View Full Version : Shocking news!

12th August 2011, 12:58
My Girlfriend reported today that 5 kids have been kidnapped in the South Western town of Dipolog.
Shockingly snatched in an unmarked van.
Kids being targeted for body parts, eyes, kidneys etc! :omg:Allegedly this has been rife in Manila for quite some time!:NoNo::NoNo::NoNo:

12th August 2011, 13:01
:omg::bigcry: poor little souls, this world really is evil sometimes

12th August 2011, 15:47
Awful :angry:

12th August 2011, 18:12
Jimbo,its an urban legend spread from word of mouth and tsismis,they arent kidnapped for body-parts,I have heard the same thing when I was in central america,guy goes to party,given spiked drink,wakes up on waste ground with a crudely stitched wound where his kidney was,do a search on it,that legend has run all around the world,the easiest place to buy body-parts like kidneys is india,at least then your going to get a match in the hospital.

12th August 2011, 18:13
i cant bare to think about it, its the sort of thing you only expect of a horror film:NoNo::NoNo::angry::angry::angry:

12th August 2011, 18:14
Jimbo,its an urban legend spread from word of mouth and tsismis,they arent kidnapped for body-parts,I have heard the same thing when I was in central america,guy goes to party,given spiked drink,wakes up on waste ground with a crudely stitched wound where his kidney was,do a search on it,that legend has run all around the world,the easiest place to buy body-parts like kidneys is india,at least then your going to get a match in the hospital.

its not pick n mix then :laugher:

12th August 2011, 18:58
Jimbo,its an urban legend spread from word of mouth and tsismis,

I thought the same

12th August 2011, 18:58
Heres a link to a similar thread posted by Boy 5 days ago except in this case the snatchers were purportedly operating in Malabon and not Dipolog,its urban scaremongering like the legends of the chupacabra or springheel-jack,its scaremongering,no more no less,people hear the rumour and it grows and grows till its no longer a rumour but "Fact" :laugher:


12th August 2011, 19:29
,its scaremongering,no more no less,people hear the rumour and it grows and grows till its no longer a rumour but "Fact" :laugher:


It's a bit like when you're a teenage boy and grown ups tell you you'll go blind if you play with it too much:icon_lol: .......where's my white stick and golden retriever, I'm going for a walk:icon_lol:

Doc Alan
12th August 2011, 20:09
Jim, I've already posted facts about "body parts" / organ transplants twice in recent months, the last in the thread for which Tawi2 gave you the link :xxgrinning--00xx3:.

12th August 2011, 21:16
Thanks folks, i knew about this stuff going on in Brazil etc and i didn't want to sensationalize the facts. I will ask more tomorrow. My GF Maricris seems convinced the facts of this are right, i will report back.

12th August 2011, 21:25
I just did a quick search mate,rumour indeed,even found a newsreport of a guy who was arrested for spreading the hearsay


I have lots of contacts in Mindanao,got family members who are police officers including one who is very high ranking,never heard a thing from them about this,I will ask around for verification but gut-instinct is its usual backwater tsismis .