal against the decision. :NoNo:

So ... it is vitally important that Ursula presents strong reasons for her proposed trip from the outset - otherwise she would need to re-apply. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

6th August 2011, 19:49
Thanks for that Arthur

6th August 2011, 20:05
I think a trip to the Phils is in order and I'm saving money for it. That's the only better option to go and see her :)

6th August 2011, 20:19
If you are planning a marriage in the future, then it is best for you to visit her.

6th August 2011, 20:41
Good choice there.
Her sister lives here in the UK and she hasn't seen her sister for 7 years and that's quite a long time. Would she be refused for that?

6th August 2011, 20:48
I think a trip to the Phils is in order
She is in Kuwait isnt she?Just pop over there.

6th August 2011, 20:50
Too hot over there in Kuwait now.

6th August 2011, 21:00
Too hot over there in Kuwait now.
Too hot to see the love of your life :Erm: Go in october when the temps start to fall,they have aircon indoors,she is surviving it I am sure you could also if you wanted too badly enough :Erm:

6th August 2011, 21:14
Yes could try to go in October and November. Yes she's surviving as her apartment and her hospital where she works is all air conditioned.
Another thing I'm a bit worried about is that her she hasn't seen her sister who lives in the UK for 7 years and I was wondering if it is a problem with her visa application?
Please help.
Thanks :)

6th August 2011, 21:28
I have to be honest Nick,sometimes your threads puzzle me :Erm: Ask your woman has is there a reason she hasnt seen her sis in 7 years,she is better able to answer that than anyone else :Erm: Book a flight to Kuwait for october and see her in the flesh :)

6th August 2011, 22:01
The reason she hasn't seen her sister is because she lives in the UK andmy mahal was away studying for her job in Kuwait. I'm sure things will go well and I mean she is her sister they deserve to see each other. I just miss her so much and she misses me so much too.

6th August 2011, 22:05
I just miss her so much
How can you miss someone you have never even met Nick,I am not being rude but that perplexes me,I just cant fathom that out :Erm:

7th August 2011, 10:29
get her sister to sponsor her if she can, she would probably have a better chance gettting a family visit visa than a VV, also you have more rights to appeal :D

7th August 2011, 10:32
have you spoken to her sister here in the uk , that may help answer some of your questions Nick

7th August 2011, 15:48
@Joe thanks mate and yes her sister will sponsor her. She won't be applying for the visa just yet.
@Steve, Y

7th August 2011, 15:48
@Steve, yes I've spoken to her sister and she's happy to sponsor her. :D