View Full Version : Looters - Sky News Special Tonight 7.30

12th August 2011, 19:09
4 or 5 masked teenage germs brag about looting. I hope Sky give their details to the Police who use voice recognition software to convict them

12th August 2011, 19:25
I won't be watching it, I'm likely to stick my fist through the screen when I hear the thieving chav scum trying to justify their actions:cwm23:

12th August 2011, 19:39
I won't be watching it, I'm likely to stick my fist through the screen when I hear the thieving chav scum trying to justify their actions:cwm23:

I saw a 5 minute condensed version at lunchtime, the vile scum are sickening.

BTW I deal with a Co in Enfield one of their delivery drivers told me this morning on Sunday night his wife had seen a woman (IC3) with brazenly walking along with a pushchair loaded with boxes of trainers and a flatscreen tv. He said the Sony Warehouse is still smouldering, fire service pumping water out of the river and it reeks around there of burnt plastic.


String 'em up http://i208.photobucket.com/albums/bb1/opsphillips/hang.gif?t=1242002863

12th August 2011, 19:50
One of them is 16,he calles his ghetto "The Block" he was only looting to provide for his family,he has a small son so he stole nintendo wii's and top range trainers,tracksuits etc,he and his four chums toured the riot sites over the course of 2 nights filling a transit van,they showed a bedroom packed with boxed goods,they are now telling how its the governments fault as they are not helped by those in parliament :doh Those yoofs eh? :rolleyes:

12th August 2011, 20:06
:laugher:One of em just stitched himself up saying he targeted Comet as he sent the a CV and heard nothing-Dumb Ass:D

12th August 2011, 20:10
their reasons (based on what you say here in the forum) are either soooo funny or annoying!!! :doh

12th August 2011, 20:11
They are telling how they needed to loot to survive :doh I wonder who pays their rent,council-tax,bills,food,clothing etc,they havent a clue about real empty-belly no-shelter no-hope survival :rolleyes: I always say these plastic-Gangstas who drone on and on about life in Da Ghetto's should be taken sans clothing and cash and plonked down in the middle of a REAL Calcutta slum or Brazilian favela,they wouldnt last a week in a real ghetto ;)

12th August 2011, 20:12
:laugher:One of em just stitched himself up saying he targeted Comet as he sent the a CV and heard nothing-Dumb Ass:D

I heard that at lunchtime Les - but on the subject of CV's they bang on about them seemingly thinking that some pidgeon ghetto English printed on the back of a fag packet should give them the right to a job. No doubt the Comet manager has a big nail on the wall of his Kharzi where he sticks all the so called "CV's"

12th August 2011, 20:23
They lack any concept of bettering yourself through work and are just scum.
It's ingrained in their comments and I have no-idea how you would change it.
I would like to see if you put them on a weeks trial doing some hard labouring work just to test their willingness to work, they would say .... it after a day.

12th August 2011, 20:32
I would like to see if you put them on a weeks trial doing some hard labouring work just to test their willingness to work, they would say .... it after a day.

When the mood suits them they don't mind putting some muscle into the task - it must be hard work lifting a dozen 50 inch LED TV's out of a Curry's window:rolleyes:

12th August 2011, 20:33
send em down the salt mines